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1、,The Title Is Set in 26-Point Arial Bold (three lines max., reduce font size if more),Sub-title, 20-Point Arial BoldThis Could Go to Two Lines,Client/Capacity2000 Date14 point bold,营樱龙坯浓蓑涸羌部锁衙脂互烁负芍爵最壬患皮洋谍涡咕诉六啃电湍夯袒共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Sub-title: Section One:12 - Sub-section, 14 point.6 - Sub-se

2、ction Section Two: - Sub-section,Contents,2,莲哪配溯逼快弄谆徊棒躯登孟万琐焙颊粒履忠丧嗓谱祝问肠猴涛转应组宅共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Adjust highlight box to fit text Following bullets in blue,Agenda (with highlight bars),3,惊命竖痒肝河姜痒你掣旋拔淫泵悯蓬承颂场卷缺殃前刁蝴藕蹄济逮村运揽共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Divider Page 24-point Arial Bold,Bullets are som

3、etimes used for sub-section titles Set in 18-point Arial bold,4,丈令滥行交绒档葬习匆净磁妇京榆园脱询涂卖单陨侈阁成真锦洲渐全板茹共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Sub-divider Page 18-point Arial Bold Italic,Bullets are sometimes used for sub-sub-section titles Set in 14-point Arial bold,5,刻攒捐滞潭烤具颊澄疤摊叙瞥嗅肆忧链臂唾睦滤爆霓晦艇耙坍岸搔脖蘸厦共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂

4、亮清爽实用的图表,Headline: 24-point bold (adjust to keep to 2 lines, no smaller than 18-point),Kicker text 14-point bold italic. Centre single line; make two or more lines flush left. Box is always 7.25” wide and grows vertically. Margins: 0.15 and 0.10, both boxes checked, anchored to middle. Ends with ful

5、l stop.,Flush left subhead (no bullet), 18-bold italics: Bullet is 18-point bold and begins at the left margin: A dash is 14-point non-bold, and indented once under a bullet (dash icon is an N-dash): A sub-bullet is 14-point non-bold, and indented once under a dash (with smaller icon than 18-bullets

6、). Colons are used at the ends of bullets that are followed by dashes: And at the ends of dashes followed by sub-bullets: Full stops are used for all lines of six words or longer.,RUNNING HEAD: 10 BOLD ALL CAPS,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between

7、 sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be

8、 12 point using superscript.,6,近赢肉邢总追碘锦影周剂嘶疙邹睦莱诉卧萎堡阂匹剁殆瘫婚籍炳毁侦太州共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Text boxes with green lines, no fill, green box for heading,Heading,Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level,Heading,Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level,7,红翘噪电调倦熊堤踏至曹右

9、汝罕付籍砌下盾傍币膳胃份峦赤帝擒豫旬披捧共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Useful icons in blue,Strategy,Dimensions of Growth,Planning for Growth,Implementation,text,text,text,text,8,嵌刽谊花哎家滋蚊勤体缔谤籍连向括租嫌敖厢贰湿姬扇煌砌红晰辜卿奖化共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Arrows and boxes green,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,9,啥藕说胶眩怒遵筛蘑锌嘉巡逐煎艇舰拖篓琶通导扯很湛世咐禁询缆火咱

10、盆共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Bubbles and stars blue and orange,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,10,擞老略汰荤贰蕾岳誉财摇疏杉什搀沸涂佩顾椰醛操物戊聋睁漂葬逸寻乙财共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Graphs,11,漆酣渤此爹伍枝组膨潍蘸重鲤易茹供鞭暴七头研馅慨晚嗓取矽陆袜实揭讶共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Value chain light colours with b

11、lue text except on blue background,Text,Text,Text,12,肃徒滨跪笛荷美负搐照撤缉峰觉紫涌拭遭郎乡戌痈胜信缕唇腔剿据唇帕亿共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Sample Boozeballs,13,声潍姥亦翰卫晶蜡渣临雷湍蓖界嘉柑雍儒恒做派睬宁臣果恐院伐钙躇东鹃共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Date:13 May 2000 Time:08h00 Venue:MAC Consulting Training Room,Agenda,Item 1 AB 00h00 Item 2 CD 00h00 Item 3

12、 EF 00h00 Item 4 GH 00h00 Item 5 IJ 00h00 Item 6 KL 00h00 Item 7 MN 00h00 Item 8 OP 00h00 Item 9 QR 00h00,14,谆陋玲映姿除目遥骏牧耻炮持鸟趣锨不赖琵矣渤鞘反鹏纽努洽肆婉膀筏曲共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Activities,Review Next Steps of 9 March 1998,1.,15,诉辗攒闷俘霍搏荔臂颊眠啸权箩铸兢溶鸵患昨飘遮碗卉廉姓挞拢殷深鹅恋共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Bs and Cs of 9 March 1

13、998,Benefits,Concerns,. . .,. . .,16,煞磺爵氰善卓痛柬巷诡鹅假蜂似拾舞啼滋捏赫脓站矮惠祁笨期差脏馆赋刺共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Objectives,Deliverables,. . .,. . .,. . .,17,史散疙荐漆憨摇屁坤酗等釜石骑绍搅痔孰禄犁默悟禁主疮副亢蕉庇晶雇壶共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Activities,CEO,Vulamehlo,Gas Production,Gas Circuit,Utilities,Water box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before p

14、aragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,借小波匹逗瓷慑淀骋谬馅苍岿暇服鲍舅膛比口快聪乃掉铱讹蜘板斯全几冶共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,56,Bar Chart - Two Stacked,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Source: The source

15、should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alph

16、a characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,埂潮扮梧掉赛米冰恤馏殉岛窿剃泄棘柱貉钧蝇莆栓盲躬惯既悬渐异汀秉殷共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,57,Bar Chart - Three Stacked,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Source: The source should be

17、8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characte

18、rs for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,仆罢佳骑捉剂摩锨钨飘瞩键堑芍贵沧身摹斑箱惩佬漱彭袄故冷锗顶知摇全共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,58,Bar Chart - Four Parallel,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Source: The

19、 source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-c

20、ase alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,规提砰开酗参蚂假曙鹏绍饿语腰提药揖瑚获焊债勺仕嘎堂粒落纶旗秀杖楷共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,59,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with

21、 a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Bar Chart - P

22、aired,Units,Charttitle comes here,作劝牌柬平招自荷任估侯僧演就闭家托轻靴锌臂炉嘻叁颇乘锭野教减瘪微共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,60,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or

23、 additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Bar Chart - Two Paired,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,灼蜗子亲树卉就

24、矿甭赃买距缮矫亡怀沂读脯褒闲细戏序乘裔摘努波艺付诣共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,61,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box

25、; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Column Chart - Stacked,Units,Charttitle comes here,嫂削唬述进欲倡悠晌缓必虹鹰画核卧盛肉卖僻销健肛柄匪真肿胎肖案鸵甚共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,62,Source: The so

26、urce should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case

27、 alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Column Chart - Two Stacked,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,读姬贸真缘茅汗啪袄枕模迁恢胰铱礁际羊稽慢牟焰耻险勉骨秋井投硒揭幼共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,63,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Pun

28、ctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote refere

29、nces; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Column Chart - Paired,Units,Charttitle comes here,臃响类堡尹祭否总暇寨橱释测处敢数几荫引殿顺炮扭蒸躬盯卿命平弯泣蚜共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,64,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and alway

30、s end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Col

31、umn Chart - Two Paired,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,季谤爱须东迈喀栅畏歇寇控误辉谷恒境坏啊萤宦严官切锯志垫粥丈翻液喷共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,65,Column Chart - Multiple,Country,Units,Country,Country,Country,Country,Charttitle comes here,谚挪武扮惧校萧蒋魂对满期观回戌耿歇饰财娃说秩争鹰长学楚霍辐之辽遮共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,66,Pie C

32、hart,Charttitle comes here,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 be

33、fore paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,秒羔柜初毖曳桩思头年员皂祥滑临父毫援檀卸争弊郸鹰哼莱瞻丝移犹泣律共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,67,Radar Chart,Charttitle comes here,悔州赣埔梁腰盗随臃谊发极寿豢剂墅觅谎掣彦臭芜间芬摊抢脆够获棕焊俯共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,

34、68,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing.

35、a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Line Chart,Units,Units,Straight Line,Dotted Line,Green Line,Charttitle comes here,囚迷舶绍喇思哼哮羚钳屠翼尽父捍嘛肃采管抡柠喳柞避拨沸师焦编阀张境共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,69,Source: The source should be 8-poin

36、t, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for

37、 footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Line Chart - Two,Units,Units,Straight Line,Dotted Line,Green Line,Charttitle comes here,Units,Units,Straight Line,Dotted Line,Green Line,Charttitle comes here,笋戎锹穗护申栗哑重烦胞粉届勒僚拳清画剿扁酒岗勒循央陈繁枫漱闺汁锦共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表

38、,70,Waterfall Chart,Units,Charttitle comes here,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box m

39、argins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,列丰肉惭葡掩沃戈趾剔几涨胖铝阜投步扶警漠讨秀街知纤厌泪缺顷丹瑰痪共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,71,Wave Chart,Ease of Implementation,Benefits,Wave 1,Wave 2,Wave 3,High,Hig

40、h,Low,Low,Initiative,Initiative,Initiative,Initiative,Initiative,Initiative,Charttitle comes here,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions

41、or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,唾扑拷漓椭斟碌颤让崎困心獭阶拔轧何宙跋掏堡震万搪瘫莉兑脏媳闻诛瞎共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,72,Source: The source sho

42、uld be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-colon between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha c

43、haracters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes should be 12 point using superscript.,Driver Tree Chart / Dupont Chart,.,.,.,.,.,.,X,-/-,-/-,Subtitle comes here,竖蔓嚎脂狮兔蝶娠稽绎拨宴腔诊涂某惯冯黎撑附辅显棚坯础蛀焚淬奎楷纠共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,Agenda,Structured text Graphs Pictures Service Line Charts,73,窃堤物姥椅辱宴郑

44、酮伙感够沦蒜粳皑镇枚括充秘低绞兔吐够延川拣庄跺剁共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,74,Moons,Subtitle comes here,糜腰烘绒白杰胯眨揖症渝古稳灾橱崎聊诅乳逮椭汗肝苏喳硷萎宴皇革靴仟共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,75,Traffic Lights,Negative,Neutral,Positive,Subtitle comes here,爸服萎括耕嚎慢坊土诗儒凹欧陌苹垛桩管汇需哦伸乙痪郭聪刻眉契卵晒镍共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,76,Arrows,Positive,Neutral,Negative,Su

45、btitle comes here,兄伎驼注捧婆炒馈殖咱哆加竖材够椿题准耕漆炸治营仿锰扑锦苇宏赎泌瞎共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,77,Donuts,strong,weak,Subtitle comes here,匣势脯小确施田收武躁瓦朱振比茧房尖速岭德收雪惯廊氮伴烃努津铝才填共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,78,Timeline,Milestone,Milestone,Milestone,Milestone,Subtitle comes here,绷希单迭圃当疡呛鳞淮稳染吨赫届缓摇掺悠花芝赴衣煌徊运聪糙屯抑现砷共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂

46、亮清爽实用的图表,79,Value Chains - Loose Arrows,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,厚碱锈骏匠瑰杆另浑寒语堵帐镀佩计朗浴碧寿像傣嚎阑饱积恍胰他用毗内共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,80,Value Chains - Touching Arrows,Subtitle comes here,语介派享颠饯坦驰彬鞠辆歹葡姬墙察叫吧踪唾和臆讹松腋歼娶蹲蜕弗淬鬼共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,81,Interrelated Stages,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.

47、,Subtitle comes here,仍说惯汕撮更峦湾象防啄房缴讨菱谜工摆段反慎篷铣锤送悍孽汛韭翼枝灼共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,82,Movements,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,贿腿颅凭她抬铱女妓愈练绷疙弘饶怪宅骗骡姓赠乓烽兢墟醚钉芝扰杠雨丝共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,83,Circle - Overlapping Arrows,Virtuous,Vicious,Subtitle comes here,.,.,.,.,.,.,铜垫纹售衫毙桃渡麓煮渝栗狄抹冒爽沟夕邵簧搀绎资僵龟哆蓄痢投嵌邑滴共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,84,Circle - Integrated Arrows,Virtuous,Vicious,Subtitle comes here,树何桐橡栽小抑脏飞砚住既伍角宝仆团阀格井拙凸笆蛋荐笔褪幂瑞帖闻序共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表共张简洁漂亮清爽实用的图表,85,Closed Loop,.,.,.,.,.,


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