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1、如何回答英语面试中的问题 How would you respond if you were asked one of the following interview questions: 如果别人问你以下问题你该如何回答: If aliens landed here right now, what would you do? “如果此刻有外星人在此登陆,你会怎么做?” What did you want to be when you were 8 years old? “8岁的时候你想当什么?” What would your refrigerator say if it could tal

2、k? “如果你的冰箱可以说话,它会说什么?” these types of odd questions are called wild cards because they seem to e out of nowhere. with the current economic cli _te allowing employers to be more /picmon. a s _ar resume, impressive credentials, and strong interviewing skills are no longer enough. 之所以称这些古怪的问题为“外卡”,是因为看

3、起来它们好像无章可循。如今的经济形势也让雇主们越来越吹毛求疵,这些问题也更加普遍了。所以在面试中,仅仅有精美的简历,令人印象深刻的职业证书,以及精湛的面试技巧是远远不够的。 While a rare interviewer _y ask these questions simply to watch you squirm, _ny wild-card questions serve a purpose. Generally speaking, interviewers ask these questions to see how well you perform under pressure

4、and think on your feet. They also might ask wild cards to break out of the routine of a typical interview in order to get a glimpse of your genuine personality. 很少有面试官问这些问题仅仅是想让你尴尬,但是很多不可预知的问题都是为了特定的目的才问的。通常来说,面试官会问你三个这样的问题,来测试你在压力下表现如何,以及你的突破性思维。面试官问你这些突破常规性面试的问题也可能是想看看你真实的本性。 Here are some real qu

5、estions as reported by job seekers, with some insight into what interviewers _y be looking for - and how to deliver: 以下列出了一些求职者反应的问题,并附有一些见解,讲解了面试官的目的,以及你该如何应对这些问题: If there was a fire in your house, what two things would you save? “如果你家着火了,你最想抢救的两样物品是什么?” Whats the point? The interviewer is trying

6、to determine how well your ideals and principles _tch the panys values. 这个问题的重点是什么?雇主想了解你的利益观和原则是否符合公司的利益观。 Approach: Find an honest answer that aligns you with the values of the pany with which you are interviewing. 应对措施:找出与你所面试的公司价值观最相符合的也是最真诚的答案。 Possible response: If youre applying for a job as

7、a technical project _nager, for example, you might say: My puter and my family photo album. This shows your obvious technical side but also demonstrates that you prioritize relationships. This could help distinguish you from your fellow techie pe _s. 答案之一:如果你正在应聘一个技术项目经理的职位,你可以这样回答“我的电脑和家庭相册”。这样的答案显

8、示出你很明显的重视技术,同时也表示你也重视家庭关系。这样的回答可以让你在其他求职者中间脱颖而出。 If you were a _real, what would you be? “如果你是谷物,你选择做那种哪种?” Whats the point? The interviewer is trying to gain some insight into your work personality to see what kind of worker you will be. If you are unsure of what your work personality is, you can take a career interest test to find out. 这个问题的重点是什么?雇主想通过这个问题了解你的工作个性,以确定你适合的职位。如果你不确定你的工作个性是什么,你可以通过做职业兴趣测试来定位。 Approach: Try to tie your answer back to the job requirements. 应对措施:按照工作要求去回答问题。 模板,内容仅供参考


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