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1、Unit 1 A new term基础知识整理一、单词准备1lesson课程2Music音乐课3have上(课)4first第一 二、新授单词1Sunday周日2Monday 周一3Tuesday周二4Wednesday周三 5Thursday周四6Friday周五7Saturday周六8PE体育 9Maths数学10Chinese语文11English英语12Science科学 13Social Science社会14Art艺术15Computer Studies电脑课16interesting有趣的17tell告诉18week 星期(周)19back回来20 subject 学科三、词组1

2、new term新学期2the first lesson第一课3have a lesson上课4this term这个学期5this week 这个星期6on Monday在星期一7Monday morning星期一上午8at once立刻,马上9what subject 什么学科10tell you/me 告诉你/我11from Sunday to Saturday从星期天到星期六 morning今天早上13an interesting storybook 一本有趣的故事书四、重点句子1What day is it today?今天星期几? Its Monday.(同义句Today is M

3、onday.)今天星期一。 What lessons do you have in the morning? 上午你有什么课?We have Chinese, Maths, English and Social Science. 我们有语文、数学、英语和社会。2Welcome back to school 欢迎回到学校来。 3Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 4How about you? 你呢?5How many English lessons do we have a week? 一周我们有多少英语课? Four. 四节。7What subject do you like?

4、 你喜欢什么学科? I like ScienceHow about you? 我喜欢科学。 你呢? I like Art. 我喜欢美术。8. Whats the trick? 窍门是什么? 9. Whats 321 minus 123? 321减去123是多少? Its 198 等于198。 10Can you tell me at once? 你能立刻告诉我吗? 11. The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor. 在钟旁边的热咖啡是给医生的。 语言知识解析一、语音元音字母o在单词中的读音/ / / clock coffee doctor

5、hotThe hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor在钟附近的这杯热咖啡是给这位医生的。二、语言点1This is the first lesson of the new term这是新学期的第一节课。the first lesson 解释为“第一节课”,first在这里是序数词,前面一定要加”the”。例句:今天是开学的第一天。 Today is the first day of school.2What day is it today? 今天星期几?这是一个常用的日常用语,它的回答可以Its +星期,也可以是Today is +星期。例句:-

6、What day is it today? -Its Sunday/ Today is Sunday.3What subject do you like? 你喜欢什么科目?注意这个句子中subject是指具体的哪一门学科,而不是具体的一节课,因此不能用lesson代替。这句话的回答可以用I like/ We like +科目。例如:-What subject do you like? -I like English.4How many English lessons do we have a week? 我们一个星期有几节英语课?How many 是用来询问数量的多少,后面跟可数名词的复数形式

7、。例句:-How many books do you have? 你有多少本书? -Four. 四本。Unit 2 A telephone call基础知识整理一、单词准备1tired累的 2hungry饿的 3cold冷的4hot热的5thirsty渴的6sleepy困的二、新授单词1ill生病的,有病的2call打电话3absent缺席的4hear听到5still还是,仍然6toothache牙疼7headache头疼8Backache背疼9earache耳朵疼10stomach ache胃疼11fever发热12cold感冒13cough咳嗽14why为什么15bad严重的感觉17spe

8、ak说话,讲话18get取(拿)19high高的20just只是, 仅仅21take 服用,吃22fine健康的,极好的希望24rest休息三、词组1after lunch午餐后2stay in bed卧床休息3a bad cough严重的咳嗽 4a bad cold重感冒5a high fever发高热6get better康复 7take some medicine服药8some fruit一些水果9have a rest休息 10be absent 缺席11open your mouth张开嘴 四、重点句子1May I speak to Yang Ling?我可以和Yang Ling通电

9、话么? This is Yang Ling speaking我就是Yang Ling 2Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter? 你怎么了? Ive got a bad cough 我咳嗽的很厉害。 3. Classes are over. 放学了。4. How do you feel now? 你觉得怎么样? I feel ill 我觉得病了。 I can get some fruit for you 我会带一些水果给你。5. Im sorry to hear that 听到这个消息我很难过。 6. I hope you get better soon

10、我希望你早日康复。 7. Su Yang calls her after lunch. 午饭后苏阳打电话给她。8. Why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席?9. My mother and my brother love that fat monkey我妈妈和弟弟喜欢那只胖猴子。 语言知识解析一、语音元音字母o 在单词闭音节中的发音/ brother love monkey motherMy mother and my brother love that fat monkey我的妈妈和我的弟弟喜欢那只胖猴子。二、语言点电话用语课文例句:-May I speak t

11、o Helen?-我可以找一下海伦吗?-This is Helen speaking我就是海伦。这是一组电话用语。值得注意的是,在英语中打电话的时候,通常用 this 称呼自己,而用that 称呼对方, 不直接用人称代词I 和you 。常用的电话用语有:1. Hi/ Hello! This is .2. May I speak to ?Can I speak to ?Id like to speak to .3. Whos that?Is that .?4. Is in, please?Unit 3 Hobbies基础知识整理一、词组准备1play the piano弹钢琴2play the

12、violin拉小提琴3play basketball打篮球4do the puzzle玩拼图5play football踢足球6go shopping去购物二、新授单词1hobby(复数)hobbies兴趣2beautiful漂亮的3classmate同班同学4ship轮船5animal动物6cook烹饪7sometimes有时候 8choose选择9aunt阿姨10collect收集11stamp邮票12every每一13grow种植14same同一的,相同的三、词组1take photos拍照片2collect stamps集邮3ship stamp 轮船邮票4grow flowers种花

13、5make model ships做模型船6make clothes做衣服 7water the flowers浇花8the same hobby相同的爱好9every day 每一天10Show to 把(某物)展示给(某人)看11cook nice food做美味佳肴12make a T-shirt for my sisters doll为我妹妹的洋娃娃做一件T恤衫四、重点句子1Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do 你有些兴趣爱好吗? 是的,我有。2. I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps,

14、 too. 我喜欢收集邮票,他也喜欢。3. Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么? My hobby is taking photos./I like taking photos我的爱好是拍照片。4. Helen likes growing flowers, right? 海伦喜欢种花,是吗? Yes, she does 是的,她喜欢。5. Where are you? 你在哪里? Im in the garden 我在花园里。6. Sometimes I play football, sometimes I watch TV我有时踢球,有时看电视。 7. The student

15、uses a computer to write music 这个学生用电脑写音乐。 语言知识解析一、语音元音字母u在单词中的读音为 /ju:/时,先发/j/,再发/u:/,它是字母u 自身的发音。computer 电脑 music 音乐 student 学生 use使用The student uses a computer to write music那个学生用电脑写音乐。二、语言点1动词的第三人称单数在一个一般现在时的句子当中,它的谓语部分主要由动词原形来表示,注意当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词就要相应地用其第三人称单数形式。如:Helen likes going shopping.动词

16、变第三人称单数,词尾变化规律通常是这样的:(1) 一般情况下直接加s, 如:takes, likes。(2) 以ch, sh, s, x和部分以o结尾的词加es, 如:washes, goes, catches等。(3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要变y为i再加es; 如 flies, studies等。2like 的用法 like后面通常加动词的ing形式。动词变ing形式也有一定的规律:(1) 一般情况下直接加ing。如:go-going, do-doing等。(2) 以不发音e 结尾的,要去e加ing。如:take-taking, make- making等。(3) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末

17、尾只有一个辅音字母的,要双写该辅音字母再加ing。如:sit-sitting, run-running, swim-swimming等。3人称代词的宾格Show us his stamps= Show his stamps to us中show和介词to 后面都必须跟人称代词的宾格。以下是主格与宾格的对照:I-me, we-us, you-you, you-you, he-him, she-her, it-it, they-them.值得注意的是:主格在句子中作主语,通常放在动词前面。 宾格在句子中作宾语,放在动词或介词后面,构成动宾短语或介宾短语。Unit 4 An English frie

18、nd基础知识整理一、单词1well好(副词)2beautifully美地3busy忙(碌)的4e-mail电子邮件5cannot=cant不能6fast快的,快地 7high高的;高地 8Internet互联网;英特网9London伦敦10loudly大声地11quietly安静地,静静地12surf浏览;在网上冲浪13城town镇,城14usually通常15from来自16carefully小心地,仔细地二词组1一个英国朋友an English friend2进来come in3上网surf the Internet4给他的朋友写一封电子邮件write an e-mail to his f

19、riend fast跑得块6 住在伦敦附近地一个小镇live in a small town near London7从到 from to8大声地说speak loudly9小心地走walk carefully10安静地坐sit quietly11去上学go to school12学中文study Chinese13在电脑室里in the computer room14和我打乒乓球play table-tennis with me15踢足球play football16跳得美dance beautifully17从周一到周五from Monday to Friday18swim well游泳游

20、得好19jump high跳得高三句型1Wang Bing is writing an e-mail to his English friend in the computer room.王兵正在电脑室里给他的英国朋友写一封电子邮件。2Lets go and play table-tennisSorry, I cantIm busy.让我们去打乒乓球。对不起,我不能去。我正忙着。3Does he live in London?No, he doesnt.他住在伦敦吗?不,他不在。4Does he play football well?Yes, he does He swims well, to

21、o.他足球踢得好吗?是的,他游泳也好。5Does he jump high? Yes, he does他跳得高吗?是的,他跳得高。6Does she dance beautifully? Yes, she does她跳舞美吗?是的,她跳得美。7Does she run fast ? No, she doesnt她跑得快吗?不,她跑得不快。 8What does Mike usually do on Sundays? He usually takes photos.麦克通常在星期天干什么? 他经常拍照。9What does Su Yang usually do after school? She

22、 usually reads magazines.苏阳放学后通常干什么? 她经常看杂志。10He goes to school from Monday to FridayHe has seven lessons every day.他周一到周五去上学。他每天有七节课。11He likes Art very muchHe does not like PE他非常喜欢美术。他不喜欢体育。 语言知识解析一、语音元音字母u在单词中的读音/bus公共汽车 jump 跳 puppet 木偶 run 跑The puppet jumps and runs around on the bus.那个木偶在公共汽车上

23、蹦蹦跳跳地东奔西跑。二、语言点副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子的,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。本单元我们所学的副词是跟在动词后面修饰动词的。如:dance beautifully, sit quietly等。副词的构成通常有以下规律:1. 一般的副词直接在形容词后面加ly构成: 如:careful-carefully, loud-loudly等。2. 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词变副词,将y改成i, 再加ly。如:happy-happily, busy-busily等。3. 有些副词不以ly结尾,如:perhaps(也许,可能),quite(非常)等。4. 有些副词与形容词同形,如f

24、ast, high等。Unit 6 A PE lesson基础知识整理一、单词准备1eye眼睛 2ear耳朵 3nose 鼻子 4mouth嘴巴 5hair 头发 6head 头二、新授单词1foot脚(复数feet)2time次3turn转;旋转4left左5right右 6hand手7leg 腿8arm手臂9neck颈,脖子10follow跟随 11order命令12line 排,行13stop停止14lie 躺15back 背16touch 触摸;接触17with以,用18shoulder肩19finger手指20knee膝盖21toe脚趾锻炼;做操23everybody每人三、词组1h

25、ave a PE lesson 上一节体育课2give orders 发命令3try to 试着(做某事)4follow the orders跟随命令5stand in a line站成一排6do some exercise做些锻炼7put your feet together双脚并拢8put your knees together双膝并拢9jump up and down上下跳10listen carefully仔细地听11turn left 向左转12turn right向右转13turn left and right 左右转14put on 把放在上 15Touch with 用触摸16

26、do this ten times这样做十次17lie on ones back仰躺18lift up your arms抬起你的双臂19stand up起立20put the plate on his finger把盘子放在他的手指上21want to be healthy想要健康四、重点句子1The students are trying to follow the orders学生们正尝试跟随指令。2Jump up and down ten times 上下跳十次。3Put your hands on your head and turn left and right 把你的双手放在你的

27、头上并向左向右转。4Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand抬起你的左腿并用你的右手触摸它。5Then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.然后抬起你的右腿并用你的左手触摸它。6Touch your toes with your fingers three times用你的手指触摸你的脚趾三次。7Can you put this big grape on your mouth? 你能把这个大葡萄放在你的嘴上吗? 8Lie on your back a

28、nd lift up your legs eight times仰躺,抬起你的双腿八次。9It has two heads, two necks , four arms , eight fingers and six legs .它有两个头、两个脖子、四条手臂、八个手指和六条腿。10Do some exercise with me 和我一起做些锻炼。 语言知识解析一、语音/ei/ waiter waitress day playThe waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day.这个男服务员和女服务员每天都打乒乓球。二、语言点1本单元

29、我们学习了一些关于人体部位的单词:foot, feet(复数), hand, leg,arm, finger, toe, knee, neck , shoulder。本单元通过一堂体育课引出“按指令做动作”这一语言项目,主要学习Put on Touch with 等祈使句及其答语。(1)用Put on 表示“把放在上”。如:Put your left hand on your head(2)用Touch with 表示“用触摸”。如:Touch your left leg with your right hand. 2. 复习现在进行时(1)构成形式:主语+be动词+动词的ing形式(2)现在

30、进行时表示动作正在进行或事情正在发生。如果一个句子中既有be动词,又有加了ing的动词,那么该句是现在进行时。现在进行时的句中会有now、look、listen等词。*动词现在分词的变化见下表:词尾情况变化方式例词一般情况加ingplay玩playing do做doing go去goingjump跳jumping ski滑雪skiing see看见-seeing以不发音的e结尾去e加ingmake做making take拿到taking like喜欢likingcome来coming write写writing dance跳舞dancinghave有having close关closing以重

31、读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母双写最后一个辅音字母再加ingswim游泳swimming sit坐sitting run跑runningget得到getting put放putting begin开始beginningjog慢跑jogging 课本中还有一些,要学会随时记忆哦。三、写作指导1. 本单元的写作主题为“写出含有指令的对话”,你可以仿照E部分写出有趣的幽默故事,也可以用所学的语言,介绍体育课或军训的内容,还可以根据图片发挥想象写对话。2. 可用语言: A : Listen to me. /Stand in a line. /Stand up. /Sto

32、p! B: All right. / OK. A: Put on /Touch with B: A:Put together. / Jump up and down times. B: A: Do this times. B: A: First, Second, Now, B: Unit 7 A busy day基础知识整理一、单词准备1twenty二十 2thirty三十 3forty四十 4fifty五十 5hundred百 二、新授单词1night夜;夜间2half半,一半3past 过4ready 准备好的5take拿6really真正的;确实的7begin开始8yet尚,还9brus

33、h刷10tooth(复数teeth)牙齿11with随身12quarter一刻钟;四分之一13on duty 值日14quick 快的;快地 三、词组1a busy day忙碌的一天2at night在晚上3have breakfast吃早饭 4have supper吃晚饭5have dinner吃正餐6be ready for准备好7not yet还没有8Lets hurry让我们赶快。9at half past six在六点半10want to 想要11at a quarter past four在四点一刻12be quick快些13brush ones teeth刷牙14take wit

34、h 随身带15be really busy确实忙16need to clean the library需要打扫图书馆17watch a football game观看一场足球赛18a quarter to twelve十二点差一刻19have a shower before dinner正餐前洗个淋浴 20from seven in the morning to ten at night从早上七点到晚上十点四、重点句子1. He is busy from seven in the morning to ten at night他从早上七点忙到晚上十点。2. Are you ready fir

35、breakfast? 你准备好吃早饭了吗?I can take some bread with me 我可以随身带一些面包。3. Theres a football game at a quarter past four 四点一刻有一场足球赛。4. What time is it? / Whats the time? Its a quarter to twelve 几点了?十一点四十五分了。5. Do you want to watch TV? 你想要看电视吗?I want to play cardsDo you want to join me? 我想打扑克。你想加入我吗?No, Im doi

36、ng my homework 不,我正在做家庭作业。6What time is it? 几点了?Its a quarter past nineIts time for class 九点一刻了。是上课的时候了。7What does she do everyday? 她每天都做什么?8. Lets go to the Star Park by car. 让我们开车去星星公园。 语言知识解析一、语音/a:/ car park party starLets go to the party at the Star Park by car让我们乘小汽车去参加星星公园的聚会。二、语言点1. 时间表达法Wha

37、t time is it? = Whats the time? Its 时:分/ 分past时/ 分to时 例1:A:What time is it? 什么时间了?B:Its nine twenty/twenty past nine九点二十了。例2:A:Whats the time? 什么时间了?B: Its ten fifty/ ten to eleven 十点五十了。past 过,经过(从01分到30分,用几点过几分表达) to 差,不到 (从31分到59分用几点差几分表达)如:7:05 seven o five five past seven 9:15 nine fifteen a qu

38、arter past nine 11:30 eleven thirty half past eleven 4:50 four fifty ten to five2 Its time to + 动词原形 Its time for + 名词/动词ing 是.的时候了。 Its time to have a class= Its time for class.Its time to get up = Its time for getting up.类似的用法还有:Are you ready to have dinner ? = Are you ready for dinner?Theres no t

39、ime to have breakfast = Theres no time for breakfast .3to+ 动词原形的词组 want to 想要 Id like to我想要 need to 必须 Dont forget to别忘了要 try to 试着 Its time to 是.的时候了 be ready to准备好.4介词的用法:在几点前用 at, 如: at 7 oclock 。在某一天或某一天的具体时间段用on, 如:on Sunday, on Sunday morning。直接在早上、下午或晚上用in, 如:in the morning。在夜晚用at ,如:at night。三、写作指导1. 本单元的写作主题为“描述固定时间内的活动”,你可以以时间为线索,描述某人一天起居活动,当然也可以是半天或一小时内或是是一个星期、一个月。用时间把活动串联起来,就是一篇完整的作文了。2. 可用语言: 对话:A : What time is it? B: Its It s time for . A: Do you want to ? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 短文: In the morning, I at . At , I . In the afternoon, I at At , I . Unit 8 At


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