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1、Lesson Three,Inaugural Address J. F. Kennedy,Advanced English, 高 级 英 语 主编:张汉熙 外语教学与研究出版社,Inaugural Address,Pre-reading Questions Background Text Study Language Points Comprehension Questions Text Analysis and Appreciation Exercises Tasks After Class,Pre-reading Questions,What is inaugural address? W

2、hat are the purposes of a political speech? What was the social background when Kennedy made the speech?,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Kennedy, 35th president, Democrat, was born on May 29 1917 in Brookline, Mass, the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, financier, who later became ambassador to Great Britain. He en

3、tered Harvard, received a BS from Harvard 1940. He served in the Navy and won the Navy and Marine Corps Medal.,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,He wrote Profiles in Courage, 勇敢者传略which won a Pulitzer prize. 1947-1952 served as representative in the congress 1952 elected to the senate 1960 He won the Democrat

4、ic nomination for president and defeated Richard M. Nixon, Republican,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Kennedy family - fully engaged in politics Joseph Patrick Kennedy - father (1888-1969) US ambassador to Britain born in Boston graduated from Harvard,Joseph Patrick Kennedy,He engaged in banking shipbuildin

5、g investment banking motion-picture distribution a millionaire at 30 years old,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,1. 35th President of the U.S.(1961-1963) 2. a democrat, an eloquent speaker 3. the youngest man ever elected to the presidency 4. born in Massachusetts, inherited a background of politics wealth an

6、d determination 5. The first Roman Catholic to become president,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,6. As president, he faced the Civil Rights problem at home and Cuba crisis of 1962. 7. His assassination at Dallas in November 1963 was a shock from which the U.S. has found it hard to recover and the murder is s

7、till a riddle.,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,contributions: 1. His most important act was his successful demand on Oct.22. 1962 that the Soviet Union dismantle撤除 its missile bases in Cuba. 2. He established a quarantine检疫 of arms shipments to Cuba and continued surveillance监督 by air.,contributions:,3. He

8、defied Soviet attempts to force the Allies out of Berlin 4. He made the steel industry rescind取消 a price rise.,contributions:,5. He backed a civil rights b a mental health program c arbitration仲裁 of railroad disputes d expanded medical care for the aged e astronaut flights and satellite orbiting,ass

9、assination of John F. Kennedy .,John F Kennedys Inaugural Address,The Kennedys,John F Kennedys grave,Inauguration Day,On January 20 since 1937 On April 30,1789, George Washington stepped onto a balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, placed his hand on a Bible and swore to preserve, protest and de

10、fend the constitution of the United States.,Inauguration Day,From 1793 until 1933 the induction of the new president was scheduled for noon on March 4, every fourth year. Under the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution it has taken place on January 20 since 1937. (Zachary Taylor was sworn in on Ma

11、rch 5, 1849, to avoid taking the oath on Sunday.),Inauguration Day,He then read an earnest speech, calling for united and effective government. Thus began a unique American institution - Inauguration Day - those dramatic hours when a new president faces the people for the first time. He must tell th

12、e people what hes going to do as president,Inaugural Address,Memorable words have been uttered in inaugural address. It is a speech, lecture officially made by a person on taking office.,the purpose of a political speech,to persuade to explain to convince people to accept his point of view, to accep

13、t what he says so as to support him,Characteristics:,1. The order is clear. Each para. has its own topic. 2. The tone is appropriate. He uses different tone to different people.,Characteristics:,3. The style is rigid. It is made beforehand. So it is a sort of written language. 4. The language is rhe

14、torical. parallelism, metaphor, antithesis, balanced structure, repetition of words and phrases - for force, vividness and emotional appeal.,General analysis of a political speech,1. He must try every possible means to arouse the feelings of audience. What he says represents the interests of the who

15、le people. successful appeal to the emotion of the audience,General analysis of a political speech,2. specific policy The speech must have high-sounding words and empty promises 3. The speech must be concise and short,General analysis of a political speech,4. clever-choice of words to convey differe

16、nt meanings/tones. 5. the use of biblical style to make it formal/ rigid. 6. the use of a lot of rhetorical devices to make his address as powerful/ impressive as possible.,The social background,In what period in history did Kennedy become president? in 1960s,The social background,Cold war is sth. w

17、hich marks the situation in 1960s. The world is mainly divided into two hostile camps. 1) socialist camp - headed by the Soviet Union 2) capitalist camp - headed by the US The camps opposed each other politically.,Detailed study of the text:,Para1 opening paragraph importance / significance of his e

18、lection as president of the US 1. observe 2. celebrate,freedom -,We celebrate freedom. People in the US are free to choose their president.,antithesis:,end - the end of Eisenhowers presidential term beginning - the beginning of Kennedys presidential term renewal - the continuation of presidency and

19、office of president change - the change from Eisenhower to Kennedy,as well as,- well balanced structure in Para.1,solemn,- refer almost exclusive to an extremely formal and inspiring religious ritual. ( grave ) very serious. a oath 庄严的誓言 a dedication to the cause of freedom 为自由事业而始终不渝的献身,prescribe -

20、 set down / impose,What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime? Government schools must work for a prescribed number of days each year. Good citizens do what the laws prescribe. Someone who behaves as foolishly as you have no right to prescribe how others should behave.,Para.2,the general

21、situation of this world topic sentence - The world is very different. In what way is the world different? The world is different in the way of science and technology. People have modern and advanced science and technology.,the power -,the power of science and technology with the help of science and

22、technology 1. People can become very rich. 2. People can be exterminated. Science can be used to get rid of poverty. Science can be used to destroy all human beings.,revolutionary belief -,human rights All men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or rul

23、er could take away from them. see: Note 3,Para.3,general policy of the US human rights,Let the word go forth around the world: In paras 3 and 4 Kennedy exhorts his countrymen and forcefully declares his determination to “pay any price” to defend human rights and liberty at home and around the world.

24、 Such abstract, sweeping but resounding words are quite often heard in bourgeois political speeches.,Let the word go forth foe alike: a biblical style. Notice also the use of an alliterative phrase “ friend and foe”. In simple English he might have said: “ Here and now, I would like to tell my frien

25、ds and my enemies”,torch,This refers to the privilege and burden of leading the nation being passed to a new generation. The original reference is to the Olympic games before which a torch is carried from runner to runner. The flame of the torch eventually lights a fire that signals the opening of O

26、lympics.,torch - metaphor,duty revolution responsibility - of keeping human rights,heritage,- all the qualities, traditions or features of life that have been continued over many years and passed on from one generation to another, used especially to refer to things that are of historical importance

27、or that have had a strong influence on society.,heritage,Peking opera is part of our cultural heritage. This building is part of British national heritage.,inheritance -,1. money or property which you receive from someone who is dead 2. a situation or state of affairs which has been influenced by a

28、particular event, person, book etc.(heritage),commit -,commit oneself to (doing) sth be committed to sth/ doing sth - promise/ pledge to do /support sth Allan has been committed to staying there for a long time.,commit -,He has been committed to equal rights for women. Deeply committed to his religi

29、on, he has often spoken out against greed and misuse of power. Nobody committed themselves to a definite answer.,general policy of the US,People in the US must keep and defend human rights not only in the US but also in the world as well. Para.4 strong determination Kennedy puts the US to the leader

30、, so he says in order to keep human rights, we shall.,survival and the success of liberty,1. the survival and the success of free democratic countries. 2. the newly independent third world countries,Para 5. transition,A one sentence paragraph that functions as a transition from the general to the sp

31、ecific. In the following paragraphs he will be addressing different specific groups of nations. This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.,Para. 6,the specific policy toward his friends and would-be friends,To those old allies split asunder: In this paragraph Kennedy addresses the white E

32、uropean countries in general but his words are specifically directed to the English-speaking Anglo-Saxon countries, such as Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, with whom the United States shares a common cultural and spiritual heritage. cultural and spiritual origins: Greek, Roman and Nordic my

33、thology, literature, art, music etc. Later, these nations were linked closer by the spiritual tie of Christianity.,Dividedsplit asunder: Together with the foregoing sentence it forms an antithesis. “ Divided” is balanced against “ United” and “ little we can do” against “ little we cannot do”. power

34、ful challenge: Perhaps Kennedy is here referring to what he thinks to be a strong threat posed by the socialist camp.,allies -,ally. Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia,/ West European countries a country that has a treaty or an agreement to help and support another country, esp. during a war.,c

35、ultural and spiritual origins -,1. speak the same language /belong to the some language family 2. have the same religious belief,a powerful challenge -,a strong, powerful threat posed by the socialist camp If we are quarreling and split apart, we can not compete with the strong, powerful enemy in fr

36、ont of us.,Para. 7,Whom did he address? - some newly independent countries,Para. 7,1) He promises to aid (support) the newly independent countries so that they can remain free and independent.,ranks of the free -,the community of free and independent nations a far more iron tyranny - a communist dic

37、tatorship riding the back of a tiger - Compare seeking the aid of socialist countries to riding he back of a tiger,Para. 7,2) Those countries which foolishly seek the aid of socialist countries will end up by losing their independence as many other countries did in the past. It is dangerous to ride

38、the back of the tiger. If you do, you will be swallowed up by the tiger. You will lose your power and independence .,Para 8,Whom did he address? the developing countries half the globe - the continents of Africa and Asia constitute almost one half of the land surface of the globe.,bonds - chains, fe

39、tters (pl),1. chains, ropes that are used to tie down a prisoner 2. (fig) a feeling, duty or custom that forces you to behave in a particular way,help them help -,We pledge to help them on condition that they do their best and do what we ask them to do.,we pledge is right: Kennedy wants people to be

40、lieve that the United States renders unselfish and disinterested aid to countries that need it. This is pure propaganda for the United States has never rendered any aid to those countries that pursue an independent foreign policy, which runs counter to the “ national interests of the United States”.

41、 help them help themselves: We will help them only if they also do their bit. (In other words they must cooperate with us, do what we ask them to do.),Para. 9,He is speaking to Latin American countries. Usually the US regards the Latin American countries as the backyard of the US, for it has special

42、 interest in these countries.,sister -,careful choice of word, implying equal relationship, one family mutual good relations peaceful revolution = a new alliance for progress,To our sister republics of its own house: In this paragraph Kennedy addresses all the countries lying to the south of the Uni

43、ted States in Central and South America. Various names have been given by various U.S. presidents to their Latin American policies, e.g. “dollar diplomacy”, “good neighbor” and now Kennedys “alliance for progress”. The last line reiterates, in other words, the main theme of the Monroe Doctrine. The

44、United States has always tried to dominate these countries and has quite often interfered in their internal affairs.,new alliance for progress: the new Latin American policy propounded by Kennedy; to work together once again as allies to promote progress in this hemisphere But this peaceful of hosti

45、le powers: metaphor, comparing “ peaceful revolution of hope” to an animal, which might fall victim to enemy nations. We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution, which brings hope of progress to all our countries,Para. 9,1. He offered special pledge that all Latin Americ

46、an countries to work together to make progress. 2. He warned the enemies not to interfere in the internal affairs of these countries, because we are master of this hemisphere.,Para.10,He is addressing the United Nations. The UN is our last and best hope of survival in a world where the instruments o

47、f war have far surpassed and exceeded the instruments of peace.,Para.10,instruments of war- weapons, bombs, for waging wars instruments of peace - machines, tools for producing goods,Para.10,1) to prevent the UN from becoming an assembly where people just criticize, insult and abuse each other 2) to

48、 strengthen the power of UN to protect the newly independent and weak nations 3) to enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force,and to enlarge may run: This like the preceding phrase, is written in a Biblical style. We pledge to help the United Nati

49、ons enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force. writ: (archaic) a formal written document; specifically: a legal instrument in letter form issued under seal in the name of the English monarch from Anglo-Saxon times to declare its grants, wishes and commands. Here it refers to the United Nations Charter. This word is usually used with the verb, “ run”. run: to continue in effect or force,Para.11,He is speaking to the enemies, especially the Soviet


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