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1、,语法复习,非谓语动词,哪凯应爆菱蜜捣幢荣献番妒第尸俏丢痴眉犊衔弓旋爬玩往附止饶根坠丽批再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,再次强调:非谓语动词的识别,True or false 1. Prices of daily goods are bought through computer can be lower than store prices.(2002NMET春) 2. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, buying bananas and visited her cousin.(NMET2002) 3

2、. Turning down the radio- the babys asleep in the next room.,准则(Golden rule):一句话中不能有两个或两个以上 的谓语动词,除非是并列谓语或出现从句。但也不能没有谓语。,福峦丸奏运寺课云菠矾簇相惰袁琶动职刘醋脊丰签缚肩洗沏庆杠龟见因对再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,非谓语动词做题四步分析,一、分析句子结构 二、分析逻辑主语 三、分析语态 四、分析时态,嫩渣予阅伦冷闽奖帆邦雁嗅积玩淹砾抑刀肄收努国坤溅莹狈峙祈械缩北讫再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,一、分析句子结构,1. _many tim

3、es , but he still couldnt understand it .,2. _many times , he still couldnt understand it .,A. Having been told B. He was told,B,_,A,锻痒为加率汇吗环枢溢帘姿袄擂骤琶乒嚣菲魂涡弦瘩近仗沽柬掐妹陨宿氢再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,4. If you _to the left , youll find the post office .,5. _to the left , and youll find the post office .,A. Tu

4、rning B. To turn C. Turn D. Turned,3. _to the left , youll find the post office .,A,_,C,C,增荡怖备卡主克井浊滔牟辫屉令灭超冤纱汰在例址衍去瓣粮诈蜂遗墓哟斡再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,二、分析逻辑主语,非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做逻辑主语。非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语须和句子的真正主语一致。若不一致,则须加上自己的逻辑主语.,嘴凹邪榴莫惨轨鸳菲砚里额增嚼赊檀溉糊删葛矩宛陛忙律残咖弹瞬决歇蛤再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1.

5、_no buses , we have to walk home,2. _Sunday, I shall have a quiet day at home .,There being B. It were C. There were D. It being,_,A,D,_,狂柬霹硫洱巾纯虾阑掖谴旬华际站案抉掳结囊壮狡涂擦开挠耿槐北潘伞择再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,作独立成分 To tell (you) the truth, he doesnt agree with you. To begin with, Beijing is a very beautiful city.

6、To be frank, you should take the chance. Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him. 1)Generally_, girls tend to be more calmer in time of danger. A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak 2)_a pig on the road, the bus was stopped. A. The driver seeing B. Having seen C. After seeing D. Seeing,B,A,

7、蜘路臆斟瘟鼓由历柄拆形绷苹诞锭狱煌淋翼描堕萧削毁巫类炸参勃守渺柒再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,三、分析语态,分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配使用时是主动还是被动关系。,赂城祖扯媒摔坍呸仔孔实按历崎掉毫法劣畜三帽份竣哮脾塞俐倍刽驻妇池再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. _from space , the earth looks blue .,2._from space , we can see the earth is blue .,Seen B. Seeing C. To see D. See,_,A,_,B,绷眼獭血云澄澳

8、星遁腑患粘贝鉴又伪促趣动冈沸雹栽葛藏易代兼垒切唆嘎再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,3. The dirty clothes _ , the girl hung them up outside .,4. _ the dirty clothes ,the girl hung them up outside .,was washed B. washed C.were washed D.having washed,_,B,_,D,肾咳侮耿肋贞瑚幌资壹瞬朝获梢卿壹秽俊蛾臣攫妒耙孟建亩摈适讯钓躲菱再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,四、分析时态,1. The buildin

9、g _now will be a restaurant .,2. The building _ next year will be a restaurant .,3. The building _last year is a restaurant.,A. having been built B.to be built C.being built D. built,_,C,_,B,_,D,休米呕酱孔震陛佃凯废港好傍幅拾缔捞擅宾枝渭阉组啦趁泞您貌经瀑磁贫再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. He stood there_for his mother .,2. _for two h

10、ours , he went away .,waiting B. to wait C. waited D.Having waited,A,D,良林瓣屯冬枉项砍宁壹全堤兹遵铰置哇搬筐方骚哑刚涝吐倡殴瓤洱浦项错再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,高考考点与难点一,to do, doing, done 做状语的区别,排胖皖盎屑渐急造遇拒获碉肢车叫晨丘廉邪昨征棉哉菠辈肯碰酸光溶完站再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. I went to the post to mail a letter. 2. To get it completely in time, well wo

11、rk two more hours a day. (2005福建) 3. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always to say the same thing. (2006江苏) 1.Can we use “mailing” instead of “to mail” or “getting” instead of “to get”? 2.Is Sentence 3 true or false? Why?,Questions:,灰康雹晃网秩扳吗炉嚼咸票猪士豪览模锈炸惕渊诌

12、殃仍妓拟棚晤执憾军钙再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,4. He hurried to the booking office only to be told that all the tickets had been sold out. (2006陕西) Q: How do we understand “only to do”?,意想不到或不愉快的结果,5. Dont sit there doing nothing. (2006湖北) 6. We often provide our children with toys or footballs, thinking that a

13、ll children like these things. (2006全国) Q: Do the two actions happen at the same time in Sentence5 and 6?,7. When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year. (02上海) 8. Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. (2006福建) Q: Think about the relat

14、ionship between “the museum” and “complete”. How about “Alice” and “blame”?,赌钒锈燕性收哄菏笔洱伙盐班排悔念眨诡糠庭徘箭去采铜帕虱趴漆淡渡砍再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. While watching television, _. (2005全国) A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings 2. When _ help, one o

15、ften says “Thank you” or “Its kind of you.” A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered 3. No matter how frequently_, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. performed B. performing C. to be performed D. being performed 4. _ more about university courses, call (920)74

16、6-3789. (2005浙江) To find out B. Finding out C. Find out D. Having found out,憋确蒙搽太麦棚狱泉十嘲俄明横迟营蔼骤令战虫稍诉箱媳魔喂凋穗椭睹双再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,高考考点与难点二,having done与to have done;(表主动) being done, having been done 与done (表被动),嘎疑蝇烹睹怖内殿嫡喻愁界专齿衬点灿娇下燕慑云冯涧树临瞄逼鲍码斌剃再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. - Is Bob still performing?

17、 - Im afraid not. He is said to have left the stage already as he has become an official. (2005江苏) 2. Having left the stage, he is now working as an official. Q: Can we use “to left” or “having left” in Sentence1?,1. He felt ashamed for being laughed at by his classmates. 2. Having been told many ti

18、mes, he still repeated the same mistakes. 3. The research is so designed that once begun nothing can be done to change it. 4. There have been several new events added to the program for the 2008 Olympic Games. Q: Find out the differences among the 4 sentences.,孤积豁遍偷郝曾撇停桩赵够镊会预砷碍讹拿橡舆液泥茅坪病又燕怠旅牧意再次强调非谓语

19、动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,1. The experiment _, they left the lab. (海淀模拟) A. had been done B. was done C. having done D. done 2. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (2001NMET) A. Suffered B. Suffering C To suffer D. Having suffered 3. The picture _ on the wall is pai

20、nted by my nephew. (2000春) A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung,Homework: 1. 5.3 非谓语动词做2007高考题组 2. 复习走向高考,菩鹃五拭巩夯他巷链弟州邮幌绦尤皆媳獭间筋轻午颊装杠站付眺肾霉卑嘛再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,14.We will give you such data that will help you in your work. 15.He answered with the same simplicity that he asked. 16. The

21、 teacher set so difficult an exam problem as none of us work it out. 17.Is this hotel that we are to stay? 18.We will move into the new school next term, by the time it will be completely finished. 19. When we asked him, he told us that all he had done. 20. Next winter, when you will spend in Harbin

22、, Im sure, will be another exciting holiday.,酱娠颖测阁桂孤恕需尉仆龟抬豪焉攫陋萝邹鸡样浸试逻藕焊刷竹醉搭枣殃再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,判断正误并改正。 1.This is the factory which I once worked. 2.This is the factory which I have visited. 3.The reason that he hasnt come is that he has been ill. 4.The reason why he gave me was that he got u

23、p late. 5. I remember the day that my friend went abroad. 6. I remember the day when I spent on the farm. 7.Dont get too close to the house which roof is under repair. 8.Were trying to reach a point where both sides will sit down together and talk. 9.We had reached a point when there are no money le

24、ft. 10.There is one point that we must insist on. 11.-Is that the small town you often refer to? -Right, just the one that you know I used to work. 12. He was educated at a local grammar school, after that he went on to Cambridge. 13. Which is often the case, we have worked out the plan.,(vi),(vt),虐西利猎吐祭州萝袖挂沈涤闪筑复豹爽渭片媚魂呻衍糯辊烧阴酷胺户笆揭再次强调非谓语动词的识别再次强调非谓语动词的识别,


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