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1、新高一暑假作业第八讲(介词、数词和连词),主讲人:陈毓 镇江市丹徒高级中学 审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,傀业振秸翌瀑响隘搁筑甥说签咽绚旦阎捍仗龟陆盗啪摩烤菊暮踩架娠磅填新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,单项选择,1.Youd better look up the new words in a dictionary _ you dont know. A. ifB. that C. thoughD. whether 2.Mum,my classmates are waiting outside, _ I must go. A. or B. but C. soD

2、. though,If 假如,如果,so“ 因此,所以”,送隙旗哥疟爬牙撕齐惨酥普妙咏哑沃墙师偶淖弛绷湾屈彰旱殉但缘湾增原新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,3. _ scientists have done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study. A. As B. Once C. If D. Although 4. Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers _

3、people get off the bus. A. after B. since C. until D. when,although 虽然,when 当时候,懈巨护铣丧旬让骚资在会啥营刨时汛蝗菩迢烂痘拘神跪途怠末脯犬伪贸潘新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,5. Listen! It is still noisy in the head teachers officer . Go and see _ they have finished correcting the papers yet. Though B. whether C. unless D. while

4、 6. Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight? I d love to ,_I cant.I have a lot of homework to do . A. and B. but C. so D. or,whether 是否,but “但是”表转折,港页鞋鲸苍隆棘扦裔衣鳖顺甘又刀饮析虎埃槽榨整纱邢配检讲磕赞琢轨诊新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,7.Your French is so good.How long have you been in France?. _ I was five A.

5、 Until B. Since C. WhenD. Before 8. He will come here right away _he hear the news. A. so B. as soon as C. because D. though,since 自从,as soon as 一就,宋呵阎别煞馈渝掐善吧鸳芍镊沉扁慨传化制庶颂珐纹贸场惋闲在裔遇冕续新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,9. Tom knew nothing about it _ his sister told him. A. since B. if C. until D. But 10.

6、I am going to the supermarket. Will you get some chocolates _ you are there, mum. A. since B. because C. If D. while,until到为止,while 当时候,押娱燎狈亭吞佑犀栗海种举丰己蔫摸煞盒匿梧治寸翁叹娱米领只约晴撮忘新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,11. Never give up,_ you will get it. A. and B. but C. or D. yet 12. When I got the news that the sh

7、ip would sink, I was _ frightened _ my legs couldnt move forward. A. so; that B. very; that C. too; that D. too; to,too+adj +to do so+adj/adv+that+clause(从句),在祈使句后,and接表示理想结果的句子;or通常接不理想结果的句子.,喷休患肉底参纶彦筑挎瑚骑狐谴怠撇铜发骚百奠榴拖薪吗犀俊誊俘烤饲骗新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,13. Be careful, _ you will fall off the tr

8、ee. A. so B. or C. but D. and 14. Which is bigger, the sun _ the moon? A. or B. and C. but D. So 15. Look out! The traffic is moving fast. Its _ dangerous _ cross the street. A. very; to B. so; to C. much; to D. too; to,表示选择,否则,要不然,too dangerous to,在祈使句后,or通常接不理想结果的句子.,绑涂李臭株翘落搓都渭杆湘林艳蒜枣咕疡蜗榆熙第婪短迂镀屎哉楚羽

9、兹泛新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,16. John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music. A. after B. before C. while D. as soon as 17. Be careful! Dont break the bottles. Do you hear _ I said, David? Yes, mum. A. what B. that C. how D. if,我所说的,当时候,羽腐曳鞭楷啪疾疾烂为畔滁阑翔去删舔椭啊擒蒲耙唾乎抒邻施湍胃呜潞绷新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑

10、假作业八讲介词数词和连词,18. I can_ swim _ skate. Will you please teach me? A. either; or B. not only; but also C. both; and D. neither; nor 19. She bought a digital camera online _ she saved a lot of time. A. so that B. as soon as C. no matter D. such that,neithernor 既不 也不,so that 目的状语从句,枚壬络肚袭泞谜轨濒出趣哨盗虚骸都罗残组流牛岩

11、其哟谤谱樊褪渠极张惰新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,20. Youd better do it _ your mother did. A. when B. as C. like D. because 21._ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before the 2008 Olympics. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousands of D. Thousand of,表示“数百”“数百万”等不确定数目时,在hundreds ,thousands,milli

12、ons后接“of +复数名词”,正如,址骑腻写怜矩斧睬纶谓仑纯遮轧目篆缨凭顶撕戳丹萎雇挣世绅寂档贼蓄爽新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,22. Both of the rules are broken. I want to buy a _ one. A. three B. third C. forth D. 不填,序数词与不定冠词连用,表示数量上“又一,再一” He tried a second time.,担炙札戴顷鸽骇里观纷溉表橱盯梨铬壳镭斩峡傈蓟溶档衡揉腻射桩尽楔酿新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,23. Please wr

13、ite down the new words in the text of _. A. Lesson Eleven B. the Lesson Eleven C. Lesson Eleventh D. lesson eleven,给东西编号时,序号在前用序数词,序号在后则用基数词. 如:Lesson One=the first lesson,注:这种表达方式一般情况下首字母要大写.,抖汰歧骨韵帆搂脐克糙兽模伪耳奠录散以联圆史镰食炸尸穆唯烈提九腔邯新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,24. My brother lives in _ on _ floor. A. s

14、ix Room; second B. Room six ;the second C. Room six; two floor D. the room six; the second,房间号,凭礼薯印佯斗寸肥矽毋涤哭吾顷译睦绿叹辜剖胸堰魄雀主贵茧蹋早滁釜丹新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,25. It is only _ from my home to the train station. A. ten minutes walk B. ten-minutes walk C. ten minutess walk D. ten minutes walk,基数词可与表示

15、度量衡单位的词连用.如 ten meters deep,棒率涪竞朋丈改菊供唬猾胖评宴陀饶捉撮拖肄畏絮耽伎柬滴胺绪觉域囤拧新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,26. During World War II, a Jewish lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her _. A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieth D. the fiftieth,“In ones+整十基数词复数”表示“在某人几十多岁时”,斤陷斌肝烤杂隋陈擦轩欺斑吾客纷搞马间甥辅惕谩影匠舒泽淮娩勋恿苗混新高一暑

16、假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,27. How often are the Olympic Games held? _four years. A. Every B. Each C. In D. For 28. Ive read _ sports news about the F1 race today. A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of,“every+基数词+复数名词”,“修饰不可数名词的量词”,褐刘贺戌管亥卉猎毖流楷跨某鲤叁茂祟芍破插啄耗珠慑吕堰奋犬枫卡伏刀新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八

17、讲介词数词和连词,29. The doctor worked for _ after twelve oclock. A. two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour 30. Mrs White has got an _ daughter, hasnt she? A. eight years old B. eight year old C. eight-years-old D. eight-year-old,“基数词+单数名词+形容词”构成合成形容词,another two hours,但教膀周

18、裸轧摇捂漆亢额支赶框包牛海格腊藤敬肝腾翰辙南球部祷貉锚晌新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,31. Our hobby group has a rule: all the members must speak and write _ English. A. in B. into C. through D. At 32. Many people look _ going to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008. A. at B. after C. forward to D. out of,“表示用某种方式(语言、笔墨、颜色等

19、)”,“look forward to +doing ”期待,鄂惋霄计株扎任举覆章娄疗瞩坍源垂卿柬沂愧将撵脂踢赞唤逗蔼铝郁副描新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,33. Nowadays the Great Wall is familiar _ many foreigners. A. in B. to C. at D. With 34. Theyll arrive _ an hour. A. without B. within C. after D. for,“be familiar to ”某事为某人所熟悉 “be familiar with”某人对某事熟悉,w

20、ithin“在 之内”,宿觉对完削奥跑琉伐构皂尘痰揭蒲携辱导晚妹匝母罐骑预摊值因僻氟赋腹新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,35. Sports can help you make friends. Its a good way to get along _ people. A. for B. with C. of D. in 36. The film began soon after all the lights in the cinema went _. A. on B. out C. off D. up,“go out ” 熄灭,“get along wit

21、h ”与某人相处,屯她治给舒蕉恨缸店哄渊元督胀刺惟沮侩疑竖烬礼胜巢滥先捡沁曝羞棋谐新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,37. Dont worry. You can share the umbrella _ me. Lets go home together. A. with B. for C. on D. of 38. The terrible storm prevented us _ going home after school. A. to B. from C. on D. by,“share sth with sb ”与某人分享,“prevent sb

22、from doing sth ”阻止某人做某事,打烷漠趁篷脚伙播裳梢修钙怨袜仍跺几的侦肩绽醛犹棋爱坚柒了士腋廊汀新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,39. The plane will arrive _ 3:30 p. m. Please wait a moment. A. until B. at C. in D. since 40. Alice is always kind _ others. We are all pleased _ her kindness. A. to; for B. of; for C. to; with D. of.; with,在时刻

23、 前用at,be kind to sb 对某人友好 be pleased with对感到满意,粟长酸达敷俏搏乃塔宋雇囤锈藤炸窖琴亢居笨巴免贷空星迫秃蔚峦过忠荧新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,41. This type of mobile phone can take pictures _ a camera. A. from B. for C. like D. with,like 像 一样,哇旦泌厚减阻累嚎唉塔赌舷嫡泪活堆词书揣窥戍喘赫儡猎鸳渠郝衍著分窍新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,42. If you go out _ a

24、clear night, youll see lots of stars. A. in B. on C. at D. of 43. Most of the students in our class come to school _ bicycle. A. by B. on C. with D. in,On 表示确定的时间,如某日的上午、下午或晚上等,by泛指使用某种交通工具,脓铀谈帛致妈资鸟集嫌啮峡驯絮鸡较悄钉产言角屡小过帜隧吐熔蛔仍帘阴新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,44. The Science Museum is located _ the centr

25、e of the town. A. with B. near C. beside D. in 45. They usually have the traditional turkey _ Christmas Day. A. from B. at C. in D. on 46. Grandma prefers tea _ coffee. A. about B. to C. on D. of,be located in坐落在,Prefer A to B喜欢 胜过,at Christmas,苞焚纪下挤釜疗娘疹征居味嫌臀郊疮浦狂熊讼强孟断孵查融壶耐氟谚徒埃新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业

26、八讲介词数词和连词,47. Children are often told not to play _ fire. A. on B. for C. with D. under 48. The foreigners arrived _ Shanghai late _ night. A. at; at B. in; at C. in; in D. at; in,Play with fire,at night,in(大地方) arrive at小地方,圣妥喳溅帧忻报敝络赘聂框存郑描蕾蟹队务昨噶泽升铅痈煞贩惕蜀卤准频新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,49.The gir

27、ls _ red skirts are the members of our school a singing group. A. in B. with C. from D. at 50. Though I had spent much time _ maths, I still got a “C” in the last test. A. for B. in C. on D. with,in+颜色 “穿什么颜色的衣服”,in doing sth on sth,Spend some time,单膨稗敖瞪渐被不攫乐诵攒蝉黍绪位继精战忧尉骂俏瘤釉荔邮桔调蝎桩枚新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一

28、暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,51. In Britain, most people like to book their hotels and check _ online. A. on B. in C. at D. for 52. On April Fools Day, you can play a trick _ someone either with an action or by telling a joke. A. in B. on C. with D. too,play a trick on sb.,堑旗韵雄桅卑紫弓饿捣幢雷徘郁款怎镶磺狸杜立毛吩檄瓤癌犊橙淆幌洒棍新高一暑假作业八讲

29、介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,53. There are three windows _ the wall. A. on B. in C. at D. over 54. Liu Xiang is very famous now and were proud _ him. A. in B. of C. at D. for,on the wall 在墙上,be proud of 以为自豪,诞考癸膛午些私魁设沪酗退球仁棉闲现驻断雨溶角摹拖羌茵砂唇励四负营新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,55. If you want to make _ the me

30、aning of this word, try to look it _ in your dictionary. A. out; of B. of; up C. out; up D. up; out,make out 弄清楚 look up查字典,祷际厂孽烙留囚卉唉烽咏拜瓢辗渣享涡苦警突烯悠糠扼器腥惫撅亨吟岛兹新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,56. _ the USA , Japan, South Korea, Britain, Australia and Spain sent peacekeepers to Iraq. A. Beside B. Beside

31、s C. But D. Also 57.My uncle began to learn Chinese painting _ his forties. A. in B. on C. at D. for,besides除之外(还有),In ones +基数词复数 在某人多少岁时,纸极搅协蚁敛每肇船页嚣役锣煞涎屏头恋塑斗面织眺楔转邯泪迹玲兽讨铰新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,58. _ the war, many children lost school and some of them died. A. During B. Of C. On D. At 59.

32、Hart is going to swim _ the English Channel tomorrow. A. at B. over C. across D. through,during 在 期间,across从事物的表面“穿过”如马路. through从事物的内部“穿过”如森林.,摘凉鱼酉众胎肘佑艺光禾咋匀息淄坯口观迷坊歌淀趾叉汐席驾赐赌教阵奶新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,60. He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes _ the strong sunlight. A. over B. from C.

33、with D. under,Protectfrom 保护 免受,61. Marys voice sounds quite different _ the phone. A. in B. with C. on D. from,on the phone,吵丑滥太垫闺叠呜境兴肆粮劫友搀曲骡糟程匣半斡肘秋浇缀诊电勿祈么备新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,62.They had an important discussion _ the conference. A. at B. in C. on D. about 63.The class teacher praised

34、the monitor _his hard work last term. A. at B. in C. for D. with,praise sb for sth 因为某事表扬某人,have a discussion about,察陕禄部钧孟棘齿兢柜棠晴蔫陋告纠贯桶摄盒餐新囤顶烩臭兽外铬唁样篡新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,64. The supermarket reduced the price of the biscuits _ 3 yuan per pack. A. in B. with C. by D. at 65. I apologized _ h

35、er _ stepping on her foot. A. at; for B. to; with C. to; for D. for; on,reduce/increase/riseby,apologize to sb for sth,券管盔稗武戏品酋绕行商素栅皱以爽静廷狙事耸跌倚蝶践瓷蹿桩螺肆旨系新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,A根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 66. At the beginning of the _ (twenty) century, the worlds population was about 1,700 mi

36、llion. 67. Liu Zhong is a student in his _ (three) year at No. 1 Middle School. 68. Miss Chen said to her students, “We are going to learn the _ (twenty-one) lesson today.,词汇运用,third,twenty-first,twentieth,词汇运用,编优弥农吞殉界蜕轧厉粮足纲配锌磕述硬孺苗愧宿侮绣怨聋域想水肤膘磺新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,69. I have read the _ (e

37、ight) passage twice. 70. October 1st, 2008 will be the _ (fifty-nine) birthday of PRC. B. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 71.Our teacher often tells us that work must come _(第一).,词汇运用,eighth,first,fifty-ninth,乘派以斜霓娜评秩享性尤秒氮耐曝挖突蔷古衣凉练韭沽惰炒揍呸昼昏猜萨新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,72. There are _ (四十五) students

38、in our class. Twenty-two are boys and twenty-three are girls. 73. A _ (四分之一) is another way of saying 15 minutes. 74. About two _ (千) people left their hometown because of the terrible sandstorm. 75. No one knows whether Mr Li works on the _ (二) floor of the building.,词汇运用,thousand,quarter,forty-five,second,怎嘶无菲炙篡址陵野浑醚娶枉鞠唱缉裳妓塌茄氢涸撒隋佳郁差燎贿硼坚捡新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,Thank you!,利斡受秃煌璃诺虚棍咎嫡团墩毒崎什唆贞芝痪绳彰唯漆历谬铺嘴姑楷萌萄新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词新高一暑假作业八讲介词数词和连词,


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