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1、英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 3第7课时表格教案主备人执教人授课日期班级总课题M5U3总课时分课时 1课型复习课题M5U3 Grammar 2教学目标1. tell the difference between the verb-ing form and the verb-ed form when they are used to express feelings.2. analyze the situation in which to use verb-ing forms or verb-ed forms3. use verb-ed forms to express time, reason

2、 and condition教学重点Words , phrases and sentence patterns教学难点Practical usage教具Blackboard , slides and handouts 教学内容教法学法Step 1 lead in (PPT4)Show students a cartoon with expressions of the verb-ed form referring to feelings.Explanation这幅卡通画将会是本节内容的一个主线。同样的画面,不同的内容,给学生以不断的新鲜感。Step 2 verb-ing and verb-ed

3、 used as adjectives (PPT5-7)来源:学科网ZXXK1. Ask students to focus on such words as bored and challenging in the cartoon. And lead them to think about in what situation are these expressions used. 来源:学.科.网2. Conclusion 1: We use verb-ing forms to describe someone/ something that causes certain feelings.

4、 They are usually active in meaning. We use verb-ed forms to say how we feel about someone/ something. They are usually passive in meaning as they describe how someone/ something is affected by an action.3. Introduce more words alike.Explanation第一次出现时画面所反映的是现在分词和过去分词表示心情等的词语,把这些词语归在一起,可以让学生根据以往学习经验很

5、快归纳出其用法及其一类词。Step 3 verb-ed phrases (PPT8-15)1. Show the same cartoon but develop it in a different way using different expressions like “Brook sat there complaining, How bored!”.2. Lead students to focus on such expressions as “Tom ran fast hoping to join Jimmy in no time” and think about different

6、 functions.3. Conclusion 2: Like the Verb-ing form, the Verb-ed form can be a verb-ed on its own. It can also be followed by an object and/or adverbial.4. Introduce verb-forms used as adverbial modifier to express time, reason and condition.来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K5. Lead students to think about the relation

7、ship between the verb and its understood subject in this kind of expression by comparison.6. Introduce verb-forms used with conjunctions like if, unless, etc.7. Conclusion 3:different situations to use verb-ing or verb-ed forms.8. Drill: Ask students to develop the same story using verb-ed forms as

8、adverbial modifier.Explanation卡通画第二次出现,现在分词和过去分词作为分词短语放在句末表示伴随的动作。将学生的注意点放在动词及其相应的逻辑主语的关系上,让学生明白什么时候运用什么类型的分词。过去分词作为状语表示时间、原因和条件的学习关键同样也是动词及其相应的逻辑主语的关系,不需要过多的解释,强调一下即可。介绍完过去分词作状语以及过去分词跟连词连用的情况后,再次呈现同一幅图,让学生根据所学的,把这幅图进行重新描述,要求运用到过去分词作状语表原因、时间或条件的情况,从而让学生能够在轻松的气氛下学会去运用语法知识。Step 4 Consolidation (PPT16-

9、22)Ask students to do multiple choices either on screen or on a sheet.Explanation单项选择虽然是千变万化的,但是关于分词的练习只要掌握规律就很简单,通过这个练习,可以让学生学会分析题目,运用所学达到巩固的效果。如果时间少可以以讲义的形式进行笔头练习。Step 5 summary (PPT23-24)1. Do a simple summary of what to pay attention to according to their performance in doing multiple choices. 2

10、. Introduce some phrases that dont agree with the rule.Explanation虽然学生与分词接触的时间不短,但是在实际运用的过程中,仍然会出现这样那样的错误,因此,有必要在操练结束后有的放矢得进行总结,提醒注意点。最后,让学生记住几个特殊的作状语的表达方式,由于这些表达方式从结构上并没有什么特别的规律,只需要让学生记住即可。教后记:高考链接拓展阅读Words:335难度系数:建议用时:6分钟The other day at lunch I was part of a whole group of colleagues and we were

11、 talking behind our bosss back.Shes the new principal (校长) of our middle school.We talked about how kind she is to us.She writes notes to wish us happy holidays,or to thank us for jobs well done.She checks on us when she knows were facing difficulties outside of school with our health or with our fa

12、milies.All too often,when we talk nice behind someones back,they never know about it!I sent her a quick email to report the conversation.She replied saying how much she appreciated hearing about it.When I overheard (偷听) conversations about the retirement of our principal,I thought she should know ho

13、w we felt.So I made sure she did.Cards and emails are great,but maybe its just extra heartwarming to know that kind words are being said even “behind your back”I like to do the same for my students.Of course I give them my own compliments (恭维),but I love to let them know when other adults have notic

14、ed their good behavior and attitudes.Then its absolutely necessary to let them know it too!It matters when what they notice is good.Ive known from the other side how much this can mean.I often lack confidence in my own abilities as a teacher,so it gave me quite a lift when a friend who works with fa

15、milies in the community mentioned that he has heard several times from parents how glad they are to have their kids in my class.It just feels more important somehow to have the words said by people who dont know Ill ever hear them.Sure,its pleasant when we can say nice things about other people.Watc

16、h for your next opportunity to be the reporter!Make sure to tell them about the nice things being said behind their backs!1Why did these colleagues talk behind their bosss back?来源:Zxxk.ComAThey were afraid of her.BShe treated them badly.CShe was kind to them.DIt was their daily practice.解析:选C。细节理解题。

17、根据文章第一段和第二段可知,作者的老板中学校长对他们太好了,因此,作者和同事们背后讨论她的好处,答案选C。2Why did the author report their conversation to her principal?AThey were good friends.BThe principals hated them.CShe guessed her principal might be glad to hear it.DShe wanted to be praised.解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第三段的内容可推知,作者是揣摩着校长应该是喜欢知道这些谈话的,所以作者把同事们

18、背后说的关于她的好话告诉了她。3What encouraged the author to be a good teacher?AOthers nice talk behind her back.BHer good knowledge in teaching.CHer rich experience in teaching.DHer principals help.解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段的第二句话可知,正是由于有人告诉作者别人在背后说作者是个好老师,才使得作者对教学增强了自信心。故答案选A。4In the text,the author mainly wanted to advise us _.Ato accept others ideas modestlyBnot to speak ill of others behindCto listen to others talk secretlyDto report the nice things said behind peoples backs解析:选D。主旨大意题。文章第三、四、五段分别举例说明把人们背后说的有关某人的好话告诉这个人,会对他产生积极的作用;文章最后一段又进一步进行了总结,要找机会成为别人背后好话的报告者。


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