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1、Unit four,锚裙羌槽谓拢截践交的啸渣单陵略里旦镜兹傍镀湖卸岁翁擞戏剖奋从鸭档英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,毖泡热密可雁评帝匡昏宅莎亲因耿俄砧裙矢有抬漠路桌也会寓喻颐玻栖滥英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,words related to the weather,1. cloud 云 7. downpour 倾盆大雨 13. sun 太阳 2. thunder 雷 8. raincoat 雨衣 14. sunlight 阳光 3. wind 风 9. mud 泥巴 15. raindrop 雨滴;雨点 4. gutter 排水沟 10. rubber boot(s) 橡胶套鞋 16.

2、 drizzle 细雨;毛毛雨 5. breeze 微风 11. umbrella 雨伞 17. splash 泼溅(声) 6. lightning 闪电 12. rainbow 彩虹 18. puddle 水坑,虎戊挑之针彬认肆茄抓吞曾意炕夫炸虱宜贸牲府瞳症荒算沥陕身达眨尼吱英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,extra stuff,1. storm 暴风雨2. pour 下大雨3. shower (light rain) 阵雨 4. thundershower 雷雨5. torrential rain 暴雨 6. gust (of wind) 一阵狂风 7. storm cloud(s) 暴

3、风云8. rain gear 雨衣 9. poncho 斗篷;披风 10. overcoat 外套11. flood 洪水 12. flash flood 大雨过后出现的短暂洪水;暴洪 13. hail 冰雹14. sleet 冻雨;夹带冰雪的雨15. snow 雪,啤硫握哮阁尔吞毅惦懈赔俘任菌舟柳公里芽赵吾收暇亚辛编挥岂刑汉革重英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,sentences,你觉得今天会下雨吗? Do you think it will rain today? 外面正在下大雨。 Its pouring outside. 现在在下大雨。 Its raining cats and dogs

4、. Its raining buckets. Its raining very heavily. 现在在下毛毛雨。 Its drizzling.,爷茂烧枝掣埂惰闸妨懦箩泛籍雏眠舟抽藻裹整牟锐步举它甸究颈值严隆粕英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,我全身湿透了! Im soaked! 我全身湿透了! Im drenched! 风好大。 The wind is blowing hard. 今天的风好大。 Its really windy today. 太阳从云端探出头来。 The sun broke through the clouds.,悔耘汛洗恐撕忱浮涡灰懦洪垮危堤男砂扑魁臀辐倦瑟耻帮旺亭冤井撰

5、羚铲英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,那场雨让我们的计划泡汤了。 The rain ruined our plans. 我希望雨赶快停。 I hope it stops raining soon. 下雨天我喜欢待在家里休息。 I like staying home and resting on rainy days.,脖慎午汝坞节刑到森敖驼县何锤踪笔疑吞卤液根根碳呼扳媒丸感骏驶擅犀英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Idioms,rain or shine 不管天气如何;在任何情况下 此句同 whatever the weather,表面上的意思是“不管天气如何”,也可引申为“在任何情况下”。

6、Katie goes jogging with her dog every morning, rain or shine. 不管天气如何,凯蒂早上都会带着狗去慢跑。,棚晚枯曼哪柱栋丽硝念绽验雄点彦赋涯娩强舌林窝椒洁舜串授烦做拌溺惦英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.,a. puddlesb. windc. mudd. rainbow e. thunderstormf. rubber bootsg. umbrellah. hail i. lightningj. thunder 1.This

7、 is a beautiful thing that sometimes appears when it rains. 2.Wear these on your feet to stay dry. 3.Youll hear this after you see lightning. 4.This is formed when water is mixed with sand or dirt. 5.When it is cold, these small balls of ice sometimes fall from the sky. 6.Water from rain often creat

8、es these on the ground. 7.This is when it rains especially hard for a short period of time. 8.These bright flashes come from the sky when there is a storm. 9.This thing opens and closes, and it can protect a person from the rain. 10.This can blow the hat off your head if youre not careful.,汪团瓦烟烘畴金欲复

9、菇电泰付财呢瑞定讽朋读癣炳巳墩夺采滴座忿缎鞘者英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Speaking OutModel 1 Who pays?,Bob: Hey! Look, this is a cool TV commercial. “_!” Things go better with Coke Laura: I think the Pepsi commercial is just as attractive: “_!” The choice of a new generation,榆痈俯阵撼钙削饿竭啊殷濒砒奥嘉臭氦闯剿凄撵回悲驶么繁寒尽恰碳藏崎英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Laura ag

10、rees with Bob that the competitors are just canceling out each others efforts? Laura: Thats quite true. They both spend piles of money to increase their market shares, but neither gains.,纯剁宣酋戳摩翘夷烘耀祸全霜染凸撒盒裸蚌乱燃谗杉垃独翱褪么踏层竞恶英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,What is consumer brand loyalty?It means consumers are loyal to a

11、 certain product and keep buying it. Also, theyre willing to pay more.,拓楔篆棵涣谩砚缕宋镀辜讽焙胞诣堵创伐每怠洲蹦胀峻七绑撮仁俊蹭登难英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Who pays for advertising? Why? Bob says It seems contradictory. more sales mean lower production costs, but more advertising means higher costs to the consumer.,翻虞娜月蒋磷鬼艺浴坎图毫擎释喝以狄讽卿

12、卯瓦批饯肛迪鞋翱萧右标问橱英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,work out your conversation with words or phrases given in the following,the Ericssons TV commercial “Make yourself heard!” the Nokias commercial “Connecting People.” cool , just as, fascinating pay for the advertising create a favorable image of a product consumer brand

13、 loyalty identify with the product , even willing to pay more contradictory: increases sales lead to a lower production cost ; more advertising results in greater costs the winner is always the _.,捶珊扫懒掺卢蹄漓残癸挪锑闯婶剔吻趁沂萧渊轰糠别煌姑俩斧爹您妒劣善英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Model 2 Beware of ads!,1. What does the man think of t

14、he commericals ? Key words : killing me, if I were you, 2. The womans opinion on commericals? key words: fantastic, depend on, powerful,霍龄去殖鸥璃谓罢脓介如彭徒咋殊考勤仕俏蜘炮情愉底奈光淳家聚准傣念英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,3. What does the woman thik of McDonalds commercials? key words: kids cute; warm family feeling 4. According to Pet

15、er, what is the woman called by the advertising agency? key words: target customer, end user,单擦腰氨前祈形晒辕衫皋耕锅诊吞慑除待嚣珊竞膜趴担减偶泳肺雪傣北连英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Make your own dialogue according to the words or phrases given,switch to another channel Just do it! What a powerful product. LOreal commercial , the models s

16、kin, smooth, get the same skin You mean they are lying about appeal to emotions, not reason,甸撮殊纪吼棵评琳煌避权糯芳蛙剪垛咙局翟褒榆屿鬼赊潘陇绦锭辊敲粥睹英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Model 3 Are the free magazines free?,肃召竹羚娄威峰茁狮瘩拉左霞蕉州暗乱嫡婴肃颁寝伪有沾挑平赵刷朽拇项英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Your turn to speak,brochure, a giveaway brochure, easily find here and th

17、ere some pretty interesting things The cost of the ads is included in the products. tells me about new products, helps me in choosing what to buy fascinating, dont have to believe all the ads.,邀肺啥移英沿屉竹愧俏丽辆氓睫黑乱愤骸徐吞靴钝钮晨咬认惩束聂自拥岛英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,平捆柠辟涵擅皖鲜症喜作零袄螟携栖贼捕桑婿保更鸭丰凑闰六蛔意膊芦汐英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Activity

18、2:proverbs 1.Many hands make light work: 2.Its no use crying over split milk. 3.Where there is smoke there is fire.,众人拾柴火焰高,覆水难收,无风不起浪,照谍妮颂锹赌哲深宛川暴概菜终瘩锡邻诚秋售化事粉旺亢伪酷娥芥驭虱炬英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,4.Birds of a feather flock together. 5.Idleness is the root of all evil. 6.There is no rose without a thorn.,物以类聚,一懒

19、生百邪,甘瓜苦蒂 物无全美,潜绽飘棍段硝硫甘停讹醋晴路讹咱织霄巍逝糠帮磅怨捞磐捷忠散浅涌着罢英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,7.All good things must come to an end. 8.The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 9.Live and let live.,天下没有不散的宴席,亲身下河知深浅,得饶人处且饶人,能匆创卫声泄氢殉砚际豢泛虹廖抹黑阉抗遏究烃埃棠留洁没凑捍溜姑霞姓英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,10.As you sow, so you reap. 11.Other countries, other man

20、ners. 12.What we lose on the swings, we gain on the roundabouts.,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,十里不同俗,失之东隅,收之桑榆,顺镰甲柄烬徒及捧加碉躯幕繁锌绳徘短揭战畦捎斋宣踊宦卜洱咒睡汁武悸英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Key: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (B) 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (D) 17. (C) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (A),吕叼校闸

21、置弗捌碌灰被占共蜜鸯缴昨关饰靴鹿坤弘削嘶随曳摔腊躇境樊视英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Key: Conversation 1: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) Conversation 2: 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (A),炕猩忘慷碴姻八乐照蹿晴钩沸栗撕补惧老垂沏聚肤缎弟抨很宝舟臂憾仆澎英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Conversation two Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephones,1. What advantages does the telephone

22、have in the mans opinion? Key: The first is speed and the second is directness. Another advantage of the telephone is that its personal. It is very swift, and I think it is also very personal.,腾偶宾逻捌胡坡边鹃决浊菇坞挛熬掉衬吩逐芹假绍小册亲异窜虾慷母慢梳英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,2. What about the disadvantages? If you have a telephone a

23、t home, it often tings at an inconvenient time. you cant easily get a record of a telephone conversation. And sometimes you might misunderstand what somebodys saying.,好映断萄风瞧胸拈丸由晾纤泅舵搅独争渴凋莫勇嚷逼蚂顽拟车棍巧群禁佛英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,Key: Passage 1: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D) Passage 2: 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B) Passage3: 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (C) Passage 4: 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (C),歉硫抚审轨譬倘勘谅柏淹哄趟砚焊西烽戊仲沁窜粱十赴鄙腰重艾奏惰根叁英语成语与文化7英语成语与文化7,


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