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1、265This program is designed to introduce employees to the need and importance of using ladders correctly and working safely around ladders. 本程序旨在向员工介绍正确使用梯子及在梯子周围安全工作的必要性与重要性。Target Audience目标对象 All Employees全体员工1. Ladders can place an employee in a higher risk environment. This occurs because the l

2、adder allows you to increase your distance from the ground. If you slip and fall on a flat surface you can injure yourself, sometimes quite severely. The potential for a severe injury increases as you get higher off of the ground. Injuries commonly occur when someone does not use a ladder when neces

3、sary, use ladders that are broken or use them incorrectly. You can reduce your potential for being injured by following a simple few rules. 梯子会置员工于一个较高风险的环境中。这是因为梯子使你离地面的距离增高。如果你失足跌落在平坦的平面上,你可能会伤到自己,并且有时候会很严重。随着你离地面高度的增加而使严重伤害的可能性提高。伤害通常发生在有必要使用梯子时而不使用,使用破损的梯子或不正确的使用。遵守一些简单的规则就可以减少你受伤害的可能性。2. Always

4、 inspect a ladder before using it: 使用梯子之前要始终对其进行检查: Look for any damage to the ladder. Ensure that all of the parts are in good condition. If you find any damage, dont use the ladder and contact your supervisor immediately. 检查梯子是否有任何损坏。确保梯子的所有部分都状况良好。如果你发现梯子有任何损坏,就不要使用并立即联系你的主管。 Ensure that the ladd

5、er is free of water, oil, grease, ice or other hazards that might cause you to slip while climbing or working on the ladder. 确保梯子上没有水、油、油脂、冰或其他可能让你在攀登或在梯子上工作时滑倒的危险。 Check the weight rating for the ladder. Do not climb a ladder if its rating is lower than the combined weight of your body and any mate

6、rial you will be moving. 检查梯子的重量定额。如果梯子的重量定额低于你的体重和你将取下的任何材料的结合总重,则不要攀登梯子。 Be sure that the ladder is stable and that the surface is solid, level, & dry. It is a good idea to have someone else hold the ladder while you are climbing it. 确保梯子牢固并且表面结实、平整且干燥。当你攀登梯子时,最好让其他人扶着梯子。 When using a stepladder,

7、the legs should be fully open and the cross-braces locked in place. 使用活梯时,梯腿应完全打开并将横拉条锁定到位。 When using an extension ladder, make sure the supports are fully operational, locked in place and that the non-skid feet or chocks are in good repair and secured. The base of the ladder should be positioned 1

8、 foot away from the surface for every 4 feet in elevation. 使用伸缩梯时,确保支撑完全有效并锁定到位,防滑脚或垫木都经过良好的维修并且安全可靠。梯子底部每升高4英尺就应离地面1英尺安置。3. Ladders should only be used for their designed purposes. For instance, you should not use an aluminum ladder when working with electrical equipment. 梯子应仅用于其设计的目的。例如,当着手于涉及电器设备

9、的工作时,就不应使用铝制梯子。4. If you are trying to access an item that is stored above your head, or you are working in an area where you have to reach over your head, you should use a ladder. Never stand on chairs, climb shelves or stand on boxes or other items which are not designed to be climbed on. 如果你要拿取存放

10、在头部上方的物品,或你在一个必须高于头部的区域工作,那么就应使用梯子。决不要站在椅子上,攀登架子或站在箱子或其他不适于攀登的物体上。5. When using a ladder in front of a door, passageway, or other area subject to foot or vehicle traffic, a barricade such as caution tape, traffic cones or floor signs should be used to alert others to your presence and keep traffic o

11、ut of your work area. If working in a guestroom by the door, flip the latch or attach the chain to keep the door from being opened while you are in front of it. 当在门前、过道前,或其他影响行走或车辆交通的区域前使用梯子时,应使用警戒带、交通锥标等路障或地面标志,以警告他人你在工作并将车辆限制在你的工作区之外。如果在客房内的门边施工,则翻转门插销或系上门链,以预防当你在门前时房门被打开。6. When moving up or down

12、 a ladder, always maintain 3 points of contact (e.g. 2 hands and a foot, or 2 feet and a hand). When working from a ladder, always maintain 2 points of contact with the ladder (e.g. 2 feet). Never try and move or shift a ladder while you are on it. 在梯子上上下移动时,要始终保持3个接触点(例如,2只手和一只脚,或2只脚和一只手)。在梯子上工作时,要

13、始终与梯子保持2个接触点(例如,2只脚)。当你在梯子上时决不要试图移动或推移梯子。QUIZ 测验1. Your height above the ground doesnt make a difference in the degree of risk. 你在地面以上的高度不会对风险程度有任何影响。a. True 正确b. False 错误2. Which of the following can be a source of injury when working with a ladder? 工作中使用梯子时以下哪条可能是造成伤害的一个原因?a. Not using a ladder wh

14、en trying to reach items located above your head. 试图拿取高于头部的物品时没有使用梯子。b. Using a broken ladder. 使用损坏的梯子。c. Using a ladder incorrectly. 不正确的使用梯子。d. All of the above 以上全部3. You should always inspect a ladder for _ before using it. 使用梯子前,你应当始终检查其_。a. Damaged parts 损坏的部分b. Dirt, grease, water, etc. 是否脏、

15、油腻、有水等等。c. Both A & B A和B。4. When using a ladder, always make sure you _. 使用梯子时,始终确保_。a. Obey the rated load capacity 遵守额定的载重量b. Keep the steps clean and dry 保持阶梯的干净干燥c. Ensure that it is on a dry level surface 确保放在一个干燥的水平地面上。d. All of the above 以上全部5. You should always use a ladder for its intended

16、 purpose, such as not using an aluminum ladder when working with electricity. 你应始终针对梯子的设计用途而使用,例如,进行涉及电源的工作时不使用铝制梯子。a. True 正确b. False 错误6. When using a ladder where you might expect _, always be sure to set up a barricade. 使用梯子时你可能会遇到_,所以要始终确保设置路障。a. Foot traffic 行人来往b. Vehicle traffic 车辆交通c. Both

17、A & B A和B。7. To help prevent a fall, make sure the ladder is stable before climbing, and never try to move or shift the ladder while you are on it. 为了防止跌落,应在攀登前确保梯子牢固,当你在梯子上时决不要试图移动。a. True 正确b. False 错误8. Its ok to use a ladder when the cross-braces arent fully functional as long as you will only b

18、e on the ladder for a second. 只要你仅在梯子上站片刻,没有完全打开横拉条而使用梯子也可以。a. True 正确b. False 错误When you have completed this quiz, turn it in to your supervisor.当你完成本测验后,请将其交给你的主管。Name姓名: _Date日期: _QUIZ ANSWERS 测验答案1. (b) False. The degree of risk goes up exponentially as your height gets further from the ground.

19、错误。随着你离地面高度的增加,风险程度指数上升。2. (d) All of the above. Not using a ladder when trying to reach items located above your head, using a broken ladder, and using a ladder incorrectly are all sources of injury when using a ladder. 以上全部。试图拿取高于头部的物品时没有使用梯子,使用损坏的梯子,及不正确的使用梯子都是造成伤害的原因。3. (c) Both A & B. You shoul

20、d always inspect a ladder for damaged parts and dirt, grease, water, etc. before using it. A和B。在使用梯子之前,你应始终检查梯子是否损坏,脏、有油脂、水等。4. (d) All of the above. When using a ladder, always make sure you obey the rated load capacity, keep the steps clean and dry, and ensure that it is on a dry level surface. 以上

21、全部。使用梯子时,始终确保遵守定额载重量,保持阶梯的干净干燥,并保证其放置在一个干燥水平的地面上。5. (a) True. You should always use a ladder for its intended purpose, such as not using an aluminum ladder when you are working with electricity. 正确。你应始终根据梯子的设计用途而使用,例如,当工作涉及电源时,不使用铝制梯子。 6. (c) Both A & B. When using a ladder, setup barricades where f

22、oot or vehicle traffic can be expected. A和B。使用梯子时,在可能出现行人来往或车辆交通的地方设置路障。7. (a) True. To help prevent a fall, make sure the ladder is stable before climbing, and never try to move or shift the ladder while you are on it. 正确。为了帮助防止跌落,在攀登前确保梯子的牢固性,在梯子上时决不要试图移动梯子。8. (b) False. If you are using a steplad

23、der, make sure the legs are opened fully, and the cross-braces are in place. If using an extension ladder, make sure the support pieces are fully operational and in place. It only takes a second for a fall to occur. 错误。如果使用活梯,要确保梯腿完全打开,横拉条放置到位。如果使用伸缩梯,确保支持部件都完全有效并放置到位。片刻也会导致跌落。Employee Sign-Off 员工签名

24、_Date 日期_Hotel酒店 _Training Facilitator培训员 Today I participated in a Ladder Safety training program. I agree to observe and follow the safe work practices described to me in this training. In the event of an injury, I understand that I am to report it to my supervisor immediately. I understand that should I have any further questions regarding this program or any safety issue, I should ask my supervisor. 今天我参加了梯子安全的培训课程。我同意遵守并遵循本培训中所描述的安全工作准则。如果发生伤害,我知道应立即将事故报告给我的主管。我明白如果自己对本课程或任何安全事宜有任何问题,我都应咨询我的主管。


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