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1、甘肃省民勤县第五中学七年级英语 第一单元单元综合测试1 人教新目标版听力部分(20分)1.听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个读两遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. thankB. andC. dad( ) 2. A. UKB. USAC. NBA( ) 3. A. morningB. afternoonC. fine( ) 4. A. hiB. helloC. how( ) 5. A. fineB. MissC. meet2.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 3.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 11.

2、 A. Fine, thanks. B. Im OK.C. Im fine.( ) 12. A. Good morning. B. Goodbye.C. Good afternoon.( ) 13. A. This is my teacher. B. This is Maria. C. This is my mom.( ) 14. A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you?C. How do you do?( ) 15. A. See you later. B. Welcome to China. C. Are you Michael?4.听句子,选择正确答语。每

3、个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 16. A. Fine, thanks.B. How do you do?C. And you?( )17. A. Good afternoon.B. Hello!C. Nice to see you, too.( )18. A. Yes, I am.B. Thank you.C. Im OK.( )19. A. Good morning, Jane.B. Thanks.C. Goodbye, Jane.( )20. A. Hi!B. Thank you. C. This is Alice.笔试部分(130分)一、词汇:( A ).按要求写出单词:(10分)1.w

4、atch(复数) _ 2.photo (复数) _3.this(复数) _ 4.first(反义词)_ 5.they are(缩写词)_ 6.his(主格)_ 7.I(宾格)_ 8.pencil box(复数)_ 9.those(单数)_ 10.are(单数)_ ( B )词组互译:(10分)1.under the bed _ 2.他的词典_ 3.in my schoolbag_ 4.用英语_ puter game_ 6.三支黄色的铅笔_ 7.model plane _ 8.一张我的全家福_ 9.telephone number _ 10.在桌子上_ 二.单项选择。(25分)( )1. . -

5、Whats this? -_.A. This is a pen B. Thats a pen C. Its a pen D.Its pen ( )2. Its an_.A. key B. pen C. quilt D. English book( )3.Whats this? Its _ ID Card. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )4. My name is Tony Brown. Tony is my _ name. A. last B. family C. first D. good( )5. Thats Mr. Smith, my mother is his d

6、aughter. Hes my _. A. cousin B. grandfather C. brother D. friend( )6.Is this _ ruler ? -Yes,it is her ruler,and the green pen is _,too. A. your, yours B.her, her C.your brothers, his D. your sisters, hers( )7. Tom is my uncles son. And she is my _. Abrother Bcousin Csister D. daughter( )8. -I _ a se

7、t of keys. Do you see them?-Sorry, but you can go to the Lost and Found case. A. dont have B. dont find C. lost D. found ( )9. -Is that your eraser ? -_. A. Yes, I am B. No, it isnt C. Yes, he is D. No, Im not( )10. _ Jane Miller. Miller is _ last name. A. I, my B. My, I C. My, my D. Im, my ( )11. H

8、ow _your father ? A. am B. is C. are D. be( )12. -_, are you Jane ? -No, Im Gina. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Goodbye( )13. -_ you very much. -Youre welcome.A. That B. Thank for C. Thank D. Thanks( )14. -_ - K-E-Y, key.A. Whats this? B. Spell “key”,please.C. What color is the key? D. This

9、is a key.( )15. Whats your telephone number?_ 05392251537. AThis B.That C.It D.Its( )16. Your schoolbag is nice ! _. A. OK B. Thanks C. Yes D. No( )17. _! Nice to meet you! A. Hello B. OK C. Excuse me D. Sorry( )18. Is this her pen? Yes,_. A. This is B. its C. it is D. Sorry( )19. His name is _. A.

10、Yao ming B. Yao Ming C. yao ming D. Yaoming( )20. This is my friend. _name is Jenny. A. Her B. His C. My D. Your( )21.下列字母中可以单独成词的是_. A. a B. b C. c D. d( )22. - What color is _ pencil?-Its red.A. his B. you C.I D. she ( )23. Whats that _ English ? A. at B. in C. of D. on ( )24. You can look up (查阅)

11、 a new word (生词)in the _. A. pencil box B. notebook C. dictionary D. schoolbag( )25. Tom and I _ in Class 3. A. am B. is C. are D. be 三用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.This is sister.( I ) 2. are my two brothers . (that)3.Are your parents ? (this) 4.This is father .(he)5.Those are my . (friend)6. those your pare

12、nts ?(be)7. Whats telephone number ? (you)8.This (be)my teacher , Miss Gao.9.These are my _(key).10.This is my mother._(her) is a teacher.四. 句型转换。(10分)1. They are in Class 4. (改为一般疑问句) in Class 4?2. Her hat is on the bed. (划线提问)_ _ her hat?3. Thats his knife. (变复数句) his .4. He is fourteen years old.

13、(划线提问)_ _is he?5. My new shoes are green and white.(划线提问)_ _ are your new shoes?五从栏中选出适合栏的答语,并把序号填入括号里。(10分) ( ) 56. How are you? A. My family names Miller.( ) 57. Whats your phone number? B. Fine, thank you.( ) 58. Im Lucy, Whats your last name? C. Its “quilt”.( ) 59. Whats this in English? D. Its

14、027-5603.( ) 60. What color is it? E. Yes, it is.( ) 61. Good morning, Linda! F. Its green.( ) 62. Whats your first name? G. .Thanks.( ) 63. How do you spell your name? H. Good morning, Miss Green. ( ) 64. Is this a gold ring? I. E-M-M-A, Emma.( ) 65. Your English is good. J. Its Tim.六. 根据语境补全对话. 每空

15、一词( 5分)thanks hi is to tooAlice : Hello, Ben .Ben : _56_, Alice.Alice : How do you do ?Ben : How do you do ?Alice : Ben,this _57_ Xiao Zong .Ben : Nice to meet you , Xiao Zong.Alice : Nice to meet you , _58_ , Ben .Ben: Welcome _59_ Shanghai.Xiao Zong: _60_.七完形填空。(10分)My name is Alan. I am a 1 . I a

16、m 12 years old. I am 2 No.1 Middle School. I have 3 ID card. The 4 is 70158. Look! This is 5 watch. 6 is very good. Oh, 7 that? Is it a pencil box? No, it 8 . Its a notebook. I found it in our school library. A girls name is on the 9 .It is Lindas. I must give(给) it to 10 . 1. A.boy B.girl C.father

17、D.mother2. A.of B.on C.in D.for3. A./ B.the C.an D.a4. A.name B.number C.case D.age5. A.your B.mine C.me D.my6. A.Its B.It C.This D.That 7. A.how B.whats C.what D.how8. A.are B.arent C.is D.isnt9. A.notebook B.ID card C.watch D.pencil box10. A.him B.she C.her D.hers八阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)AThis is m

18、y classroom. It is not very big, but it is very nice. There are two blackboards on the wall, but there arent any pictures. There is a clock on the front(前面的) wall. The map of the world is on the wall, too. There is a computer in the teachers desk. You cant see it. There are forty students in my clas

19、s, eighteen girls and twenty-two boys. There are forty desks and chairs for us. Miss Chen is our English teacher. Her English is very good. We all like her class. ( ) 1. There _ pictures on the wall.A. are someB. arent anyC. are two( ) 2. The _ is on the front wall.A. mapB. clockC. computer( ) 3. Th

20、ere are _ girls in the class.A. 40B. 22C. 18( ) 4. _ English is very good.A. MyB. TheirC. Miss Chens( ) 5. How many computers are there in the classroom? _.A. One.B. Two.C. Sorry, I dont know. B阅读下列四则启事,回答有关问题。Lost: My new bike.It is red.My name is Jimmy.Please call 6784-2190.Found: Is this your rin

21、g?Please call Betty. Phone 885-6978.Found: Is that your black backpack?My name is Jack. Phone 2912-0845.Lost: My white baseball. Please call Bruce.Phone 7085-2097.( ) 6. Who lost a bike? A. Betty B. Jimmy C. Bruce D. Jack.( ) 7. Is the ring Bettys? A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, this is D. No,

22、 it is Davids( ) 8. What color is Jimmys new bike? A. green B. white C. black D. red( ) 9. Who can you call for the backpack? A. Betty B. Jimmy C. Bruce D. Jack.( ) 10. Whats Bruces phone number? A. 7085-2097 B. 6784-2190 C. 885-6978 D. 2912-0845CThis is a picture of Mr Greens family. The man in the

23、 middle is Mr Green, father. The woman is Mrs Green, mother. They have a son and a duaghter. The son is behind Mr Green. He looks like his mother. His name is Jim. Hes fourteen. Kate is behind Mrs Green. She is a girl of twelve. Shes their daughter. Jim and Kate are in the same(同样的)school. But they

24、are not in the same grade. They are good students at school.( ) 11. In the picture we can see _ people. A. three B. four C. five D. six( ) 12. Who is in the middle? A. Mother B. Father C. Son D. Daughter( ) 13. Jim is Mr. and Mrs. Greens _. A. daughter B. brother C. son D. sister( ) 14. Jim and Kate

25、 are _. A. in the same class B. in the same grade C. friends D. brother and sister( ) 15. Kate is a middle school student. Jim _. A. isnt B. is, too C. is a teacher D. driver九书面表达(10分) 假如你是Jenny,你收到了Gina的邮件,邮件中询问你的情况,如姓名,姓氏,电话号码,年龄,班级和家庭情况,请你回复邮件。要求:邮件中包含所询问信息;不少于40个词。邮件格式已给出,不计入词数。Dear Gina,_Yours,Jenn


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