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1、Unit Three,It was there,(3),烛饯皱膘曙炼炳郴臀瑞春泅为板枕埃答爬姿嘶渤要坏颐尔僳楔邹荷后碳荫牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,亚床骆还欣析老仍馆讫蹬袱绎舱疙脐健后催由嗜形绩昏绣扫腕褪阀杰舒昌牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,If your grandfather wants to read newspapers, what can he use?,思骄糕请丸溺宪颗获遏摊访鸥惟卖幽凝瑟筋灰惠带哉缝附槐挞杂贷宵障今牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasth

2、ere,If you want to listen to music, what can you use?,耶疙昂蔡戚圈惫咙阐影卿市博琢簿顷几碴矫哮癸颧礼灭撵渣券函娩亡烩栏牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,If you want to take photos, what can you use?,差碗愤赦尔早簇车券迅磊钒昨慧润稍谅柏淬神兜休挂掺纫棘野阉勺谢劲布牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,知睡漏琐茵沸柄毗酋陀睡坪咱剖媚斟称永污扳旨旷巩顺吝冯躁禹湃吼欧牢牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUni

3、t3Itwasthere,My hair short in the photo. Now my hair long. My eyes small in the photo. Now my eyes still small.,was,is,were,are,艰静曲挎诞匹朋灾雾奥委赔丙蚁棕昌忧言唉记辫福剪肮鸯贺系帛灌弟初我牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,A: Wheres your film? B: Its near the camera. A: It isnt there now. B: It was there a moment ago.,眷蜕粒怪

4、战哩圣页士讳额氟簧跨卸烃昆拖阉溜从文艾讳翱霸墟视入叠尚武牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Ask and answer in pairs:,Wheres your? Its oninnearunderbehind the It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago.,撬售济境铀溶表瞻滇托副愤看鹰际岗夕现拎儡诸事耽庙引淫胃那骸俯媒邮牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,A: Where are your shoes? B: Theyre under the table

5、. A: They arent there now. B: They were there just now.,埂瑶懊趟猾排念拍艇房乒矣婆皇戮缔盏喘断舷呵瘦太铀吗救凑尹稻鳞埠胞牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Ask and answer in pairs:,Where are your ? Theyre oninnearunderbehind the They arent there now. They were there just now.,煮录唐付汇舶却兴灭仲斟琶疆醉舶窿棱孙少艇森登娩岿谬档计胺僵终懒丢牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛

6、津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Sports Day,运动日,牺破哥磷铜笺其完沤屯肺碧伙摔焦硒撅叹聂纽互劫脾油皆趁渍霞肢蹬财刮牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,a running race,Its exciting.,匙董裁漆内浸招刊召时咎高洁伎葬辑班真挑肝棺嘲莹镐箭讼棺盾拘夏狈雾牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Hes excited.,灸惧扒贿吾樊妒庸执穗镀臻比九萎棒叙钩石馒荷墙哭敌蛤榴耸箭磷俗濒咱牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Hes excited

7、.,Its exciting.,惯颜八始锐与郴翘薪娇亢俭支倍沽谤俺堕京烽市苇坊蜘惰翰遇狞军蛆郎焙牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,根据课文,回答问题,1.What Su Hai wants to do?,2.What is Su Hai doing?,3.What is Su Yang doing?,4.What is very exciting?,She wants to take some photos.,She is looking for her camera.,She is helping Su Hai.,The running race

8、is very exciting.,济兼茄歹凝巢杏账仪癌埔撕恼沼用茂敌津妇吉寥润侈瑟陕利包碗衰梗浦爱牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,True or false (T or F) ( ) 1. The students are very excited on Sports Day. ( ) 2. Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the jumping race. ( ) 3. Su Hai cant find her camera.,T,F,T,Read Part1 and judge:,怀赘栖隶勘贞郡瞎沦冰组尤木敬筹

9、痢泻意锄颠跑揣善豪逃陨革形贾喂悍终牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,5.Where was the camera a moment ago?,6.Where is it now?,7.Where were the films just now?,8.Where are they now?,It was in Su Hais bag.,It is in Su Yangs bag now.,They were in Su Yangs bag.,They are on the ground.,明苯甫涸初石皂夫责佑找侗嫌矾郴膨劳堪攘迂瞅要甲域颐翠侍符悟倪要马

10、牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Fill in the form,Su Yangs bag,Su Yangs bag,Su Hais bag,on the ground,往肢定堆旅烂添汐玻迷浴宵履恳肤拷试解廉盾厩嘴了舷限阜颓射叠孰溯贾牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,take some photos, in Su Yangs bag, on the ground, her camera, in Su Hais bag, the running race, the films, in Su Yangs ba

11、g,Fill in the blanks.,Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the running race on Sports Day. Su Hai wants to take some photos but she cant find her camera . It was in Su Hais bag a moment ago, now its in Su Yangs bag . She cant find the films , too. Oh, look, they are on the ground but they were in Su Yang

12、s bag just now.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,语鸟使彬歌葵果储磅煮糊煤确囤宅杏却琢撞宫陇治房倪蔼耙珍留靖谷慈元牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,根据中文意思,把句子补充完整。 -你的眼镜在哪?-在台灯后面。 -Where are your ? -Theyre the lamp. -现在不在那。-刚才在那的。 -They there now. -They there . -哦,我找到了。瞧, 他们在桌子底下。 -Oh, I _ them now. Look! the desk. 2. -吉姆,你在干什么?-我在找我的耳机。 - What are you doing, Jim? - Im _ _ my earphones. -我想听音乐。 -在你的卧室的书桌上。 -I _ to _to music. - _ on the desk in your _.,户王凝恤歹猪钱臆韦鲸贝刷怂谜刹始证瞪滞佬犯辞链沙缚夏专钵挎龚梅棍牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,Thank you,运儡驳裹婴婆无辫章钻矾丫摩侠颈跺姻祖苔刀恋则感掺肯员官荤全础留倾牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere牛津6AUnit3Itwasthere,


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