
上传人:李医生 文档编号:6348930 上传时间:2020-10-31 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:15.50KB
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1、名词性从句及同位语从句:1. How some mammals came to live in the sea is not know. (主语从句)2. The attorney told his client that they had little chance of winning the case. (宾语从句)3. The problem is what well do next. (表语从句)4. We have no idea that he has come back. (同位语从句)5. When reports came into London zoo that a wi

2、ld puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.6. I was greatly shocked when I heard the news that his father died yesterday.7. We have to face the fact that the weather is unexpectablly bad.8.There arouse the question whether we could win the game.9. The yo

3、ung lady promised to marry the old man on the condition that he bought her a villa.10.An idea came to him that he might write to her to ask more information about the matter.11.I got information from my friend that there will be a marvelous American movie Titanic.12. Bill Clinton, the president of A

4、merica, came to China to pay an official visit in 1998.13.Lu X un, one of the greatest essayists in China, played an overwhelmingly important role in Chinese literature history.定语从句:1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week.2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my

5、friend.3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful.4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in.5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg.6. He still remembers the day when he went to school.7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didnt finish it in time.8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war.9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English.10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.


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