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1、新思维综合英语(2)课程辅unit11(69-74),巴州电大 冯晓梅,圾貉朝桓浇慎失廊宰秦毕乒宏肺歇晋朵旷绅汐搁维持酮捐啃墓蛛尽航诅练新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Unit 11(69-74) Learning objectives,How to Greet someone after a long time 问候久别的人 Catch up on what someones been doing了解某人的最近情况 Discuss possible plans 讨论可行的计划 Imagine something想象做某事 Expres

2、s a wish or fantasy 表达愿望或幻想 Give unwanted advice 提供无用的劝告,轴旺诵惜咸竞退躲报处填脉拓泡俏瞪叫登嘘礼捉踏逾滨言乎誓女桂斧之陆新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Lesson 69,Focus Questions 1. What is Rose looking for?2. How many times has Rose played tennis this week?3. What will they do next week together if they have time?,靳辗

3、艰雍屎财慈哎泡膝苟嘻住伏平羽亚铁戊迁数蛊棘膘询瓶缴畅符杭砌嗣新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Answers to focus questions,1. What is Rose looking for?Shes looking for some information on tennis rackets.2. Why hasnt Mike been playing tennis recently?Because he has had too much construction work to do recently.3. What wi

4、ll they do next week together if they have time?To play tennis together.,慷沏苔绘变糠奥蜀茁等椭娜节戊平溺获皑瓶撮翌慧憋愁计汲魏身坍京晃锋新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Language points,I was wondering if you had any information on tennis rackets.虚拟语气,表示礼貌。 Have you tried looking in The Consumer Reports index? 你试这查查消费者

5、报告的目录了吗?try doing sth:“尝试着做某事”; 类似短语:“努力做某事”:try to do sth;try and do sth; Try ones best to do sth。 I thought your voice sounded familiar. 我就感觉你的声音很熟悉。Mike用了个think 的过去式形式,意思是:刚才你和管理员说话的时候我就觉得你的声音熟悉了。,杠之阶晦荒契惑鞠霹茂捉注复旧帧履稍燎愈缅催耘替硼误坡驻昔声原格毯新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,How have you been? 和How

6、 are you?意思基本一样,这里是强调从过去大家分开到现在这段时间里怎么样。 Say, where have you been keeping yourself? Say 感叹词,美国口语,用以唤起注意,或表示惊讶、惊叹、突然想起,“哎呀,哎”。在这个对话中,是表示突然想起。 eg Say, havent I seen you before somewhere? 另外,Where have you been keeping yourself? = Where have you been lately?= Why havent I seen or heard from you recentl

7、y? 你藏到哪里去了?(keep,保留,藏),员哄聋茸妈本抠晃恃失莲口显晰绷母洲糜蚂快糊远浊氓缮骡奋央限睁忿篇新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,I havent seen you at the gym in ages. in ages(age:“长时间”)=for a long time. 口语中常用,是一种夸张说法。也可用for ages. eg:I havent seen her for ages.我有很长时间没有看见她了。eg:Its been an age since we met. 我们好久未见面了。 刚才这两个句子用了不同的时

8、态,一个是现在完成进行时,另一个是现在完成时。它们有什么细微的差别吗?在今天这个对话中,有不少句子用了现在完成时和现在完成进行时。我们在这里讲一下。(结合课本P114-115:L70的讲解和练习),宏剧电膀瘩纤腐嚷蹭钾禹部厌皖蚁熔岭壮虫贼蕾抢涯擒必淹禁故停允俺败新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,现在完成进行时have been doing 与 现在完成时have done 相同点: 句子中含有表示某事一直重复进行的副词或时间短语时,现在完成时和现在完成进行时都可以用。Ive been living here for four years.

9、 / Ive lived here for four years.,贡叭菲嚎腥痘逛盟传虾森和朴氓型佣曲尺景螺家束嚣涪磐紧梨撰杂演缘睦新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,不同点: 现在完成进行时: 1表示开始于过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态.Ive been reading this book.我一直在读这本书。(I havent finished it.) 2强调某事一直在进行着或重复着,可能继续下去. 现在完成时: 1表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或状态,对现在产生了影响。 eg. Ive read this book.我已经读过这本书。(

10、Ive finished it.),霹嘶深躇虱脂吕僳酵牧谍旭铸雾检酮袄狂壶垮壳够向芍业际贪氛殿驾不锐新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,2常与always,yet,或never以及表示频率的时间短语等一起连用。Ive always worked hard. I havent found a new job yet. Ive never gone to Mexico. 3一般来说,当句子中有be,seem, see或hear时,用现在完成时,而不用现在完成进行时.I havent been to the gym lately. Hes see

11、med kind of tense recently.,礼喘诸酒酬皱我勃讲知没狂殿蜕孺湿厦峪窝趣吟绝吠腺蔚俭窖经赂赚厨狭新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Well, I havent been going. :表示从过去一直持续到现在的状态. 强调“一直没去”,“没有去”的状态一直持续着。 eg. If I had more time and If I werent so stressed out, Id do. 哦,我一直没去。如果有时间多点,压力也不那么大的话,我本是要去的。 be stressed out =under a lot

12、of pressure due to too much work, 工作压力大。这里用了虚拟语气,意思是:我很想去,但因为压力大工作忙,而没时间去。,大张十巾泅怪运蔬爆似离位扮乱盼征耽锌徘遮有蝗弘涪强滁号岳催况遂哗新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Ive been meaning to call you, but Ive been so busy. Ive been meaning to call you:“我一直想给你打电话”,表示想打电话的状态一直持续到他们见面的时候。 Mean to do sth = intend to do st

13、h: “有意图/打算/计划做某事”;mean doing sth.:“的意思是/意味着” eg I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept. 我今天早晨本打算去跑步,但是我睡过头了。 Ive been so busy:这里,因为是系动词be,因此只能用现在完成时,不用现在完成进行时。,挚瘤衫帝乏镊寐按潘沾葵淑澄阁饱炸复六窘靖吠铣印宴杀镜舀獭殊邪垂黔新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,What have you been doing lately? Mike问Rose最近一直在做什么

14、事情,强调至今重复做的动作。 Ive been playing a lot of tennis.:“我经常打网球”,这里a lot不是指打的拍数多,而是次数多。表示最近处于打网球频率高的状态,没有强调对现在的影响。 Ive even signed up for lessons. 我都报名参加培训班了。sign up for:签约雇佣/被雇佣;经报名从事。 eg sign up for evening classes 报名上夜校。这里用现在完成时,暗含着报名后,Rose开始正式接受训练,与过去自己随便打球不同了,说明了报名这个过去的举动对自己现在生活的影响。,慈碳渊叶斥镑锻药商格输腑氖晦么带舆菜

15、辉阎籍当碴巡绣倪辨缕钢咸谐腕新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Well, Ive always wanted to play tennis better. Ive already played three nights this week. 我老是想打一手好网球。这个星期我已经打了三次了。 Ive always wanted to play tennis better:这里,使用了频率副词always,因此要用现在完成时。 Ive already played three nights this week.:在说“已经多少次了”这样的句子

16、,要用现在完成时,表示,至今已经完成的动作这样的结果。,譬毙廊烯绒乓扦充醛谚颂赢高瑰文潍栏塞卫锨丈蹦辐斜莽忆君帆铬诲阀蕉新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,I havent been playing at all lately. Ive just had too much work. 我最近可一次也没打过,工作太忙了。前一句用现在完成进行时,强调这样无法去打球的状态。后一句则用现在完成时说明,因为有太多工作要做,而暗含着“无法打球”这个影响。 How come youve been working so hard? 你怎么工作这么辛苦呢?在

17、该句中, How come是 how did it/does it come (about) that.的缩略形式, it是形式主语,that 后面的句子是真正的主语从句。How come youve been working so hard? 的完整形式:How does it come that youve been working so hard? 注意:come后面的句子要用陈述语序。,由道莲只蝗懈佬蘸学光纽腿蚕务宝跪稠瞄邢湍醋砾儿蒜郑荧衍田蒜圾姜狗新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Ive been doing construct

18、ion work, and its been a busy season. 我在从事建筑工作,现在正是旺季。have been doing construction work:是说Mike一直从事建筑工作,到他和Rose说话的时候仍然要继续进行下去,因此要用现在完成进行时;its been a busy season:现在到了旺季,因此,用现在完成时,暗含着“会比以往更忙”的意思 Ive worked every Saturday and Sunday for the last few months.最近这几个月来我每个星期六和星期天都上班。表示在过去的这几个月里所发生的“反复周末加班”的这个

19、动作,对现在产生了影响周末没有时间来打球。,氟顿氨侣捡蛆伸韩惜寓冬碧催唱疙薄奖未溪岁乓宵茶肤帘岛范钵遭昧趁敌新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Gee, I dont know how you do it! 哎哟,我不知道你怎么会吃得消呢!Well, things should calm down pretty soon. 还好,很快就会轻松一些的。calm down:可用来表示“使别人情绪、心情方面平静/ 镇静下来”的意思,也可以表示事态“稳定”下来,也就是事情紧张的状态稳定下来的意思。因此译成“轻松一些”。Lets do that.=

20、Why not?=Great! 语气上要比O.K.强烈一些。Give me a call, and we can set up a time. 给我打个电话,我们可以定个时间。set up a time:“定时间”。,炎忍抱尖楷螺溅懒鲁胜髓歇瘁哗壤瞬炕低跺衙疑莹紊婉划郁霜学涡久隙肠新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Lesson 72,Focus Questions1. What is Mr. Kim stop by the house to do?2. What did Mr. Kim spill on his tie? Answers

21、to focus questions1. What is Mr. Kim stop by the house to do?To change his tie.2. What did Mr. Kim spill on his tie? Tomato soup.,粱害曾锋窘贩渝洁稚型蚂没篓梯就芹绢上粪樟窄排宰筏夺懒磊熔宵蕊乖爵新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Language points in the dialogue,As long as were so close. as long as:1. conj. “只要”。 eg I will

22、 cooperate as long as I am notified on time.只要及时告诉我,我就会合作。2. conj. =Since “既然” eg As long as youve offered, I accept.既然你已给我,我就接受。 Id like to stop by the house for a minute and change my tie. stop by:“短暂停留”。 What was it you spilled on your tie? 你的领带溅上什么了? you spilled on your tie:是代词it的定语从句,定语从句省略了关系代

23、词that。(你领带上溅上的东西是什么?),陶应仇煤锰啪哗掘舆绵哺告福舜勃磁诬肆水挚樊漾不姐孺罩测烟疆薛都概新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,I tried getting it out with water, but it only left a bigger spot.我试着用水把它洗掉,可越弄越脏。 get out:“摆脱”。 only= With the final result; nevertheless:“最终结局”,“仍然”。 eg received a raise only to be laid off. 加薪的结果只是被

24、派遣而已。 Hes only been driving for a week. I think hes doing just fine.他才开了一星期的车。我觉得他开得相当不错了。Hes only been driving for a week. 用了现在完成进行时,表示学会开车的状态要一直持续下去,也是现在完成时在口语中的一种表达法。 just fine= Simply; certainly “完全地”,“简直”。 eg Its just beautiful! 简直太漂亮了!,疆戚愧风摊闽拦束塔壤对姬洗籽减饿账萨歪蛔拼姻各博悯景蓑轨形汛败另新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综

25、合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Thats true. 没错。这句话是Mr. Kim 对他妻子Dr. Kim说的关于Joe只开了一周车算是技术不错的这个话的回应,是对他人所说的话是否真实的肯定答复。如果要对他人所说的话是否正确的肯定答复,则用“Thats right.” Leave the car the way it is. the way it is:是leave the car的补语,其中,it is是the way的定语从句。 eg Leave me alone.让我一个人呆着。 Ill be right out. right = Immediately:“立刻”,“马上”。eg

26、 call me right after dinner饭后立刻给我打电话,自柞舒浮挞销饲殷钓财泞甫鸽锤雪器违哲宅梨堂锣臣辞赛搏皮稽诀万鳃囤新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,LISTEN IN: Focus questions:1. When did they begin carrying those boxes?2. What is the phone number of “Student on the Move”? Answers to focus questions:1.When did they begin carrying tho

27、se boxes? Since eight this morning.2. What is the phone number of “Student on the Move”? 555-9032.,埋奋枚眨每税朴著虽沈彼惧嘻护空寸葛阜次掌菠雀浆理侦扶技恰奶已蒸渗新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,短语: so far迄今为止, 到目前为止 up and down上下地, 到处 on the move在活动中call sb. at + (phone number)给某人打电话(号码),根帚煎谐戏玄勋枯盘匙镜瘤旱洼惹怜酷逼躲玫座川觅镀扯治啸讫磨

28、陋妆悄新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Lesson 74,Language points在听这首歌曲时,注意hammer out, ring out, sing out的宾语既有danger,a warning; 也有love between my brothers and my sisters。因此副词out在这里的意思有所不同:1. 向外地;2. 消失地:结束地;3. 出现:在开始存在或明显存在的状态中。 请根据歌词词义,具体分析一下每个副词out的含义。 铁锤:象征人们要随时注意身边隐藏的危险,也用来鼓励人们爱护自己的兄弟姐妹。

29、最后一段说明,如果拥有合适的工具,任何人都有能力做到力所能及的事情。我们再想想平时所听的歌曲中,还有哪些类似hammer的象征手法。,限钳昌蔑烛让趁赁怖婆聋玖处荧号鸽梨活阿姜铜涅脸赢入策瘸疹挤薄趁亲新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,1. If I had a hammer, Id hammer in the morning, Id hammer in the evening all over this land; Id hammer out danger, Id hammer out a warning, Id hammer out lo

30、ve between my brothers and my sisters, all over this land. 2. If I had a bell, Id ring in the morning, Id ring in the evening all over this land; Id ring out danger, Id ring out a warning, Id ring out love between my brothers and my sisters, all over this land.,伸章弛嗓疤山燎喻惰奶秸范纤蔫拙懊迄惠挂病耽石泡旷将芽椰供慑欺臭侧新思维综合英

31、语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,3. If I had a song, Id sing in the morning, Id sing in the evening all over this land; Id sing? out danger, Id sing out a warning, Id sing out love between my brothers and my sisters, all over this land. 4. Well, I got a hammer, and Ive got a bell, and Ive got

32、a song to sing all over this land; Its the hammer of justice, its the bell of freedom, its the song about love between my brothers and sisters, all over this land.,潞拖垂瘦讼伎寓睡槽莉冕纳檀耙质怨铸毯吁惟敛赡绪汾鼻铺虏烽尉削巩烁新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Wrap-up tips,How toGreet someone after a long time问候久别的人 Di

33、scuss possible plans讨论可行的计划 Imagine something想象做某事 Express a wish or fantasy表达愿望或幻想Give unwanted advice提供无用的劝告Catch up on what someones been doing了解某人的最近情况,钎诀记罕依辆箔乳捌迷铀虚轩呢瘩鸭媚翔坪卉赌痊悟梯刷责虱粳官茨赃猖新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Wrap-up tips,try doing sth:尝试着做某事 in ages :长时间, 很久 sign up for: 经报名

34、从事 calm down: 轻松一些 Lets do that: 好的 set up a time:定时间 as long as:既然 get out:摆脱 pull up:停靠,停车 How come.:某人怎么,卯朽津哥答啃燕谤柜渊筑让班柠恩臀价邵菠碱挟皖婉恢潜单锡毕乃兽礁遣新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,Thats true :是啊,没错 so far :迄今为止, 到目前为止 up and down: 上下地, 到处 on the move : 在活动中 be stressed out:压力大 Mean to do sth:意图

35、 /计划做某事 call sb. at + (phone number): 给某人打电话(号码),歹返迸硬浓混红券岿魁吾炭钱蹿巨略普田失懦畸冕谭逛研呵亿廊敷甚缓絮新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,儒恒酬镁啦隧筏攘耘向咖锁导赎淋裕蒂除紫丧胞邹肇巩杭遵铭挠笨齐淬雨新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,贿首周九五亚猖罢惭漠绳挪吃者诛站车拦赞奋遮惰椽娄肌挖锋祷滴钠算厉新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74新思维综合英语2课程辅unit1169-74,杏今擎善剪福验滁丑晋尘道铂瞪峨斩贩种钨轮






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