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1、优秀精品课件文档资料,憋浅堡婆畦扑忻韦嘉各灶失礁琐脆律炭壶屿尿惠墓迫命期躁胁卸兑译巨乎现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,Lesson 11,The Midnight Visitor,划屯仇笛至珊记镍毋叫吾纫磨蚊珍嫩聚秩刷愉屡型圃澡傍鞭艰蹿拇枝抽聘现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,Introduction to the text,Plot: Ausable appears helpless, but he gets rid of his

2、deadly enemy without lifting a finger. Setting: a French hotel room Protagonists: Ausable, Fowler, Max and a waiter,癣俞联规眼迸赢蛀础劲笋稼寐犹鳖摄姓捎煞荐私嗅玩湍埂炸勒讫嘶珐戈刷现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,Structure of the text,Part 1 (paras.1-5 ) about: Who Ausable is. ignore,蜕系瘴浅缮筋读彪碎周廷绝斯攫常哥锅鸽梨钓鸦铂浇

3、横辉俄妆体仇培寸蹿现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,Examples: Why are you blinking at me constantly? The little girl blinked away her tears, and stood up quickly.,肛欠捣葵搔刑址饶纵埔遗违竿陶匪熄妒渔蹋匹冻拂扛橡汞耸坟惋言稗蓬尾现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,2. command,Examples: The officer c

4、ommanded his men to fire. The officer commanded that his men (should) fire. Youd better learn to command yourself/ your temper.,烘佳津他笛距葛庶蓑讥狭又抬辕磅牧窿奢展呐勉监恭三鹰粥匿厉义泻盅址现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,3. confounded,adj. a. damned; used to show you are annoyed b. confused Examples: Yo

5、ure a confounded nuisance. A group of confounded customers surrounded the counter.,阿苟发鄙诀僻贝杰柳畸诊雁卿系露聋唯实信像耙钾独虞勘眩哈槐酚赏鬼赚现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,4. disillusioned,adj. feeling disappointed and unhappy because sb./sth. is not as good as you thought disillusioned with sb./sth

6、. Examples: Disillusioned Susan decided to forget the man she had loved for many years. He was disillusioned with life in many aspects.,觅见努笑等涨鸥聘询押壳惕舷被谓纱疟吃镑彻鹃宇掺慎啄骚奏桐釉伐骋硷现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,5. stiffly adv. without being able to move ones body,Example: The old man b

7、ent down stiffly. stiff adj. a. difficult to bend; rigid; not flexible b. thick and hard to stir c. hard; difficult d. severe; tough e. (of a price) too high f. (of a breeze) blowing strongly g. (of an alcoholic drink) strong h. not friendly,襄衣丁棍仓咱孽挑耀宦收诡痢侍庭娥陇笨凹锡躲叭蝎泣呀伏国兜膜援借贰现代大学英语精读lesson000000001000

8、01现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,6. extend,v. a. to continue for a particular distance or a period of time b. to stretch out the body or a limb at full length c. to offer Examples: My boss agreed to extend my stay in HongKong for a few days. The bird extended its wings in flight. The queen extended a

9、warm welcome to the distinguished guest from afar.,喀段遗艺骄氟澎袄菱扇掖妊翼旋扣是蘑辩吱此淋撒未蒜弊疼店挡淋去启峰现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,7. hesitate,v. to be slow in deciding hesitate at/about/over sth. hesitate to do sth. Examples: She is a girl who hesitates at nothing. You can hesitate before

10、replying. Dont hesitate to tell me if you have any problem.,书裂瞎棵潜状氢芜惮朱预绘绎季搂艺卖湖委澡咐柄哮如愈运漳雄勉生支右现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,8.slip,v. a. to give sb. sth. quietly and secretly b. to slide accidentally c. to go somewhere quietly and quickly, in order not to be noticed Examples

11、: The thief slipped the watch into his pocket. The little girl slipped (on the ice), but she laughed. A man slipped out by the back door.,既吴凌狱赋亲拙争拐烈度扫耻忙柠协裂赡饿棘缠规戏砂毋唐擅爵厢软侯路现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,9. figure,Examples: He has an annual income of six figures. The blackboar

12、d is covered with geometrical figures like squares and triangles. I saw a figure approaching in the darkness. Alexander the Great is a great historical figure.,刻低苏暇壕露孵火袄豁骨魔惰峭幌叶隆骄朝么云悼援条筷续呸坐支谨纸伴现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,10. Check on,check (up) on sb.: to investigate ones

13、 behavior, background check (up) on sth.: to examine sth. to discover whether it is true/safe/correct Examples: The police are checking on the man. The police are checking on the fingerprints on file.,露伪琵婉药羽罕盯册逞索遂懊兢姓观棵亦坑厩柄乘萎剃跃一感秤批侗摄苯现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,11. Raise

14、the devil with,to behave in an angry and threatening way Examples: She raised hell when she found she had been cheated. He raised the devil with me when I received a call from my ex-boyfriend.,液迈嘉裳洁面逊彬手敌塌荔豢等勘峡躁切遂们寺沼袄私越魔蒲撒易三敬蛋现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,12. Take chances,to behave riskily Example: Dont take your chances when driving a car.,盈笑捎否充牙榜寅娠抹输纹垛瑟废蔡戈神能逝崔嘴撕浴剔窖苔帽廊愈缨守现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,elements,拭吹浮痢番症王挑羡坑涤委煌陋豌氓酌房多袖噶阶次列獭逗爽镰赛真爬和现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100001,


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