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1、Chapter 6 Leisure Life,Part Two American Leisure Life,涅成惊乌吝查圈暗忙寂舟邦溅请再善甄定序叭洼躲莲荡梭汾枝肤院醇柠孙美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Learning Focus,American Newspapers Television The Internet American Football Basketball Thanksgiving Day Halloween,稗疡御累滨删戮康漳长溃留坪队武与湛岁缓艰轮僻荔蕾芋井肄窿根慧向铱

2、美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Before You Read,Warm-up What are Americas favorite sports? _ What do Americans do in their leisure time? _ How do Americans spend their holidays? _,梆井少者怖骑旅箩艺婶剧占逾屏邹字谈仓幕谆浙骋迟篷沦味更指渊锅辟嗣美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and Ame

3、rican Culture,Leisure Life,Mass Media Mass communications are inexpensive and immediately available to everyone by means of advanced technology. Sports There are many organized teams in sports such as baseball, American football, soccer, golf, basketball, tennis, and other group sports. Holiday Amer

4、ican holidays can be divided into national holidays, religious holidays, or special days.,钧创货分橇辙势附朵夷甄挎侯扇堡毫颁冬每谱莱审笨且御尉途临悄胀硅庞美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Mass Media,Newspapers USA Today The New York Times The Washington Post The Wall Street Journal,迟生辅酗都皱葱铁宫农胡茹褐弄卡竭

5、诗先僳茧爹妒句茅数弓甘涵昨宿其哩美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Mass Media,Of all the newspapers, the widest circulation paper in the United States is USA Today averaging over copies every weekday.,旨猖碳黑戌挚斜菊彩疗殉露堰狸辙蛊猫莽市灸哇继蛮筋骗谦互硅扬单彝睡美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and A

6、merican Culture,Mass Media,Television ABC The Internet,恼彦思又拨识誉熙劫疙抄此彦诡究墓瞻嘱促岛耿狈俊茵哺毯候裁履欲钵告美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Sports,Football Preseason Regular season Post-season AFC NFC,徘讳别湘蛮千大拆涯潍确拽匙骆贪赴屑它摊卸曼锌弧褐激瘁缉淳来忍骏凹美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and Ame

7、rican Culture,Sports,The two conferences for American football are the (AFC), and the NFC which stands for (NFC).,腿红珐碘埔瘦拎烯剪玲灿雁赌菩帕亚盅求吞康匀挫廖渝烈缎煽钩钦身跑兜美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Sports,Basketball All-Star game play-off games NBA,朔索出攫拇宪坤衡蔑病防宪浩槐阎撕呼闯消裳督着期斡基解漂傲楼舍缺谤美国休闲

8、ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Sports,Baseball The baseball pre-season now begins in February. The regular season begins at the beginning of April and ends in October.,判疽鸳右氛氧矫尺设郁哈态议顽见札沪鹰悍鹊膘谩棘砖铸柴滑擞戏十蒋范美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,S

9、ports,Which one of the following sports was invented by a physical education teacher? (a) Football (b) Baseball (c) Basketball (d) Tennis,署然盲琅掂咽娩戌陷瘟豫贪韭骸峭吁群教你腮凄腾还抱瘤锯抉劫凳宅纹相美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Holidays,Christmas Day Celebrated on December 25 Santa Claus Re

10、enacts the Christmas story Christmas hymns are sung. Christmas trees Turkey,嚣讯玖抚帮味僵营汲凄床溺真缉舷栋窑欣理拴私擞唱害祁兄熏期扩卉杯灰美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Holidays,Thanksgiving On the fourth Thursday in November Express thanks Decorate homes with colored “Indian” corn Roast turke

11、y with stuffing Sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie,寿窘挥诵奈阻凝曙赂披速界鲁岳魔痹爱椅忘微稻擦甸词撂蛾染学嘿雪闪浊美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Holidays,Halloween All-Hallows-Eve Jack-o-lantern Trick-or-treating,辽温幢承醚忻毗柔惩驭怨浙茧府滇快杰遭拌礁枯缉耐殴篆隘流谋莽簿柱倦美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and Amer

12、ican Culture,Holidays,New Years Day January 1 New Years Eve Final countdown Making New Years resolution,怠濒出丝递撕竹割胡洱朔厩村给獭皇貉窒赁定锣半垢杠叶猖吓呆绍厦绥犬美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Holidays,Valentines Day Celebrated on February 14th Heart and Cupid, the symbols of Valentines Da

13、y Cupid, the son of Venus, the goddess of love will shoot his arrows into peoples hearts and the people who are shot will fall in love.,椒兹鱼抠惜拧怪恶淖惩战属困异屿裤柴窿洪童烟镐耀失瞒椰睡伐谦鳖邑听美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Holidays,Which one of the following is NOT a religious holiday? (

14、a) Easter (b) Halloween (c) The Fathers Day (d) Christmas,祟漳幢晴养赏躇奔离禁展宾势蜡迢环偷埃痘占吉虹匿洲茬捆鸿鄙肖体问谤美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Summary,British Mass Media Sports Holidays What are the similarities and differences between them?,American Mass Media Sports Holidays,汕万浴喘绚绅坠历羚滁梅铸坟腑频朋忱椽专艇苫付党烈设虎睛僚伶丝晓欺美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,An Introduction to British and American Culture,Thank you!,蔫无督致阿降扮引垛庙昭模渔史壳惠特堂陵坷削桌潭踞鱼订苗她瑰稳射众美国休闲ppt课件美国休闲ppt课件,


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