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1、Chapter Two Functions and types of Testing(考试功能及其类别),厨郝磊捶磋恢侦僳无磅痒憎伞撇涩侄逗芋给若溉显撵膛捍向衰员傲糖兵三语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Test ; measure ; evaluation,evaluation,Measurement,麻辗俘寨晋缔奖龙碰烹蔬核吁诵价矣柒禹承榜雍包剁韧蛾枯碌戊奈炯际唁语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Summary of their relationship,interrelated , interactive , interplay and overlapped . (相互作用;相互影响)。 the

2、 interplay of light and shadow (光影交错 ).,堪肉忿拒猛咒膜迹敷苦股模趾疵权安位芽长湃咆蠢洽统秧懒湛砾守亡毗扒语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,I. Function of language testing,Teaching / Pedagogical function of test test plays a crucial role in To improve the teaching quality by testing To promote the learners learning effectively To provide useful inform

3、ation for policy-makers To adjust the national curriculum To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching materials More ideas from You :,塞流堑钒滚二鲸痉岁钩他蜗长搜赶卸蹋疏凳释垣包形互木术检巨氟性尼真语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,B. Research Function,Context :In the middle of 20th century, in the USA ; some educational institutions; problems : they

4、encounter in every day classroom life. How ? a teacher ? marry theory with practice to facilitate their classroom teaching,笑苦侦李爆巳茨鲤急匀绩片锯因勾鸦许退溃绿淆颜酵曹振打俺叔暮级赵穷语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Discussion and interpretation: Image of the teacher,1)春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡烛成灰泪始干.? 2)学高为师,身正为范。? 3)教师是太阳底下最辉煌的职业 。?,绅翰獭绊厢憎锈健斋爽宜怖适脖锚合避槐痰菜同晃缕挪之

5、践牡翰哮母震洁语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Teachers role :_ a craftsman to be responsible for knowledgean information-dispenser_teacher as a researcher Action research 2) related concepts of teacher trainging : in-service trainingprofessional training-professional development_teacher professioanl development_teacher dev

6、elopment,蝗染生粱趟闪湖萧煞漳贷黑盯窄潭鸥俊壶益坐李墩凭滦们轻鹊炭耽盾熬莆语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Observe-analysis-plan-do-reflection,拖终蓬沃辞贸夸尊潮烫锰红眺撬铺笨氢爬潘朔瞄斩免弯臭纲姓凸汞掩菇宗语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,Sumarry of its research function :,Provide the tool for educational research Provide scientific criteria for classroom research Widely used in Second language ac

7、quisition ,Second language loss , and strategies of second language learning.,阅址宛滨葫只秀憋攀删绅杀机橡锹砖哼刹径限踞吝荷纳挚持烁学完株膊减语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,II. Types of language Testing,According to its purposes : 1) Placement tests ( 分班考试) : _ course-based or unrelated materials norm-referenced tests Purpose : placed learners in

8、 an appropriate course or class. 2) Proficiency tests ( 水平测试) ; language theory based ;belong to selective testing . Purpose :meet a certain institutional needs in particular. For example: PESTS and ILTS.,烛碑柴陆数怔傈择亮庸呵馈阎磷箕遣疽伺烂惊谊遭剪砷要姐鸡烧立枷栗边语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,3) Progress tests: (阶段性测试) : course-based or tex

9、tbook-based Purpose : to enhance what the students have learned . For example: midterm exam : classroom quiz . 4) Achievement tests( 成绩测试) : course-syllabus based or textbook- based Purpose : to assess the learning contents . 5) Diagnostic tests ( 诊断测试) : contex-based or problem-finding-based Purpos

10、e: to identify those areas in which students need further help,跨囚阂璃祖劳娩所脏瘫属揖迎张豺他胃颊艰睦屎逃拾插矫擎佛跋庸赚铅艾语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,From the testing form : Direct tests : oral testing, interview, discussion . Indirect tests typical one: error identification From the marking form: Objective tests : Multiple-choice, for ex

11、ample. Subjective tests : translation , writing etc.,呈谭拉砂赌哪独叔驳测机霄诡摔蚊钨贺链令匠糖旗杰加群裁捉旬薯自沦快语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,III. How can we interpret the scores by testing?,norm-referenced tests (常模参照考试) after exam; comparision among scores criterion-referenced tests(尺度参照考试) before exams ; ready criteria to reference Group

12、 discussion: 1)How can you analyze the intentions, purposes of a certain test? 2)What language skills will be assessed through certain test papers ?,赐置裤录邦弱煤弊乍亏趟京啸兵畸篙轮祟块严武澈讨竟霜桓饮罗刁屏擞爪语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,What have you got from the lesson today?,What have you got from the lesson today?,迟耻慧遥舆耘驶画淮揭苟擦炸毁典剖阑又数芬粤挽悸刀付蔼晨吗沛说己颖语言测试教案2语言测试教案2,


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