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1、Unit 5 FamousLesson 3 教材分析这是第五单元的最后一节课,完整的介绍名人是这节课的主题,这节课主要以提高学生在听、说、读、写的能力,在整个学习过程中重点在于将提高学生整体考虑问题的能力。能够使用英语完整的介绍名人。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 掌握重要句式 : be worn in ( 出生于 .) learn how to do sth. ( 学习如何做某事 ) be famous for doing sth. ( 因做某事而出名 ) be doing sth. ( 在做某事 ) see sb. do sth(看到某人做某事 ) make sb sth. (使某人做某事 )

2、2. 在介绍人物的过程中,注意时态的变化,当介绍名人时一般要用一般过去式【能力目标】1. 能够做一个对已经学过或了解的名人做介绍:主要包括名字(name)、国家( country )、工作( job)、为什么出名(why is she/he famous )、以及人物特点等。2. 搜集更多资料了解名人。【情感目标】学会用正确的方式向别人介绍名人。在与对方交流的过程中注意自己的言行举止。 教学重难点【教学重点】帮助学生了解更多的名人,引导学会介绍名人, 注意学会介绍名人的句子,注意时态的变化。【教学难点】学生在时态变化中会遇到困难教学过程。 课前准备Multimedia. 教学过程Step 1.

3、 Leading-inLast lesson, we know a famous people“ Li Bai please”, describe“ Li Bai” about his , job,“ countrywhy is he famous? ”And so on.Ask students to give the answers.Li Bai was Chinese.His is a famous poet.He is famous for his poems.His famous poem is A Tranquil Night .Step 2. Listen and read1.

4、Play the recording in activity 3 and ask the students to listen and answer the questions. Then check the answers.(1) Who is mentioned ?(2) Where was Helen Keller born in?(3) Why couldn t she hear、speak or see ?(4) Why is she famous?2. Play it again and check the true sentences in the picture one. As

5、k some students to correct thewrong ones.(1) Helen Keller (2)America (3) Because when she was young, she got very sick. (4) She is famous for writing many books and helping the deaf and blind.Step 3. Listen, read and retell方式:跟读、自读、分角色朗读等1. Isaac Newton was a famous _. He was born in _ in 1642. When

6、 he was a child, he was very _. He was always thinking about things. One day he was _ a book under an appletree. He _ an apple _from the tree. He _,“ why Hedo appleswasthefall?first person”.to find why.2. Put the students into groups of four to practice the dialogue. The students repeat it several t

7、imes, changing roles each time.Step 4. GameGame: Show them a picture of a few things and then ask the kids try to remember all of them and try to say:Mei Lanfang is Chinese, He was a famous actor, he is famous for performing.Lu Xun was Chinese, he was a famous writer, his famous productions are paci

8、ng back and forth , call , Ascends towards the colored evening and so on.Isaac Newton is England, he is famous scientist. He was the first person to find out “Why doapples fall ?”Step 5. PracticeChoose a famous person from part B and write him or her, and the teacher put the students into groups of three to practice on the blackboard. And which group representative read the famous people the most detailed will win the match.Step 6. Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit.2. Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思略。


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