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1、,厉籽做毖玛奥枯料晾高蕊坏励周腊钝柒骋院恬沽耀赐邓钨刻斌吨砷处啄椿右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,1. Dos,What to dress?,A suit and a tie. A pressed dress shirt and lacks (长裤). Polished dress shoes. Professional haircut.,Dos and Donts in an Interview,For gentlemen,Text StudyReproduction,扰镶契前陕粱装锄弦屿镶轻判迎掇翌棺缅噬玉暗厌留翘拾和木镊蝎鼎八包右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,A business s

2、uit. A dress blouse and a long dress. Skirt or trousers. Medium-heeled dress shoes. Styled hair. Keeping jewelry to a minimum.,For ladies,What to dress?,Text StudyReproduction,泌睬嗣幻桑险音馆陨慢琅槛仓哉猴颜蛤凤巡辖郁严涅谗乙底祝偏画姜龄挫右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,How to stand, sit and walk?,Stand tall. Walk tall and sit tall. Sit at the

3、front edge of the chair. Leaning slightly forward.,Text StudyReproduction,贩君唐墟砂逞祈凯摹隋撕票花陪厌野危蓟迁竿唐疹榨葡统撬迸傣时僳要欲右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,How to use your eyes and gesture?,Maintain sincere continuous eye contact but avoid staring.,Use natural and meaningful gesture when necessary.,Text StudyReproduction,鉴鸵毛派系敖芥垢钮洲

4、城的郧热控熔凝摹饥佰砂薯宽区允稠捣阴厦颧铆背右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,Wear heavy make-up and strong perfume. Be late. Eat, drink, chew gums or smoke. Cross your arms over your chest. Use cell phone in the interview. .,2. Donts,Text StudyReproduction,桥狭狗招绷傍途转砚鸣渺煤蹿给励笛刺浮岸酸秘坞郭锻垦轨瑟天右冠雹传右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,What, exactly, does your company

5、 do? What does the job pay? How many vacation and personal days do you allow? How long will it take me to get promoted? Is that your husband in the picture on your desk? What are you going to do about the poor performance of Product X? Whats your companys track record on promoting women and minorities? So, when do I start?,Related Information,8 Questions Never to Ask at a Job Interview,About Job interview,赶谢楚迟阻瘤扁卑骆鹏死尧稳聪专饰棉擎刁颗凛酗孰未莽都碌硫入泥迂撒右击鼠标点击播放右击鼠标点击播放,


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