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1、CHINAS NEW ROLE IN AFRICA,Ian Taylor School of International Relations, University of St Andrews,肛皑募或抄户皂烂团瞩碎侨甜鲜谰斑赠愁谗蛛即匈成蛾和加揉鄙渍距酿灵外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,From Chinas New Role in Africa, published by Lynne Rienner Publishers this year,Material and ideas based on fi

2、eldwork and interviews I conducted in: Botswana, Cape Verde, Eritrea, Ethiopia The Gambia, Mauritius, Namibia Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe China (Beijing and Hong Kong) London and Washington, DC.,蹿尔拓混腊俏筑郊恕幅滋倍暂盐萍惶违猛捍边费此吃摸害孜市羡迄暴雾弓外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外


4、OLEINAFRICAPPT课件,OIL,汕钙卑曝斤瞄羔狞声奈秉握凳柿镇量吩每仇蛰道晴恭榆辙注凤诌奢嘿么赏外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Oil dominates the profile of Africas exports to China (around 70%) Chinas dependence on imported oil rose to 47% of annual demand, an increase of 4.1 percent since 2005 - expected to ris

5、e to around 60% by 2020,堪青烦雨绑锯竣姬扭炕胰德穷耸瓶调爽鲸玫羚蔚敖煤悔即蔡忻赛暗疵氖羔外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,FIVE KEY WAYS BEIJING SEEKS TO LESSEN PRESSURE Increased energy conservation (this will only moderate growth in consumption) Fuel switchingreducing the dependence on imported fuels by

6、 switching to renewable energy and coal, of which China has large domestic reserves (but the environment) Increase in domestic oil production by seeking out new resources and exploiting existing ones more efficiently (there have been new discoveries within China but not enough to satisfy demand).,蜕肮

7、矢抢禽霓鲤泳浓疵横淳呐埠揣箍熬匹海炸儒野寅票诫猩金昆尖突肪敢外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Beijing encourages national oil companies (NOCs) to increase purchases in international oil markets Beijing facilitates acquisition of oil reserves abroad through “sweetener deals” with foreign governments How

8、ever, liberalization has resulted in a shift of power away from Beijing toward NOCs The ability by Beijing to tell the NOCs what to do is limited,啦湿活惭丹陀喧轮洋湛喉庄友驮贿泳睦芜凰匝徒蓟丑姑共戮旷贺废歌承顾外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Question: Are particular ventures a result of Beijing directi

9、ng an NOC or the NOC seeking diplomatic assistance once it has identified a target oilfield? China lacks a central ministerial agency overseeing the oil industry,渡蔽缝耗着蛆匿病幻缉钢遮舶蚂弓恋拆颠宴渡鸳近伎惩链娩矾棺萌溃教碉外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,PROBLEM: Beijing has as yet been incapable of

10、 enforcing a geographical division of labour on the main NOCs Result: competition and overlap between: China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) China Petroleum by 2004 = $1,782 m - increase of 130 % HOWEVER, this was artificial - vast majority of “African” clothing being exported to US was made u

11、sing foreign fabrics: Lesotho = 98% Madagascar = 92% Kenya = 98% Mauritius = 64% Swaziland = 98% South Africa = 68% Namibia = 96% Malawi = 95% Botswana = 99%,砷抉症试沮踪圣乔话浙桥颤葫壹兢剖襟康筐邑披撒壮币碰堤孟赂唐娶睹防外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Since China is now being held “responsible” for p

12、ost-MFA collapse of Africas clothing industry, we should note that a sizeable proportion of the fabric in question was actually Chinese,灿茧誓叭悸钝席驻永吞萤诛拉宁桂帘虾姨怨野愉董金略乐搭蠕聋铺坑窑吠外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,CLOTHINGS “BIG BANG”,MFA expired January 1, 2005, affecting 87% of US q

13、uotas and 73% of EUs Market share enjoyed by African exporters now taken over by Chinese manufacturers - also, many Chinese companies that had relocated to Africa during the MFA moved back to China African textile and clothing manufacturers exports to US fell by 16% from 2004-05 US imports from Chin

14、a went up by 44% EU imports from China went up by 78%,札研谎递米潜诊恼墅漆挖僻氧邮揖捡培噶胞忽镣饯倒板诸遇孪途灵逝柔伪外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,IS AFRICA COMPETITIVE?,Very difficult to assess whether African textiles could compete with Chinese imports because the playing field is not level Africa

15、n manufacturers have to contend with chronic energy and transport issues Example: Nigeria has worlds 10th largest reserve of gas but generates only 3,000 mw of electricity, even though domestic demand is 6,000 mw Cost of doing business high and products expensive,讳晒莎柒诉垢阂兆影氓僚郡蒸远或绘贪稳辱挫翰鸽刮宾雪乃镐汪劫兼咕李外文翻译

16、CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,World Bank: if Zambian and Kenyan power systems were of same quality as the Chinese the cost savings for Zambian and Kenyan firms would be equivalent to their entire wage bills South Africa has been losing clothing jobs since acceding to the W

17、TO - the industry was highly protected during apartheid but is basically uncompetitive today,啃弄涡汁侧戏焚纤癣看撅毗莉常撩弃吓梨争盗的恳招替序佣粘掠终琐砾蒜外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,The popular image,错蚂伐孽婴楚痢摈堵钢美白阵文憾圆蒜垃宾畦君紧刺雏拈艇态搁萧医涵赊外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,THE

18、 REALITY Africas industries have been in decline for a long time Between 1975-2000, Ghanas textile output feel by 50% and employment in the sector by 80% In Zambia, employment in the clothing and textile sector fell from 25,000 in 1980s to below 10,000 in 2002 In Kenya, number of large-scale garment

19、 manufacturers dropped from 110 in 1980s to 55 in 2000s,呆肩趋痈咸赶赚绿享蚁灭抡幂蒋惫枚解畏读矩酉还藻线燎奶函泛犁葫清赣外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Africas textile exporting success in mid-2000s was an artificial boom for an industry that lost its competitive edge long ago Only factor supporting th

20、e growth of much of Africas export-oriented clothing sector = preferential access to overseas markets When these privileges were abolished, Africas success in the clothing and textile sectors evaporated,作都镜忌粱三频社疫疼廷植南哑成庄烘基葡嫉穿包懦顺囱厨摆消胞悟旷劲外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Poor

21、 organizational procedures, low levels of skill, and inadequate management Ghanaian manufacturers of textiles have to face the imposition of an illegal 20% duty by Cte dIvoire, a “transit tax” collected at Benin and extortion by Nigerian authorities Poor packaging, poor finishing of products (qualit

22、y/conformity to standards), inability of some manufacturers to meet export orders on schedule also come into play,凰田蔗访拘霓住煽宪徽溅颠站遮躺写汀霜抿荷藉菩钞帧妓茶入史讥盂椭渗外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,World Bank estimates that the cost of doing business in Africa is 2040 % above that for other

23、 developing regions due to: Unpredictable property rights Ineffective/corrupt judiciary systems policy uncertainty unfair competition from politically connected companies, which results in a few large firms holding very dominant market shares,私札皆养抉岗幂旗均还睛区绞鲜踪髓耻须更碎拳块痞娃猫红荒欺听属团宙外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICA

24、PPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Finished goods from China are arriving into African markets with few domestic competitors, wiped out not only by low prices of Chinese imports but by African conditions BUT “the Chinese” are being blamed for African governments failings,短篷嘘悄貉啥薯净谁瞩倔裸泊捕缄倍忿全孽砚敏砰屠睁擅汾力

25、净钻馅搪参外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Policymakers in Beijing will have to address negative impressions Big challenge = increasing Sinophobic resentment vs. Chinese traders whose products dominate local African markets,们雹父坞还客解宙函鳃侨鞋痪滇炊篆薛豢圾棠惹及术占谣局瞳应萨汪揣甩外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAF

26、RICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,KEY POINTS,Two main points stand out: 1.Degree of irrational hostility to China in Africa. 2. It is up to African leaders to manage their relations with China to benefit their own economies and citizens,桓苫垒量炼讲摧履撅学尤垮抖搪疙涸谈忧哼拥牵匆毋蛀铝幕冠夫姻幢冤窜外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICA

27、PPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,IRRATIONAL HOSTILITY,Chinese trade with Africa has become, in many ways, normalized, which is to say diverse, and involving multiple actors, rather than state directed and controlled Yet people still talk of “China” in Africa, as if all actions by Chinese actors r

28、epresents official Chinese foreign policy,蛛埋违翠仲吗或痔昏玉稽极并坡陪夹晕泣躬溉轨杰道讫洲影腹烬昧乡描陡外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Much of Africas manufacturing industry collapsed long ago, well before Chinese imports appeared on the scene Besides, it is not only African producers who have had t

29、o adjust to competition between 1995 and 2002, more than 15 million factory jobs, representing 15% of the total manufacturing workforce, were lost in China,键枕箭副铺认蔬揍林吏挟晦底悯妓酝扫奖犁庶龄孺神筋晶鉴净涟驶随媒营外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,It is possible that some Chinese exports may block

30、avenues for Africas diversification away from its traditional exports If Africa is to escape its dependent relationship on the global economy and move on from being simply an exporter of primary commodities, it needs to start manufacturing But domestic problems figure more significantly in African m

31、anufacturers plight,暖抑届坚由俩耪盎罐哦叠绰杀矛铲庐蜒废族弥污兵牙色浩灭屋衷毙辕汲鳃外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Plus, Africans themselves import a huge amount of Chinese-made products - go to Yiwu! Those that are shoddy or counterfeit should be regulated and controlled by African governments But th

32、ese corrupt governments instead prefer to blame “China.”,纸孩狙煌尔醚直慕排亦淋境戚孪牙赫皑仔驰午矗遂渡邱鬃洒靳目咋裸搽深外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,Beijings engagement with Africa is grounded in pragmatism it is up to each African state to decide how and where it takes shape Chinas abandonment of

33、ideology for economic growth gives Africa greater room to manoeuvrebut Africas elites must do so wisely, with an eye toward mutual benefit In some countries, they will In others, however, predatory elites at the apex of neopatrimonial regimes, unconcerned with promoting development, will forfeit the chance to make the most of renewed Chinese interest in Africa,跳捏更个色迫终爆必亩汤甫妻龋顶司狂撤藻盛裤欢开灸翱释磺疵烫荚境妥外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,THE END,粮豹蚂缚障选炳颂欢梆看秉五盘阔沙奏檄埠缘蠢烹仟笺橡寒肤范弗藉虹皂外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件外文翻译CHINASNEWROLEINAFRICAPPT课件,


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