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1、资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。第一章1.What is a project?强调项目是已计划的活动。”A specificplan or design ”(一个特定的计划或设计)”A plannedundertaking”(一个已计划的任务)”A large undertaking e.g. a publicworks scheme”( 一项大型任务 ,如公共事业方案 )2.Difference between project and routine? Project is one-off Routine is repeated activity? Projec

2、t is objectives-driven? Project is completed by project manager and teams Routine is functional linear management? Project has much change managementRoutine has durative consistency3.software: the interdependent part in computer, include program, data and correlative document.4.Characteristics of so

3、ftware project Invisibility不可见性Complexity复杂性Conformity一致性Flexibility灵活性资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。5.Examples of information systems and embedded systems不同之处在于前者的系统界面是与组织的接口,而后者的系统界面是与机器的接口。前者如库存管理系统 ,是一个组织管理订购备料的信息系统。后者如嵌入式 ( 或过程控制 ) 系统 , 能够是一个在建筑物中控制空调设备的系统。 有些可能两者兼有。6 Stakeholders:These are pe

4、ople who have a stake or interest in theproject.项目相关人员是指在项目中有利害关系的人。In general, they could beusers/clients or developers/implementersThey could be:?Within the project team项目组内部人员?Outside the project team, but within the same organization在同一组织内但在该项目组外的人?Outside both the project team and the organizat

5、ion在该项目组和该组织之外的人员7Project Management Body Of Knowledge-PMBOK? Project Integration Management? Project Scope Management? Project Time Management? Project Cost Management? Project Human Resource Management? Project Risk Management? Project Quality Management? Project Procurement Management? Project Co

6、mmunication Management第二章1.资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。Step 0:选择项目可行性研究表明这个项目是否值得进行Step 1:标识项目的范围和目的Identify objectives and measures of effectiveness标识目的以及有效性的度量方式Establish a project authority确立项目的主管当局Identify all stakeholders in the project and their interests标识项目所有相关人员以及她们的利益Modify objectives i

7、n the light of stakeholder analysis根据项目相关人员的分析修改目的Establish methods of communication with all parties确定各部门之间的交流方法Step 2:表示项目的基础设施Establish link between project and any strategic plan确立项目资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。和战略策划之间的关系Identify installation standards and procedures标识安装标准和步骤Identify project t

8、eam organization标识项目组的组织Step 3:分析项目的特征Distinguish the project as either objective or product-based区分项目是目的驱动还是产品驱动Analyse other project characteristics (including quality based ones)分析项目的其它特征 (包括基于质量的特征 )Identify high level project risks标识项目的高级别风险Take into account user requirements concerning impleme

9、ntation实现时考虑用户的需求Select general life cycle approach选择开发方法学和生命周期方法Review overall resource estimates评审整个资源估计Step 4:标识项目的产品和活动Identify and describe project products标识描述项目的产品document Generic product flows将共性产品流文档化Recognize product instances标识产品实例Produce ideal activity network产生理想的活动网络图Add check-points i

10、f needed增加检查点如果需要Step 5:估计每个活动的工作量Carry out bottom-up estimates执行由底向上的估计Revise plan to create controllable activities修改策划创立可控制的活动Step 6:标识活动的风险资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。Identify and quantify risks for activities标识和量化基于活动的风险Plan risk reduction and contingency measures计划合适的风险缓解和应急措施Adjust overall

11、 plans and estimates to take account of risks根据风险调整计划和估计Step 7:分配资源Identify and allocate resources to activities Revise plans and estimates totakeinto标识和分配资源 account resourceconstraints根据资源约束修改计划和估计Step 8:评审 / 发布计划Review quality aspects of project plan评审项目计划的质量Document plan and obtain agreement将计划文档

12、化并取得一致的建议Step 9 and 10:执行计划并进行较低层次的策划第三章1Programme management(项目群 )定义 : a group of projects that are managedin a co-ordinated way to gain benefits that would not be possible were the projects to be managed independently. 为了获得利益 , 用协同方式管理的一组项目 , 而这些项目不能进行独立的管理。以下面几种形式存在 :战略项目群、商业周期项目群、基础设施项目群、研究和开发项目

13、群、创新的伙伴关系资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。2Quantifying benefitsQuantified and valuedQuantified but not valuedIdentified but not easily quantified3成本分类 : Development costs开发成本Set-up安装成本Operationalcosts 运行成本4Cash flow forecasting现金流预测主要预测将发生的现金流及其时机。将指出何时要支出费用、何时有收益。5Net profit(净利润 ) 是在项目的整个生命周期中总成本和总收入的差。Pay back period(回收期 ) 是达到收支平衡或偿还初始投入所花的时间。ROI(return on investment投资回报率 ) 提供了一种方法来比较净收益率与需要的投入。ROI= Average annual profitTotal investmentX100%Net present value(NPV净现值 )现值 =第 t年的值 /(1+r)tr是贴现率t是现金流在未来出现的年数= 现金流 * 贴现因子贴现因子查表可得第四章1Waterfall model:


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