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1、英语口语100句:情景对话(一) 情景对话(一)24、Whats your job?(What do you do?)你做什么工作?(你是干什么的?) 25、Im a secretary.我是秘书。 26、Where do you work?(I work in a company.)你在哪儿工作?(我在一家公司工作。) 27、What time do you start/finish your work?你几点上/下班?(我九点/五点上/下班。) 28、How do you go to work?你怎样上班? 29、I go to work by bike/underground/bus.我

2、骑自行车/坐地铁/乘公交车上班。 30、What do you usually do in the evening?你晚上通常干什么? 31、I usually read newspapers and watch TV.我通常读读报纸,看看电视。 32、Hello. Id like to speak to Mr,Smith.喂,我想请史密斯先生听电话。 33、Yes, speaking.我就是。 34、Im calling to tell you Id be very happy to come./I cant go to your party tomorrow我打电话来,是想告诉你我非常高兴

3、能来。/我不能参加你明天的联欢会。 35、Sorry, hes not here at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。 36、Can I leave a message?我可以留个口信吗? 37、Could you tell him to call me back?你能转告他,让他给我回电话吗? 38、Hold on, please.请稍等。 39、Sit down, please.请坐。 40、Please make yourself at home.请别拘束。 41、Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?(Tea, please.)您想喝茶还是喝

4、咖啡?(喝茶。) 42、How many children do you have?(Only one, a son/daughter.)你有几个孩子?(只有一个,是儿子/女儿。) 43、Would you try using chopsticks?你想试试用一下筷子吗? 44、Help yourself (to the dishes), please.请吃菜。 亚太城市市长峰会英语口语100句:情景对话371、Can I help you ,Sir(Madam)?先生(夫人),您想买什么? 72、Just a moment. Please.请稍候。 73、What size, please?

5、请问您需要什么尺寸? 74、Large(Medium/Small).大号(中号/小号)。 75、How about this one/pair?这个(付/双)怎么样? 76、Its of good quality.这是高质量的。 77、Would you like to try this/them on?您要试穿一下吗? 78、How much is it, please?(188yuan.)请问多少钱?(188元。) 79、Any discount?(10 percent.)打折吗?(9折。) 80、Its a fixed price.这是固定价。 81、We serve Sichuan f

6、ood.我们以川味为主。 82、Sorry, That table is reserved. Please sit here./Will this table do?对不起,那张桌子已经被预定了。请坐这边吧。/这张桌子可以吗? 83、Here is the menu. Sir.先生,这是菜单。 84、Would you like something to drink?你们想喝点什么? 85、May I take your order, please?请问可以点菜了吗? 86、How about Hot Pot?火锅可以吗? 87、Its our speciality.这是我们的特色菜。 88、

7、May I take this plate away?我能撤走这个盘子吗? 89、Ill be right back.我马上就来。 90、Shall I pack this up for you?我来帮你们把这个打包,好吗? 91、Let me take your temperature.让我给你量一下体温。 92、Whats wrong with you?你哪儿不舒服? 93、Wheres your injury?伤在哪儿? 94、When did it happen?什么时候发生的事儿? 95、You should have an X-ray taken first.你得先去拍张X光片。

8、96、Are you allergic to anything?你对什么过敏吗? 97、I need to check your back.我需要检查一下您的背部。 98、Here is you prescription.这是您的处方。 99、Take the medicine after each meal.每餐后服药。 100、Please come back in 3 days.请在3天后复诊。 26句常用英语口语http:/2005-7-4来源: 无忧考网 51T阅读: 15430 次 1. After you.你先请。 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。

9、2. I just couldnt help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldnt help it. 3. Dont take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。 生活实例: This test isnt that important. Dont take it to heart. 4. Wed better be off.我们该走了。 Its getting late. Wed be

10、tter be off . 5. Lets face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 I know its a difficult situation. Lets face it, OK? 6. Lets get started.咱们开始干吧劝导别人时说:Dont just talk. Lets get started. 7. Im really dead.我真要累死了。 坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, Im reallydead. 8. Ive done my best.我已尽力了。 9. Is that so? 真是那样吗? 常用在一个

11、人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. Dont play games with me! 别跟我耍花招! 11. I dont know for sure. 我不确切知道。 Stranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I dont know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. 12. Im not going to kid you. 我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Ja

12、ck: Im not going to kid you. Im serious. 13. Thats something. 太好了,太棒了。 A: Im granted a full scholarship for this semester. B: Congratulations. Thats something. 14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明! 15. Do you really mean it? 此话当真? Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David: Do you re

13、ally mean it? 16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙 17. I couldnt be more sure. 我再也肯定不过。 18. I am behind you.我支持你。 A: Whatever decision youre going to make, I am behind you. 19. Im broke.我身无分文。 20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。) Mind you! Hes a very nice fellow though bad-tempered. 21. You can count on it.你尽管

14、相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it. 22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。 当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时,就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面: Oh, dont worry. Im thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway. 23. That depends.看情况再说。 I may go to the airport to meet her.

15、But that depends. 24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。 25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。 当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。 26. Its a deal.一言为定 Harry: Havent seen you for ages. Lets have a get-together next week. Jenny: Its a deal. 这些口语很有用的呦,一定要记下来! 情景对话:如何用英语请客?Friends like to treat each other当你想请别人吃一个冰淇淋时,该如何说呢?很

16、简单,只要一句“Ill treat you to ice cream.”就行了。这天,Susan就请她的中国朋友Maymay和Lin到快餐馆吃饭。S: Here we are. This is my favourite place. M: How many times have you come here? S: I never counted.L: Id like to sit near the window.S: Please be seated. Its my treat today. M: Fast food restaurants are popular now. L: They are popular for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. S: What would you like to eat? L: Ill try a steak sandwich with a hamburger. M: Sounds good. I think Ill have the same. S: Want something to drink? L: Coke, please. M: A cup of hot chocolate would be fine.


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