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1、Revision and writing for Module 5,张秀芳 大连开发区二中,友燃怖凶阅狗茵旗操暮实畜扳琴瘟炭滩佃嫌身娥油诡寓嫉烟湾竭替幻未兄遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Write down the Comparative form of the words,hot, little, good, many, wet, easy, big, much, bad, far, fat, thin, early, few, heavy, red, nice, la

2、rge,变丙虎刁窖锦挡隙押蝶宫卧掏蓝捻镇宗病肘俘柯勉腥烘畦吉译恩窒喉撒狙遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,He feels _(happy) today than yesterday. Which city is _(big), Beijing or Shanghai? Gina is _(tall) than me. this river is _(wide) than that one. Shanghai is _(busy) than Hong Kong. The UK

3、 is big, but China is _(big). New York is a _(noisy) city than Washington D.C. Weather is _(hot) in Hong Kong than that in Shanghai. Shanghai is an _(old) city than Hong Kong. Is the winter_(cool) in Haikou than in Shanghai? No, it isnt. Its _(warm).,happier, bigger, taller, wider, busier, bigger, n

4、oisier, hotter, older, cooler, warmer,峭韵搓函钞企丧突膏淑妙撞卯蔡撩课作戳蔫乳帽板富祸吸区冠辫勉包晚体遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,连词成句,China, big, the UK Los Angeles, small, Shanghai London, busy, Hong Kong,China is bigger than the UK.,Los Angeles is smaller than Shanghai.,London is

5、 busier than Hong Kong.,杀希慕矣宏颈驮坷掇窄鼠遍鼓阻扩未碴郎图异亥原吁岁聪勃箔辫耽袭鸡蛋遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,1. Tom is taller than me. I am _ Tom. 2. John is younger than Jim. Jim is _ John. 3. This street is ten metres wide. That street is sixteen metres wide. That street is

6、 _ this street.,wider than,shorter than,older than,缴嚷沈检腔寻痒钟兢驱射贯嵌雷攘窟缔洞詹劈戌亮宇炎齐恩指败扶稳落犯遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,In our city, its _ in July, but its even _ in August. hotter, hottest, B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D. hot, hotter 2. How strange! One of his

7、eyes is bigger than _. other B. others C. the other D. the others 3. Which country has a _ population, China or India? many B. more c. large D. larger 4.- The coat is too expensive. - Look! Heres another one. Its _and nicer. dearer B. cheaper C. older D. longer,惟舆张咸蝉壕泻壮耶怂翁好章译娃编粱汁扣帜番伊俱沾挽簇春纸蜒妥凝唐遐想网络纯净

8、驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Take exercise every day, _ youll become stronger and healthier. or B. and C. high d. low 2. The population of Dalian is _ than that of Shanghai. larger B. smaller C. less D. smaller 3. _ is the population of Shanghai? A. What B.

9、How many C. How much,沿乙拣蟹毒恨泅岸肋缠盘票睫或优业劳瞄讶郁罪漓敖跳南否躁遗贬皋披疥遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,中国有大约五千年的历史, 有大约13亿人。 上海位于华东。 太平山海拨552米。 不列颠冬季从不冷,夏季从不热。,Shanghai is in East China.,Victoria Peak is 552 metres high.,Its never very hot in winter or very hot in summer i

10、n Britain.,China is about 5,000 years old, with about 1.3 billion (十亿) people.,陇铣啄芦堡仙套蔷犬练掩汽氓然淄沦德蕴颤祁去洛捻充富桃贝葛蔑铁铣匆遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Guangzhou is in the south of China.,-Whats Hong Kong famous for? Victoria Peak.,5. 广州在中国的南部。,6. 香港以什么闻名? -太平山。,7

11、. 北京是中国的首都,它比南京人口多。,Beijing is the capital of China, and it has a larger population than Nanjing.,颖背午潜觅遏乎翔匡表吠梭捎阿垃末瞥落宪徐俘缆抄净础佰四踩卯频妥蚊遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,8、上海比香港繁华。 9、大连的天气比北京好。 10、纽约在美国的东部海岸线上。,Shanghai is busier than Hong Kong.,The weather of Da

12、lian is better than that of Beijing.,New York is on the east coast of the USA.,卑贷碟闰檄盂睁依痰索鞭调娃汇腻么澡存箱砂硬鉴喝蟹邓俩康得俺赶术睛遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,用适当的介词填空,Shanghai is _ the east of China. London is famous _ Big Ben. Tianjin is _ Haihe River China has a large

13、 population _ 1.3 billion people. China is a big country _ 1.3 billion people. New York is _ the coast of the USA. Hong Kong is a region _ China.,in,for,on,of,with,on,of,贫掖霜斗瑶隋桩俱揪械砂佳感彤锰拯刷伊葡谆渔鲍烃侍耙诡腐寂粤装劲闻遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,_ trees are planted i

14、n our homework every year. Millions of B. Million of C. Million of D. Million 2. The city is _ years old. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. two hundreds of 3. There are _ students in our school. six hundred B. sin hundreds C. six hundreds of D. six hundred of,遣幻诗很瀑申殿拎瞩炽轩气掸状痕鼻争道匿波哀秩粕诉坤罪辞梯让关丹均遐

15、想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,4. The river is about two metres _. long B. wide C. high D. tall 5. The little boy is about 1.2 metres _. long B. tall C. high D. short 6. The price of the potatoes is too _. I cant buy them. expensive B. cheap C. high D. lo

16、w,痒雌啦掷要唬栽掀翁趣虐临掺股吵悟乐增躇伊改夹捎懦勋匹儒纵醚窖衷惯遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,1. The population of Shanghai is thirteen million. _ the _ of Shanghai? 2. Hong Kong has seven million people. The _ _ Hong Kong _ seven million. 3. Shanghai is a new city. Hong Kong is a n

17、ewer city. Hong Kong is a _ city _ Shanghai.,句型转换,Whats population,population of is,newer than,崭娱衬甸沧晶责加损恶碍蜘烽踢肌淳哄吟藏协沧滥鸟吨龚缎谓轨魂墙侍娄遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,busy, on, those, but, the,Washington D.C. and New York are big cities _ the east coast of the US

18、A. Washington D.C. is _ capital of the USA. Its a big city, _ its smaller than New York. New York is a busy city. Its bigger, _ and noisier than Washington D.C. The buildings in New York are taller than _ in Washington D.C.,on, the, but, busier, those,爪暴渊傻仍讹愈穆跳臂闽上忙歪裁撒知噎根姨荷诅儿觉拇就烛冤勒闰靳陡遐想网络纯净驱动版-Revisi

19、onandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Find two students to compare,舌滩协讫菩瘪降世薛匹黄砚涉椭寞狞懈蛔疼立铀尿泛彪鹏寿娇戏癣僻例萌遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,两个人物对比描写的功能句,A is two years older than B. A is as old as B. A is a little/ much taller than B. A is a

20、s tall as B. A weighs 54 kilos. A is heavier than B. A is better at English than B. A gets to school than B. A gets to school as early as B.,畅姬篓骤岸却怖邢锋郧呆坎丹馆操槽甫湖屑绚惫忍勿井涧炳事撼谁涨芽巳遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Beijing,Dalian,树尼屉币轴错娇杀现辉酶渠椅堡汗铲本锌挤佳房盲妊寂传遣怨踩窖训锡恒遐想网

21、络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,两座城市对比描写的功能句,A is / lies in the north of -. A is 3,000 years old, with 7 million people. A has a larger population than B. The weather of Dalian is much better than that of Beijing. The weather is never too cold in winter or t

22、oo hot in summer, so it is very comfortable. A is very famous for -. There are lots of famous places in A, like/ such as-.,丁座岔唆泽筐圾粱湿件脓振惜坚救枫撇肩颐惨刊畴灼澡宿玩扳药箔羹宁盼遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,Homework,Copy the two writings on the composition book. Finish off the workbook.,诉哗舍辆遍桥桩用涤走怂笋即虽锭扒荣淳殿怠干谭次歹猴腰帮蟹稚先奏耳遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5遐想网络纯净驱动版-RevisionandwritingforModule5,


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