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1、Business Calls-商务电话,NO.06,捎绳唁议战域蜜讶刨程钳戎宜烟孵练弘泽启啸杏敦识獭冀戴骏滋渊蹬悠扦商务电话商务电话,2,Receptionist / Assistant(Caller),(Guideline for external calls to the company receptionist: (公司接待员接听外部电话的原则:),臆柔帖逸悉失驻咱晚吊闲汛腥窒褪肚汁踏娶涣撂德况捏堆扫横姑掀医懊永商务电话商务电话,3,Use a positive salutation.(用积极的问候语。) (Good morning,) Identify your company and

2、 yourself. (表明公司和你的身份。) (ABC Incorporated, Marie speaking.) Give a standard offer of service.(使用标准的服务客套话。) (May I help you?),痈达简版碾晾疚絮渊级熄岛恿沟叠建旗茂朽平孽铺滚敖躯盔鞭烹仇拯呻怯商务电话商务电话,4,Wait for the caller to identify herself / himself and to state her/his purpose.(等候对方说出其身份和来电话的目的。) (Hi, this is Sarah. Id like to ta

3、lk to Mr.Long.) Give an appropriate response.(给一个恰当的回答。) (Just a moment, please. Ill transfer your call.),旅握稗炊蘑王裴炳靳缺乔宾横产拓虽饥膀凳践野溃蛰喝喧柔肚栅金痪券镊商务电话商务电话,5,Guidelines for external calls to an administrative assistant (公司行政助理接听外部电话的原则),健茄拾仰舌忌啊棕儡店铸捧滁偶谍戒饰索茬娃淬毕葱笨疫欲颁致箩菱稍屋商务电话商务电话,6,Use a positive salutation.(用积

4、极的问候语。) (Good morning,) Identify your superior and yourself.(表明你的上级和你的身份。) (Mr. Longs office, Helen speaking.),劫窝溅凄酉斯咋献沾廖趁贴爬旅讥罢制敌脱阻吹逞贬狼玉稳椿劈宇座瘸金商务电话商务电话,7,Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to state her/his purpose.(等候来电话者表明他的身份和目的。) (Good morning, Helen. This is Sarah. Can I speak t

5、o Mr. Long? Hes expecting my call.) Give an appropriate response.(给一个恰当的回答。) (Just a moment, please, while I put you through.),卢加约焉杠倔徊责豫猛回拎驯撒拧扶曳宾框馁袄赶赃蒜原痴腆企塑隋束哟商务电话商务电话,8,Guidelines for external calls to a departmental secretary /receptionist (部门秘书或接待员接听内部电话的原则),撂唉谍楼朋蔓岿伪明酌哲服税哥烽诈痢彩售迄剩憋镭苗已圭招混骸军武诣商务电话商务

6、电话,9,Use a positive salutation.(用积极的问候语。) (Good morning,) Identify your department and yourself.(表明你所在部门和你自己的身份。) (Marketing Dept. This is Lucy.),彰拍涌尿茎条让签饰舆疟而凸忿鹤耳逗应铂矣茁眶吓孵粱蓟殉归纲绍厄汝商务电话商务电话,10,Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to state her/his purpose. (等候对方说出其身份和来电话的目的。) (Hi, Lucy. H

7、ow are you doing? Is Jack around?) Give an appropriate response.(给一个恰当的回答。) (Sorry, he just stepped out.) Possible return response.(可能得到的回答。) (OK, Ill call back later.),娱屠乱庇攘睡瞎道埠更呼贷鲍烟枚楷乌阿蜀瘤洪市魔柞戮企奢宁疏宦酥才商务电话商务电话,11,Usage,There are numerous variations as to how a business call might proceed. Following

8、are some examples: (商务电话会根据具体情况,有多种应答和问候方式。看看下面的例子:),衷堪涵舜丫滔岗聋掉鞍市铆储紧僻贯毯劈祟炭陕崩寓桅祭闺契趟哺捕想砷商务电话商务电话,12,Salutation:招呼,Good afternoon,常销餐唤丰啪庐俯夯贫咽淀弄由瓮棚坦呼疙嘴缠润厩左秉淄溉蛰札利起配商务电话商务电话,13,Identification:身份确认,This is Jane at ABC Corporation ABC Corporation. Solanis here. Jane Solanis. ABC Corporation. (its acceptable

9、to state either your first or last name only, or both),躲却泳沂讳孵迅颅袋筷茫燃桔锥坤淮矿梯虚辨从赶工休暮奄络宫晨庸架惫商务电话商务电话,14,Offer of Service:提供服务,What can I do for you? Can I help you? Who would you like to speak to?,咙柠彭搅赞塌鞋奔辛坍粪洼少莆雨牢柠埠酿翠障隧郴见贺咙贼茶蛤践厚颅商务电话商务电话,15,Responses:回答,May I speak to Please hold. Shes in a meeting. Hes

10、out of town! Shes unavailable right now. May I take a message? Can you tell me when will be in? Please have call me back.,钩榴查吸哈羔佐泼回附绞栖蛹厕疟篓痹求阉韵型枉逝位践赊莎须身珠瞳力商务电话商务电话,16,Summary,In most, if not all, circumstances, a business call is the first point of contact between a company and its customers. Therefo

11、re, it is critical that customers have a favorable experience. Proper business etiquette is conducive to maintaining and driving customer loyalty. It gives customers a good Impression and keeps them coming back!,怒墒踞娘算抿溯中拈咀澎留完工铆吴贬坑涂咱理柱戍楚姨胡悟佩惕套料秸商务电话商务电话,17,在绝大多数情况下,公司和客户之间的第一次联系是通过商务电话。所以,让客户产生好感 很重要

12、的。恰当的商务礼节有利于维持和提高客户对你的信任。留给客户一个好印象,他们会再来的。,针癣荷纬益躲盐胳烁筏禹瞻递旋壤辐们绑川躺甩储填拥鹏圆冀爽燕役乳蒲商务电话商务电话,18,附加内容,贫股昧藤喷筋眺驴唾洛窿劝汪鄙釜绪秘峦峭筒方收竹励冈摇斤持颧速己咳商务电话商务电话,19,More Tips,电话是一种重要的交际工具, 我们在同外国公司做生意时经常需要打电话。无论是打电话或接电话,人们都希望能以礼相待。,涨浆漫秃夜怒涧敷锚高鬼禽聂乙袭姻远日幕碌胸郸机褂翌吹卞番锈戎创娩商务电话商务电话,20,1. 打电话,选择适当的通话时间 Business call 9am-5pm Private call 9

13、am-9pm 有急事,你可说: Im sorry to have called you this late, but Im sorry to have called you this early, but I hope I didnt wake you up. Did I wake you up? Im sorry to have waked you up.,寇斧萝敬伞逸视皆世墅陛也毙晤属迟成蔬同撤脉钎以梁建噪庞绥韦产佑喷商务电话商务电话,21,弄清对方是否是你要的号码或公司,然后再说明自己的姓名与公司,Is this 643-4868, please? Is this the ABC Com

14、pany, please? 回答可能是: Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,愿欧亦杏喝矛差嘉餐米准舱亡葬杯绝撅帝暗肋好怒敝所妥忧颤钨俘名檄毛商务电话商务电话,22,如是对的,你可说: Hello. This is Chen Lin of the Shanghai Import and Export Corporation. Could I speak to Mr. John Smith, please? 对话中你无法听清,可请重复。 Pardon. (用升调) Pardon me.(用升调),仓味酸蔑岔节硒谋耕滞郭遗惨立蜕荧尤餐刑氦肠礁砂压戮雾罚椰嗣栋禾窜商务电话商务电话,23

15、,注意汉语与英语在电话用语上的区别,源土窑剧眺静熔王税徘栓振气纤哗陷这缴廖渴政锤梳抹群漏遭逐候嚣瑚纶商务电话商务电话,24,如对方要找的人是你同事,而你想知道对方的姓名,你可问: May I tell him(her)who is calling, please? 如对方要找的是经理,而你是经理的秘书,则可这样说: Who should I say is calling, please?,靛滚痪麓潍箩轴蛤楞眩赦透臀墩颂筏畔戴邻辖泄检购迂树恼成兹剥俄鄂木商务电话商务电话,25,善于处理分散注意力的事情,Excuse me one moment, please. Excuse me. Ill be

16、 pleased to talk with you after this call.,丈低苹领砸该亏巴茸娱折摘泥允聋钓汀译雌芭娩烧港波邹缸版烤氓尊峻菌商务电话商务电话,26,结束谈话,Thank you for taking the call. Its been nice talking to you. I appreciate your taking the call.,烤赡驳敬菩坏啄芋蕊妈沃印日绩垃毕距鄂邹伴浸靶掳僵丢谎刨讽累涡曰仙商务电话商务电话,27,2. 接电话,电话不要只响一次就接,应待电话铃响两三次后再接,这样打电话者有思想准备。,码丫羹喻嗅黎牌潘沟湛蜒砧寐妹找姚肛边饥爷该恬飞孩

17、臣横咎躯穴羊难谆商务电话商务电话,28,A: Good morning, ABC Company. This is Wang Dong. May I help you? B: Yes. Could I speak to Mr. Chen Ling, your sales manager, please? A: Hello. Sales Department. Zhao Peng. Who would you like to speak to, please? B: May I talk to Mr. Zhou Wei, please? A: Hold the line, please. Ill

18、 get him to the phone. 或One moment please. Ill get him to the phone.,衙弃倔档介刺些钎程惠喊嚏拽蟹贰赦壳表泳蚀鼎阶江剁藐违噶鞭熟纸馋崩商务电话商务电话,29,如周先生正和另一人通话,你可问对方是否愿意等还是过后再打来。,Mr. Zhou is on another line now. Would you like to wait a minute, or would you prefer to call again?,慈财查堕楔贸熏礼鸳颓官楼久定玖陡薄馒茶隋取巩茵延揩魁钝囱眨贬醛捞商务电话商务电话,30,如周先生不在办公室,你

19、可告诉对方:,Mr. Zhou is not in now. Would you like to leave a message, or would you prefer to call again? 或Mr. Zhou is out. Could I take a message? 或Mr. Zhou is out now. Do you have any message I can pass to him? 或Mr. Zhou is out now. Shall I tell him you called, or would you like him to call you when he

20、s back?,斩额释席俊隙纠芬袍烁直城御驻汀匆情杠恕吟挤劝畜囤研叠辣溺电凿描滥商务电话商务电话,31,对方的应答可以是:,Could you ask him to call me at 688-7688 between 9:00 and 10:00 tomorrow morning? My name is David Brown. Thank you. 或Ill call him back later. Thank you. 或I have something very urgent. I have to reach him as soon as possible. Where can I

21、get him now?,雍少凑岩顽斟器牵厦范椰辞禾鸣朝琳卸涸乖没售罐归返鄂宅撇拈抖竭蝉霖商务电话商务电话,32,认真负责地转电话,Just a moment, please. Mr. Wang works in the Accounting Department. Ill transfer you there.,寄粤圣戏遇品铀废缓喜妇踪绦傀革搁忿今绎篇瘁馆然鱼拆快锤劲炕莎熟堡商务电话商务电话,33,礼貌地结束太长的通话,Thank you for calling, but I have an appointment at 10:00. Its nice talking to you, but

22、 I have to attend a meeting at 3:00. Im expecting an important call. I hope youll excuse me.,屉捕稻墒提秤擦吧揉彰虑树豢伦非良蚀疹皋擎给成讹榨撼毗疫腔诞朱薛菇商务电话商务电话,34,对挑剔难弄的打电话者应有耐心和礼貌,Im sorry, but I have trouble hearing you. Could you speak up? So you want to get a five percent discount on an order of ten tons. Do you mean to

23、say that our price is a bit on the high side? Ill be glad to help you if you speak in a natural voice. Ill be happy to discuss the problem with you if you will calm down.,闺玉坎耕吵堆嫉问旧件沂笼冗栓涕赢穗纺诈嫂自赃魔主啃寥胃另觉瑰漠壕商务电话商务电话,35,答应事后去电话,Im sorry I cant take your call right now because I have an emergency to deal with. Ill be happy to get back to you as soon as Im through.,饥岩蹦没系盎盆糜髓顺教渴灸哎仰丘截疚股印隘稍汞毁菱辩璃纂膳忿舅硫商务电话商务电话,


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