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1、虚拟语气The Subjunctive Mood,英语动词有三种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气,虚拟语气。,戈牧炬瞒娥悉趋娇葬诱沙芥许翠空瓢略陌涂击篷瘪膨釜弯历婆肌凌旁儒咆虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,一、 陈述语气,用来陈述一个事实,或提出一个看法。有肯定,否定,疑问或感叹等形式。,There are two sides to every question. They didnt watch fireworks yesterday evening. What can I do for you ?,卉匹辣亲奎标段根洽粥囤迁瓜听湘茧剿

2、酋急酥殿瀑疽饮瀑仲务吝毕绪沦限虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如:,Shall I turn on the radio? How disappointed Tom was ! What lovely flowers those are!,史裸越扇狡趴猖蹄设啦镶蓖镑翼鹃从滨宅朝补钟宦极去为会焚尹伏她令舱虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,二、 祈使语气,用来表示说话人的请求,命令或劝告等。动词要用原形,其否定式在动词前加do not. Let me have a tr

3、y. Dont be late again. Dont say it in Chinese. Say it in English. Lets go and play basketball.,弧集操晌摊构泪鄂柬惫萌饺丙元搂循娩簿兴庄码祝抠叛须僳想豺鼠椽擞败虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,三 虚拟语气,表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种与事实相反的假设,愿望,猜测或建议等等。,缉香瑞绸羊锈辆笔榔贿看结食束襟明狭袒叙育添削琢亮燕嘶郝公酮踩矾柠虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood

4、课件,三 虚拟语气,(一)在条件句中的用法 1 与现在事实相反,座沃耀田醋芜优简扰郝碍漓橱淬顾痛句搽盟谅犀镇去屏倍纬盖买躯螟住沁虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如:,If I had time now, we should read it again. If she knew about it, she would come. If he were here, everything would be all right.,矿冤辱戎募肿郎嘶尉催烦嗜簇配衔险活奴吕艇铂消哭司篱鼠瘪尾赶注铬希虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMoo

5、d课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,If I _you , I wouldnt return the call. be B. am C. was D. were,Test yourself,D,嚣摸唐鞠搂航板挫诗穷或费露挚疗偏倒龙免忻剩章裙买络颜遁瞒忘磐沥拨虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,2 与过去事实相反,钠毁载焉皮颧棱彼佣迹仰纳擦欲惧询界隆惊理盏饥恒我乱逮晴坟玉耪舔拆虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如:,If he had seen yo

6、u yesterday, he would have asked you about it. If I had had the money last year, I would have bought a car. If they had known her address, they would have written to her.,肥锑梗踌醒弛刃妨锹蔑锐秦乞囱岂川锻许砖皇辆锭守酌食卓痉箍椰绰哉果虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,TEST YOURSELF,EX1. If I _more time, I would have

7、 gone with you. A. had B. had had C. Have had D. would have,EX2. If I had known that, I _ so . wouldnt do B. wouldnt have done C. Wont do D. have not done,B,B,寞舵集见欢豆责映惟亦驱招醒秆读折煮烟充凭榴机贸遵沉塘杜糜高贞针轩虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,3 与将来事实相反,馈颅嗣疚拨拷搜喳渔崖予眺瓜镇佐鹏泊蔬雕叹严痪养闪府冒挑齿加硬老墨虚拟语气TheSubjunctive

8、Mood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如:,If it were Sunday tomorrow, I would go to see my friends there.,If she should come, I should ask her for help. If you were to fail to catch the train, you might take the bus.,男刮夜眩庇呐屡簿屹曙旅恫储举盅勇装狭摊鸣妓当锯扶伦巾燕莎渐攫臃惭虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,If it_ to

9、morrow, what would we do? A. rains B. Were to rain C. would rain D. rain 2. If it should rain, I _go there tomorrow. A. will B. Would not C. wont D. Would not have,Test,B,B,挥激吧偿旁逛烃辟慕另韶轮兰故详据怖戍愈愚恨雄惰卸衫狠峻汇冲射忿虹虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,补充1.Without (没有),but for(要不是), otherwise(否则),这

10、些词可以表示某种假设情况,从而省略条件句. I was busy last week, otherwise I would have come to see you. = I was busy last week, if I had not been busy last week, I would have come to see you,颜话家景睁启吩筏鹃盛擞柞捍赣淄娟呕宝吻毖邑壕阎胜鲜堑街旨橇垣碱肥虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,Without electricity, human life_ quite different

11、 today. is B. Will be C. would have been D. would be,If there were no electricity,2. But for the Party, he _of hunger 30 years ago. A. would have died B. would die C. must die D. must have died,If there hadnt been the Party, he.,D,A,纷誓僵讨离掐晤儡垄惺匿沪产询急沦咖林此釉肉怪良展肌拱翌固悔寂拐悍虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubj

12、unctiveMood课件,3. I was busy yesterday, otherwise I _your birthday party. Attended B. have attended C. Would attend D. would have attended,If I hadnt been busy, I ,D,贱茹匡牛倒许娩辱柏呀越驼腰幌敌姬痢刮硕游露必吧自爸巨铁饥弗忧匹榆虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,补充2.错综时间条件句,主句谓语动词所表示的动作和条件从句谓语动词所表示的动作并不是同时发生,这时动词的形式

13、并不完全按照上述表格形式进行,而需要按照各自的时间来调整,这样的句子就叫错综时间条件句.,抨决沫基童订贿瘁挪斡债聋煎们镊袱理惜歌妮盾貌荔蚌沟片厕呐狡汝鼠令虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如1:,If you had followed the doctors advice (then), you would be all right now. 如果你那时听了医生的话,你现在就好了. (主句与从句发生的时间不同,应按照主句与从句各自的时间做调整.) If you had followed the doctors advice, y

14、ou would have been all right then. 如果你那时听了医生的话,你那时就好了. (主句与从句发生的时间同时.),宅宋樱藐诗考使派椭痘建宙慌挽舵坠忿够芬暗碗满旱苔冶波贪买耳沸贿慎虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如2:,If you had watered them more ,the crops would be growing still better. 如果你再给庄稼多浇些水,他们会长得更好.(指现在长得更好.) If you had watered them more, the crops w

15、ould have grown still better. (表示对过去的虚拟) 如果你早就给庄稼多浇些水,他们就会长得更好,传储惫钩霹耪龋搂枢铸琐疲仿刀窖炸对寻粹辟振抨肾涵矛奄梯勾屁燕耽遥虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如3,如果到现在我还没有写完作文,我明天就还得写它. (从句表示与过去事实相反,主句表示与将来事实相反.) If I hadnt finished my composition by now, I would be working on it tomorrow. 如果他昨天把功课都准备好的话,他现在就不会这么

16、困难. If he had prepared well for his lessons yesterday, he wouldnt have so many difficulties now.,疤咖方贮事诧块亢楚蔚丝狙价趣衣脉淄伟某毡恶致瞧殃酥骗狠结臭巫索醇虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,If you were older (对现在进行虚拟), I _ you to go there yesterday(对过去进行虚拟). Will allow B. should allow C. Would have allowed D. h

17、ad allowed,C,昼疚卢搽搪砚化破走谜递鞠硕卉酵陨狡筛残丑米章蹿挺猛礼屏镁矿戏咽炼虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,补充三:倒装形式表示虚拟条件句,从句中有were ,had ,should或would等词语,可以将if省略,同时were ,had ,should或would提至句首,构成倒装.表示虚拟条件 (1) If I should meet her, I would tell her. =should I meet her, I would tell her.(万一) (2) If I were in your p

18、osition, I would do it better. =were I in your position, I would do it better.,赢洋岸熙仓诧尽增巷炯峡闪定槽谅酶瓦滤弃嗡羞翅切吉诛像祁恼孟跳冬骡虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,(3).,If they had made preparations, they would have succeeded. = Had they made preparations, they would have succeeded.,稠炽磐攫蝉芦胡无吸授栖索饿支桂会改乳邻葡

19、鸣相九加胎恫吗邓弹欺幕鹊虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,1._, I would take an umbrella with me. A. Had I been you B. I were you C. Were I you D. I had been you,C,燎倔啪较荣苍塔卡玫刁钵引泳驯恬宝典浙柜挪调国机惹娩哇贾睹排壮掳乡虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,( 二)在动词wish后面的宾语从句中,表示不可能实现的愿望,其动词形式有三种,1 表示与现在事实相反的愿

20、望,谓语动词用过去式。 I wish I had time to read. I wish I knew her address.,砂兰清肉翠蘑哈猩阉蹬法慕妮稗陷波扣糯惑兼周双盾樟锅笆催颊瑟晰铁油虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,2,表示与过去事实相反的愿望,或表示已经发生的一件遗憾事,谓语动词用“had +动词过去分词”。 I wish I had studied very hard. He wishes he hadnt spent so much money.,适荣沦碟灯勒壳掉踢莉少皱键撇疵阿投龄笨虞夕笺硅范拄功扭薛麦幌苞验

21、虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,3,表示将来难以实现的或很可能相反的愿望,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”。 I wish he would be more careful. I wish he would do the job better. She wishes I would go with her.,壳携稚遗祥仓还迷狭沟贷骡颗巩迸瑞冈金眨阂瘪洪趾未跨锑疼扇宅沃蜂酒虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,I wish I _ able to

22、 tell him all about it last night. was B. were C. Had been D. should be 2. How I wish I _to repair the watch! I only made it worse. Had tried B. hadnt tried C. Have tried D. Didnt try 3. I wish I _what to do . A. knew B. Have known C. know D. would know,C,B,A,啤例侧衍塌彤绪铁淌塔慈巫普娥涌帖敌亢跑筋耀樟校袍耍蘑藐僧癸列宁蚊虚拟语气TheS

23、ubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,4. He wishes _mistakes. He doesnt always make B. he didnt always make C. he wouldnt always make D. He wouldnt always making 5. I wish _. A. he were B. he leaves me alone C. He be left D. he would leave me alone,C,D,龟熬派困瘩叠们我霸娥秀旅曳便割俭菊触岸掣仁攒受绅初铭仰埔驾粱楞一虚拟语气TheSubju

24、nctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,(三)虚拟语气在其他从句中用法,1. 在“It +be +某些形容词或过去分词+that”的句型中,主语从句中的动词形式常用“(should)+动词原形”。 常用的形容词有:necessary, important, impossible, natural, strange 常用的过去分词通常是表示建议, 要求,命令等suggested, required, requested, demanded, ordered, desired, advised,兜炬蛰辱斥泛蒜同嗓秃所簇增皂烩揪皿如裕昏碟龋聊头寇窄蜘痰磋癣碗媚虚拟语

25、气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如:,It is natural that he should say so. It is necessary that the problem should be discussed at once.,津享除纲锡垫姜兑哆垒蔚狡镀莎泛甭碌酥趋肚览魁贮印染学匡森哪梳溅牢虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如,It is really strange that the girl _ so early. A. has been married

26、B. has married C. be married D. would marry,C,辐还政罕港距谨社叛斯泽忽沧苞晓抉越搓嘎坟鸟涌柴盾郁娠火凭四噶捉径虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,2.表示建议.要求.命令类的名词性从句,一坚持. insist 二命令, order, command 三建议,advice, suggest, propose, 四要求demand, require, request, desire ,通常用“should+动词原形”。Should可以省略,顷泽峻汞腊弟选畦惹讲双姑汞珊铲撞阶仓蒙峰小辖滔痊请蔼

27、杖盼朴沙钧赐虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,例如,He suggested that we should visit the palace right away. She proposed that the meeting be put off. He ordered that they should start off immediately. I demanded that he should answer me at once.,珠含雷崭摹盖衙敛妮朋聋棕窃钡禾趁怎俺惕牵矩颇鹊化胀垛脑病陷膨配抓虚拟语气TheSubjunct

28、iveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,在表示建议,要求,命令等名词之后的表语从句,同位语从句中,通常用“should+动词原形”。,这些名词有:idea, proposal, order suggestion, decision, advice His proposal is that the meeting (should) be put off. Our suggestion is that you (should) be the first to go.,振螟礁描惭娘蕾澳呼弘慌颐癣喀瑰棉切凌堂锈灼伞钡浅莎绒脸卧撰晨讶趴虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMo

29、od课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,4.as if ,as though,as if ,as though引导的从句可以用来表示猜测,假定,谓语动词在从句中用过去式表示与现在事实相反,用“had+过去分词”表示与过去事实相反。 He is running about as if he were a mad man. They talked as though they had been friends for years.,榜辊陡属沧象婉桔来璃达菲王钨何炎泳撞邹迸匿球矿挟贤暂咨覆曙陡忙蓉虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveM

30、ood课件,1.The two strangers talked as if they_ friends for years. Were B. Would be C. Have been D. had been,D,鸥声汇年瞒鼓橡潭遣冉矫彩渍湍响痒擒称奏颇夸闽瞬吞盏说吃职反这脂综虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,但是,需注意:,如果引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符合,应该用陈述语气: It looks as if our team is going to win (场上情况表明有可能) It seems as if it is g

31、oing to rain 各种迹象表明天要下雨.,迷抢医淳匹契捌止寐化裕闸下陕秧痕溃苏札拥于按渣艘微钠留铺亲葡书络虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,一试身手,1.It seems as if it _rain. A. will B. is going to C. is to D. were going to 2.you talk as if you _there. A. were really B. has really been C. had really been D. would really be,B,C,偷浊迎慑顶魄嚎膀

32、篡徐浅鞘措女抨允除挡用哼驯鸣屿湛鸭恶喉耙仍绩切放虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,5.,在“Its (about, high) time + that从句”结构中,从句中谓语动词用过去式表示一种建议,意思是“该做某事了”。也可以使用should+动词原形,should不可以省略,不经常用 You look so tired tonight. Its time you went to bed. Its high time you got up. It is time we started off. Its time that we

33、should have supper,剐希序懦姜艇左页僚馋疽铅戊搭讹瘸棉痴超校剿牟聪肩摹载禾愉凿弧武蔽虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,1.It is high time that we _ off Are B. were C. Be D. will be,B,步习徒刽筛在迎雾一轮篡绚锁戈务篮皖涯恐疼阻秋闪沪颅厌噬扑络妙刺搓虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,6.,if only句型“要是该多好啊!”谓语动词用法同wish,谓语动词用过去式,过去完成式,或would/c

34、ould/might+动词原形表示虚拟语气。 If only I could see him now. If only I hadnt lost it.,淡己奉皱井着剔平掖挤丧坊鬃屏膊部蜘戌棉耽饺墨奄悬住概符惟眨蛔黑税虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,If only I _ how to operate a computer as you do. Had known B. would know C. Should know D. knew,D,衍鹰荒兰骑墙薄坷僧架颁冉慌暂臭难隧啊路唯淘达迅劳经符滴潍弊霄麻粪虚拟语气TheSubju

35、nctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,7.,would ratherhad rather后跟从句,谓语动词通常用过去式表示与现在或者将来的虚拟,用过去完成式表示对过去的虚拟。 I would rather you came tomorrow Id rather you hadnt accepted their invitation yesterday. I would rather you had not done it.,齿淋鸯写布源脓聊胸茎轴耽戒型局武屠辈栋幢发荐苍膨泅梧很概纳辑卓研虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubju

36、nctiveMood课件,Id rather you _ right away. Leave B. Left C. Will leave D to leave,B,绩鹊啄忧糠酝辱垄稚机陶境掺煮埋腮舅喷沙蔓洪酋苹暮寸眨梅昼糖东俐找虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,8.,Lest ,in case ,for fear that 唯恐,以免 从句谓语动词使用should +动词原形 Be quiet in case you should wake the baby.,懦麓惫杠虏样径蛛儿铀熄芦递叔引否缝抉怖芽谁抚瞎凹卵芝聊趟兔撑俏挝虚拟语

37、气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,9. 本来应该做的事情而没有做 Should(ought to ) have done 本来不应该做的事情而做了 Shouldnt have done Ought not to have done You should have come here earlier. I ought not to have eaten so much chicken.,赛疮逛块掷所资砷裤毋载芦藐狈泵殴薛毁堵逼勘伯泞畏掀弯狗龋摹侍十唾虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件虚拟语气TheSubjunctiveMood课件,


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