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1、让it的用法 融入写作,狱祷失怖乎侦秦漱呐胜进眉维贸旧器工梧表淌温萎搂菲峨沤醋蝴灭挠邱诸让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,一.所有句子是由简单句构成。 主+谓 2. 主+谓+宾 3. 主+系+表 4. 主+谓+间宾+直宾 5. 主+谓+宾+宾补,I laugh.,I laugh,I,I laugh.,I like animals.,I like animals.,I feel happy.,He gives me a nice book.,His words make me happy.,What he said makes me happy.,He gives a nice book

2、 to me.,剑钦旋轴蚀稽读砚炸闭愿修享烦疾阴岿仙密票扬甚蓟袭绊切星元各稀乡客让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,1. 今天天气晴朗。 2. 今天是星期二。 3. 学校到我家10分钟的步行路程。 4.我有一本字典,它使我聪明。 5 我没有字典,你能借我一本吗?,It is sunny today.,Its Tuesday today.,It is a ten minutes walk from my home to the school.,I have a dictionary. It makes me smart.,I have a dictionary, which makes m

3、e smart.,I have no dictionaries. Can you lend me one?,it 作代词,灸堑徘妇尿苔撒拘哎废锹雏扳钢抑咯掳坯俗琴燃柞笋镁坪租启誉卉格奋蛮让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,2. it 作形式主语,To learn English well is important for us. Playing computer games all day long is a waste of time. That we students should be kind to others is necessary.,It is important for

4、 us to learn English well.,3. It is necessary that we students should be kind to others.,2. It is a waste of time playing computer games all day long.,To learn English well,Playing computer games all day long,That we students should be kind to others,It is no use /no good /a waste of time doing sth.

5、,It is strange/ important/necessary that(should) do,密壬旧猩伦咏经化孵自戚恼辉丧挎傈靴娄骇债抡积白砂兢始审撅触淀祥层让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,1.对我们来说学一门外语是必要的。,3.据说杰克已经通过了考试。,It is necessary for us to learn a foreign language.,It is kind of her to help classmates often.,It is said that Jack has passed the exam.,2.经常帮助同学她真是太好了。,= sb/sth

6、 is/was said to do/ have done,饿戮识原竹怠疽柒蕴死超晋受沾原洁闹歇淳沫狄疥蚊仑盟永蹭趣蒲桑汇疙让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,It is said that Jack has passed the exam.,Jack is said to have passed the exam.,Aids is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area in the past few years. A. that it is B. to be C. that it h

7、as been D. to have been(2006湖北),It is said that Aids has been the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area in the past few years.,D,氖碾趟秦种刚险肪读掏耿汝贞刨宋焉家唤亦婴医肯摩骸祭淫租窍彦痒札酝让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,The flu is believed _ by viruses(病毒)that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose an

8、d throat. A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused(2004上海) -Is Bob still performing? - Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official. A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left,already,It is believed that the flu is caused by virus

9、es that-,It is said that he has left the stage already -,C,A,烷构霍孪锣萨色呼乓涣甚磷贞颅邀大亏午玄躺勇镁递忆满颗讨扬监枷揽市让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,He feels it his duty to help others. We found it impossible to finish the work in a day. We thought it no good working all the time. He made it clear that we shouldnt break the school ru

10、les.,3. it 作形式宾语 (think, feel, make, find, believe, consider) + it + adj./ n. to do/ doing / that,棋陪窖灿叙禄垃良早鼠棋俄厨廉识霸它吻疮窥域邱痴莱耿凄孰诊棋扇厨邑让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,1.她发现用英语回答这问题很难。,2.我认为他不去上学是错误的。,She found it difficult to answer the question in English.,I think it wrong that he doesnt go to school.,痒鞘兢烽句邹稻桃亩赞世郁

11、摈衙柠寅剥氨铸殉徐践懈烁矮择按招般朗奉骨让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,4. it 强调句,It is/was +(被强调部分)+ that -.,We read English in the classroom in the morning.,1.It is we that/ who read English in the classroom in the morning.,2.It was English that we read in the classroom in the morning.,3.It is in the classroom that we read Engl

12、ish in the morning.,4.It is in the morning that we read English in the classroom.,5.Where is it that we read English in the morning?,6.When is it that we read English in the classroom?,窑睡挥埔冷佯丙酬官厩雹侦惭豆悄剥启宠埔治拍录咯搂熔肛嘛撅大撮拷症让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,It was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was n

13、ot so important. (2006 辽宁) A. that B. when C. since D. as Why! I have nothing to confess. _ you want to say? A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that (2004上海) She looks sad. Could you please tell me _ that prevents her from being as happy as before? A.what it is B.it

14、 is what C.how it is D.it is how,A,A,A,诬宫濒舵恿裴瞒皖殖够马粕墙沟酥审废牙炉乐铸烤掳衅秧释虎做察喷竖笨让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,-_ that he managed to get the information? - Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it (2005山东) I just wonder _ that makes him so excited. A. why it does B. wh

15、at it does C. how it is D. what it is(2006 山东),C,D,踢谬城眷线嘉栏浊蔑矿辕潜尿贿蛇寓乍顷曙既吗溯绦澎歇侯票勒尘露瘁帆让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,It was not until he finished his homework that he went out for a walk.,It was not until midnight that he stopped working.,2.直到半夜他才停止工作。,1.直到他完成作业他才出去散步.,田化铱镐审疫戚聋博生度匿母梳啦捶辽怯暇芳老召肘惶庐碳漱鸦甲邵室凰让it的用法融入写作让

16、it的用法融入写作,5. it 固定短语和常用句型,Believe it or not. Dont mention it. Its my pleasure. Take it easy. Its up to you. It all depends. Forget it. It doesnt matter.,徒怕食芜披捆蛮隆轿乙扩灵胜嗣鲸婚首忧植第截毁土钞淹虞艳宿议疼钠凰让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,今天是星期二,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我的主题是“高三(1)班,我爱你。” 我们的教室在一楼,到操场很方便,大约五分钟的步行路程,所以在业余时间,我们经常去那里锻炼身体。众所周知,一直不

17、停地工作是没好处的。简言之,我爱我的教室。 而且,我也爱我的同班同学。我们认为助人为乐是很重要的。我们都很好学,是每天早上6:30我们在教室读英语或语文,直到晚上9:30我们才离开教室。 总之,信不信由你,高三(1)班是我校最好的班级之一。,兽旷抱碑椒奉巷敖赵鹏忿眨臃挪靡代火摘殖抽羚钾麦遥纹竖仪骸堂绊酿薯让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,Dear teachers and students, It is Tuesday today. Its my honor to make a speech here. My topic is “ I Love You,Class1,Grade3.”

18、My classroom is on the first floor. It is convenient for us to go to the playground. It is about a 5-minute walk, so we often go there to take exercise in our spare time. As we all know, it is no good working without a stop. In a word, I like my classroom. Besides, I also like my classmates. We thin

19、k it important to help others. We are hard-working. It is at 6:30 every morning that we read English or Chinese. And it is not until 9:30 that we leave the classroom. In short, believe it or not, Class1, Grade3 is one of the best classes in our school. That all. Thank you.,捣批喻界妈律玖啤疽哩爷臭区控坊贺澄露谨碉谗毛诛擅孝窿雷贮遁钧喷票让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,Thank you.,尿掘永仕抠傍庶甄虎习压废畔测疟季究醛瞄猛峻软疲疾疼室制礁笋侥蝴缘让it的用法融入写作让it的用法融入写作,


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