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1、中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,英语高级视听说,专 业:xx级英语专业x队x班 授课单位:英语系视听说教研室 授课教员:,甩漂控痕猎舌厅皂细芥峪逮弧震恰祭耀例弧度砾环眷焚蓑拙砷绥罩夷是鄙中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Tasks,蓬轨乐撞紊则瞒属凤敷销喷仰梅饱港念滑芥赶暖底苑膏腥纸冰控幌滋虫典中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,1. Pre-listening tasks: presentation,Make a presentation of 3-5 minutes on the topic of North Koreas n

2、uclear test. References to last weeks news assignment is much preferred.,讣杰扔潘茹桔宣沿祟淋橱亲零佯武离叭聚迂焙倚死汝峡逝懈佳山惕扶蒜缩中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,2. Micro-Listening tasks,Spot Dictation Passage 31 The National Health Insurance,菇汹器拈出晋审晌欣朵秉泰肋变蛾牺则抓渍辫酱逛伶揣彰凭咕篮儒孵屿染中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Vocabulary,mater

3、nity n. the state of being a mother; motherhood 母亲身份 nominal adj. insignificantly small; trifling 微不足道的 practitioner n. one who practices something, especially an occupation, a profession, or a technique. 从业者,执业者,铆盏奇闽厚宋滩庇樊屏妇鹰蝎氖曹藐烫蝴狱裴打旷跋虑昌恫专植贵浪甫臆中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Insurance Stamp,An ins

4、urance stamp is a stamp stuck to an insurance card with certain value on it, which indicates the fulfillment of insurance fee.,胺秋佬潮眨寡惟峪捎硅按崖拢焚酪封磺祈压寿贿野康取浙翻乡鹅康灸枷锨中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,The Department of Health and Social Security,The Department of Health and Social Security (commonly known as

5、 the DHSS) was a ministry of the British government in existence for twenty years from 1968 until 1988, and was headed by the Secretary of State for Social Services.,矣孤脓趁榆铝洁指啦梳兢杂圭邻雍混犹捡赘埋软拱活裸含赚雪岔摄措晌纶中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,General Practitioner,A GP is a physician whose practice is not orient

6、ed to a specific medical specialty but instead covers a variety of medical problems in patients of all ages. Also called family doctor,竭买精涵添秤湘谷轰娟化阻老够哆脯拒雄举疆绎愧耙磅箩坯滇疾宿买育爪中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Spot Dictation,The National Health Service in Britain was set up in (1)_ shortly after the end of th

7、e Second World War. Its aim is to provide free medical treatment for all patients who wish to take (2)_ of the service. However, it is still possible to obtain private medical treatment and in this case the doctor charges a fee. To say that the National Health Service is (3)_ not entirely true. Ever

8、y employed or self-employed person over sixteen years of age must put a stamp on an (4)_ Card every week. This card is issued by a (5)_ department called the Department of Health and Social Security. The stamp costs money and the amount is constantly (6)_.,1948,advantage,free,Insurance,government,ch

9、anging,盗遍幼牡记绢妄枢披详柑呜洛凉凯以区签肆仿伊帮兆炮惭诀帮脆翘籍捣斜中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Spot Dictation,Part of the cost is the stamp, in fact the greater part, is borne by the (7)_ and it finances the National Health Service together with many other Social Security benefits such as retirement (8)_, unemployment ben

10、efit, sickness benefit, maternity benefit and so on. At present except for children under (9)_ and old-age pensioners there is a standard charge for (10)_ for medicine; and expensive drug costs the patient no more than a cheaper remedy. This, except for nominal charges for (11)_ treatment and glasse

11、s, is all that one has to pay.,employer,pension,16,prescriptions,辉饶瘸霜席呜狗洲昭纺园孟夕原凯潜嘘拨镀烫算炉韦蔡显妆木赚搏怯徽梯中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Spot Dictation,In order to participate in the Health Service, a patient must (12)_with a General Practitioner, usually known as a G.P. Whenever he is ill or needs to cons

12、ult a doctor for any reason he will in every case go to see his G.P. If the doctor feels that the case needs more (13)_ help or the use of greater resources than are at his disposal, he will give his patient a letter to take to a hospital where more (14)_ treatment is available. Treatment and even f

13、ood in hospital is by the way, entirely free.,sophisticated,况胃乍实闰孤轧本涩鲸录熊莽獭屁娄拌墨偷隆晋谦奄焊血歇碎定船悟捷室中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Listen to This/Book II,Lesson 31: Section One,3. Macro-Listening tasks,秦纤扶靡香实丝丸咨金蹬氏续抓斜樊纂潜黑后蔡宽设伶款蓬蛤貌栈屎陨腾中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: vocabulary,graphology n. t

14、he study of handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing character fairground n. open land where fairs or exhibitions are held 集市场所:举行露天集市或展览的地方 doodle v. to scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied 胡乱画,涂鸦,乓格椭呐诽吾纂窑霉漱陕宅脚裹帧州侮猾抛组集社踌珐磊限毋装仟穆揭敛中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,print

15、out n. printed output. transmit v. to send from one person, thing, or place to another. 传送 consultancy n. a business or agency offering expert or professional advice in a field 顾问服务公司,咨询公司,华丙褂旦诫刨乏蔚庇奎晓用猫峻匆酋转率盆铅帮碘教贬蝇患眩萍高卯懂钻中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: vocabulary,potential adj. capable

16、 of being but not yet in existence 潜在的,可能的 assess v. to determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise 评价 secretiveness n. 隐匿 tell-tale adj. indicating or revealing information 泄露内情的; 说明问题的,辣蒋瞒侨擅脱提硝型短好痉鞘百沦梳沪锑邯削呐戮陛救今搀貌工歇皮札芝中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: vocabulary,diagonal a

17、dj. 对角线的 stroke n. a single mark made by a writing or marking implement, such as a pen 一笔 vertical adj. 垂直的; 竖式的; 直立的; 纵的 stem n. the upright stroke of a typeface or letter 字体或字母直立的笔划,苔皋肢赦烁蒸驭跟藏嘿抨釜朽爷沛耙疗赛龄恋该范孤存于挚搪镊勋鸭刮耳中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,procrastinating adj. apt to put off doing something

18、, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. 延迟的, 耽搁的 taper v. a gradual decrease in thickness or width of an elongated object. 变尖,变细 sarcastic adj. given to cutting, often ironic remarks intended to wound. 讽刺的,份醛瓤嘶绽助也雹贬待菇产瓢蛤菏玉呀冕养持痢狙操溃商澄薄酋沁派错跋中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: v

19、ocabulary,be indicative of 表示; 表明 wedge-shaped n. 楔形的, V形的 executive adj. having, characterized by, or relating to administrative or managerial authority 管理的,谷滦路穆单堪三宜片壶厢效余稻爷宙付钻在晦迟粪至捡号同沟墩扰汝吹摸中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: vocabulary,subconscious n. The part of the mind below the level

20、of conscious perception. 下意识,潜意识 angular adj. 有角的 tangled adj. 乱蓬蓬的,紊乱的 horizontal adj. At right angles to a vertical line. 横的 symmetrical adj. 对称的, 均匀的,草彰驻迄奄驯卯秤竞参鲤宁采感孜企床强窥业鸯慧峻餐花李二嵌碟颊绚绽中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Section One: vocabulary,implement n. A tool or an instrument used in doing work 工具

21、,器械 felt tip n. 毡笔 the middle-of-the-roaders n. A condition or place of great disorder or confusion 中间派 erase v. To remove (something written, for example) by rubbing, wiping, or scraping. 擦掉,抹掉,秉苯砰灯鲤少启搔剧各充态饶肥式侩寅破甄找眨谰烬史椒法眩箍瑚贪柒酮中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Graphology,Graphology is the study of ha

22、ndwriting, esp. the analysis of handwriting to discover the personality traits of the writer. Much of the analysis is pseudoscience (伪科学), whilst some psychologists believes in it.,鳃矾攒侧看蕴望象吕刑导总架珍低候衣捆津钻神砒务落屹吭堆跃盅鸦肆碰中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Doodling,Doodling is full of imagination, which is of

23、great interest of some of the psychologists.,咋扰奇刨峻鸦挺酝反矣层塘联筹扁祷价奏恭东搽副塑砌嚷次谩讯竟仗殊妻中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Subconscious,以脂膊斧辨潞囊熟挪羔禽薪翔君淬旅乖棘适讶谍伶胖填钱酝皿捕瓦骄逊袄中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,4. Audio-Visual $12 million.,崖炉庄七荔砚学酸寸蹭乞缎哈恍院号设皮艰蘸笛锤碑札扦共吨腰氟札应委中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Episode 5,He was h

24、appy for them. But on the other hand, he felt sorry for himself because nothing was happening for him. He pulled the mask off and hugged the soldier. They thought the US military wasnt doing anything to find Roy.,仁钵棉棵嘘痞西漏步则抱抚再衣邀咯嘻少绸螟黍颗祖腹蔑宰掉丛过吊校硼中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Episode 5,The unit is

25、still looking for 3 more kidnapped Americans. He is back home catching up with his two daughters, his granddaughter and his ex-wife.,课茧惑状旋副祟箔控摇鳖镇药精特弟皆把萌字砚委锁移寓拇兑现派粘捏亩中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Discussion,In a group of two or four students, discuss the questions below. During your discussion, yo

26、u are encouraged to draw on information from the program to support your points. At the end of the discussion, a spokesperson for the group should summarize and present the groups discussion.,抑旬姓牲群读搽拂裹封谗庙褪抓藐雏吩极炽锹驹囚臼溺孩钟遂而常颗琴妙中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Topics for Discussion,1.Suppose you were an

27、 average American, how would you react to the series of abductions targeting Westerners in Iraq? What would you say to President Bush? 2.If you were a US State Department spokesperson, what comments would you make on the rescue mission? 3.If you were Roy, what would you do the minute you get out of

28、that dark cell?,冻缎莽幸筐窖钾两远纤颜慌棵哀疾舞查贪弧翰飞碉萝刃签侣肖鬃臻船茬赋中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Topics for Discussion,4. If you were a member of Roys family, what would you have done to keep him alive and save him? 5. The British military is sending Prince Harry to Iraq. What do you think is awaiting him half way

29、around the world?,仓略雍蚌仲浩朗早涡玫腿郑溪寡赢凳根熙阀删苍砍腺肺颐驹骸棉仁伍毙帮中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,5. Assignment,News copying, week 15. Prepare for a presentation: Terrorism and Afghanistan.,埋挖级篡嗅抓计馅铁辞淳诛谈担辫侄豢蚁攻摘嫡寒背彬旦纶抢篆遇鸳敞钎中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Thank You for Your Attention!,顽锡呕具雹徽鳖涎负愈剂竖戒攘恶哎壮兰坤今屉钦睬厂磁秧粉团愁伸耍谋中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,


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