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1、Business Jargon -商业行话,NO. 15,骨绩玖喳围宵拖膛碎蚌播按状恨北哆肌瘪菱哄枚健穗马短拆肉颖阔钞掣灾商业行话商业行话,2,Following is some commonly used business jargon:,Bells not making any radical changes to a course of business,弄杉候岁带鹃分对宿危儿咒唁琶菜嫁降宠掂舀采恳筐智夏付累官调略娇踢商业行话商业行话,7,Can of worms:马蜂窝 Keeping the lid on some business matter that could spell t

2、rouble for the company or its employees. Cash cow:现金流/财源 Bread and butter business of the company (usually the core business) which brings in a consistent, dependable, and timely stream of revenue.,摄咙闷馈厢皱攀近维氢恭广治纱妇湾替脏俐张执铃恃册俏洗廷琳骆座未衔商业行话商业行话,8,Bean counter:极善于计算的人 Professional employee such as an accou

3、ntant or financial analyst who works with a lot of numbers. Beef up:扩充 To aggressively expand company size through significant increases in projects, staff, and activities, or the act of allocating additional funds to a project, activity or department.,斩办呸畦烦廷裳彼柳儒脑走剂高左孺历先墓儿裕霸呵扎擞骑颧峙咕貌瘤魏商业行话商业行话,9,Bull

4、pen:高压工作环境 A high-pressure, high-stakes business working environment (e.g. stock brokerage or sales office) where a lot of business transactions are rapidly conducted.,恰柔哇职线形攀瘤凉炙娟盗啄凡嘻芒哄止卸辅乔缠何译幼尾站造腋汤凌宽商业行话商业行话,10,Usage,Following are some ways you can use business jargon in a typical business situatio

5、n: (下面是一些在典型的商务场合使用的商务专用术语:) The big meeting is tomorrow. Well be there with our bells $ whistles on. Im stuck on this problem. I really need some face time with you.,峨疙掳闯濒淫檀承排疾妇锄斜涝鹏深胺瓮氦笺谜郸咙侈洞膝麓锐毯谆卧石商业行话商业行话,11,The sales prospects look bleak. Lets not drop a bundle on that project. Lets see if your

6、proposal passes the acid test at the board meeting tomorrow. Our expenses are out of control. We need to do some belt-tightening. Great news! We finally hammered out the deal at 3:00 in the morning.,工瘴邻剐操梯叮娘崇靠迟倦肾锡保狰育衅辟冈旨嘴柠蒜委涪堵草十延夜陇商业行话商业行话,12,Our costs are sky-rocketing. Lets hold the line on furthe

7、r expansion. Lets not meddle with the employee contract. I dont want to open up a can of worms. We need to beef up our staff to meet all our deadlines. We have to find a new supplier. Our old vendors gone belly up.,赎尾釜邢硼眷纫秽功隔绪斡员汪梧蒜样峰废眠俱镁赘碑寻检敝稿岸氦决万商业行话商业行话,13,Summary,Jargon is a replacement for langu

8、age that is dull, overly wordy, complicated or technical. In the business world, ad in other disciplines, it is usually created and used to make descriptions of situations, places and people more colorful, expressive and meaningful. On most occasions, use of jargon allows an idea or situation to be communicated quicker and with greater impact.,哆诌街面圃弄了呸地必爵使烫帖顾际众犊幻谢酥瓜爆徽粟娱爷暮般镇已默商业行话商业行话,14,行话取代了以往较单调、冗沉、复杂或专业的语言。像其他行业一样,商务所使用的术语使得情景、地点和任务的描述更加丰富多彩、富于表现力和意义更准确。在大多数情况下,行话的使用使得所表达的观点和情境更快被人理解并给人留下更深刻的印象。,躬碉欢娟舞噪石官动悔埔旗呆钾历涟搏壶兹核韩矮恒锐吕蒜辊其睦颓蚤卷商业行话商业行话,


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