试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc

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试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc_第1页
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试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc_第2页
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试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc_第3页
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试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc_第4页
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试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprise's net profit and cash flow).doc_第5页
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1、试论企业净利润与现金流量的关系(Discussion on the relationship between enterprises net profit and cash flow)2005 Journal of the fourth Liaoning Administration College, No. 4, 2005(volume fourth, phase seventh) Journal ofLiaoningAdministration College (Vo.l 7.No. 4)FinanceDiscussion on the relationship between enter

2、prises net profit and cash flowShoutDong Jie Deng(Liaoning Federation of trade unions, Liaoning, Shenyang 110013)Abstract this paper discusses the relationship between enterprises net profit and cash flow.Keywords enterprise; net profit; cash flow;CLC number F123 document identification code A artic

3、les number 1008 - 4053 (2005) 04 - 0169 - 02Whether in the past, or now, the maximization of net profit has always been an enterpriseThe pursuit of goals. But with the continuous development of the economy, more and more advocating cash toIn the modern financial environment of respect, cash flow ana

4、lysis is obvious to information usersBecome more and more important. This is because the cash flow statement provides a clear picture of the businessThe ability to create net cash flows more clearly reveals the liquidity of corporate assetsFinancial position. In fact, as far as the information refle

5、cted in the financial statements is concerned,Gold flows have increasingly replaced net profits and become a major factor in assessing the value of a companys stockMust standard. From the financial statements point of view, in addition to the balance sheet and profit statement,Here are third basic a

6、ccounting statements, the cash flow statement. At present,A measure of enterprise health of the total income, net profit, cash flow indicators, firstThe first consideration is cash flow, and then the net profit. In practice, net profitAnd cash flow and there are inevitable differences. Then the rela

7、tionship between net profit and cash flowWhat is the relationship between the two, what are the reasons for the difference between the two, how to seek?Effective way to coordinate the relationship between the two, this article talk about the point of view.I. The relationship between net profit and c

8、ash flowThe net profit of an enterprise at a certain period is equal to the income of an enterprise at that time minus thisThe cost of a period; the net cash flow of an enterprise at a given period is equal to the cash flowVolume less cash outflow. From the calculation formula of net profit and cash

9、 flow,It is easy to see that if the income of an enterprise at a given period is equal to the inflow of cashThe number and cost amount are equal to the cash outflow, while the net profit is in line with the cash flow.Otherwise, as long as the income is not equal to the cash inflow, the cost is not e

10、qual to the outflow of cash,It is inevitable that there will be a difference between the two differences between the net profit and the cash flow.From the above formula, it is not difficult to understand the calculation of net profit and cash flowThe basis of the theory is different from the differe

11、nce between the cash flow and the net profitThis reason. There are two accounting measurement bases, one is the accrual basis, the other is the collectionBy implementing the system, the enterprise calculates the net profit on the basis of accrual basisCash flow is calculated on the basis of cash bas

12、is. Therefore, net profit of enterprisesThe fundamental reason for the difference between the two forms of cash flow and cash flow is measurement basisAtypism。In actual work, the specific reasons for the difference between the two are as followsA:1. Companies expand their production by relaxing cred

13、it policies and extending credit termsProduct sales, increase sales revenue and profits, but at the same time accounts receivable, tickets receivableAccording to a large number of claims also increased, this will inevitably make the enterprise funds are occupied by the buyer,Increase the opportunity

14、 cost of accounts receivable. On the other hand, as a result of increased enterprise profitsEmbellish, can produce the problem such as enterprise income tax, shareholder share out bonus, this needs enterprise pad to payIncome tax and share bonus, therefore, cause the cash shortage of the enterpriseT

15、here must be a difference between profit and cash flow.2. Inventories account for a larger proportion of the current assets of enterprises and are also enterprisesThe worst performing assets in liquid assets. The increase in inventories, on the one hand, meansEnterprises have increased the amount of

16、 cash outflows from enterprises due to the increase in raw material purchaseOn the one hand, it means that the finished products and other commodities unsalable, so that the finished product funds can not be timelyRealized, which further increased the difference between the net profit and cash flow.

17、3. The enterprise accounting system stipulates that there are eight assets for impairment provision, whileAnd different asset write down is included in different profit and loss accounts. Therefore, the enterpriseIf there is no scientific and reasonable provision for impairment of assets, but withIt

18、aly will bring profits or inflated profits, and in fact, these assets fromFor a variety of reasons, the recoverable amount is already less than its carrying value and the future cash flowThe amount of input must be less than its book value, which in turn will result in a loss of net profit and cash

19、flowAgreement。4. When enterprises purchase fixed assets and intangible assets, they must pay a lot of money at one timeCash, and according to the matching principle, their value is only partly liftedDepreciation or amortization is included in current profits and losses,And how much is included in th

20、e profit and loss?Depending on the method of depreciation or the method of amortization of intangible assets, so in the case of capital expenditureIn the current period, the net profit will be greater than the net cash flowIn the future period, the amortization of the expenses will inevitably lead t

21、o a net profitDecrease, but cash is not required to pay, which makes the net profit less than net cash flow.Therefore, the payment of capital expenditure, amortization and depreciation methods of fixed assets will also be madeMake the difference between the enterprises profit and the cash flow.5. Wh

22、en a company conducts long-term equity investments abroad, if most of the investment isOne hundred and sixty-nineMaking ePub2005-05-20author profile Deng Dongjie (1971-), female, Liaoning Provincial Federation of trade unions accountant. July 2005Seventh volume fourth Deng Dongjie: on the relationsh

23、ip between enterprises net profit and cash flow Ja.l 2005Vo.l 7.No. 4By the equity method, then the net profit of the investment unit is cast at the end of the yearThe unit may calculate its share of the voting shares in accordance with the voting rightsShare, in addition to the book value of the lo

24、ng-term equity investments, it is believed thatCurrent return on investment, regardless of whether the proceeds have been in cash and cashThe form of the equivalent is recovered (in fact, dividends paid by the investee unit in those years)Less than the net profit realized in the year. Thus, in recog

25、nition of the increase in investment incomeWhen the company will increase the net profit, but the cash inflow of enterprises is not the sameProportional increase.6. No matter what channels they raise money, they happen in the fund-raising activitiesCash flow will increase rapidly, while the repaymen

26、t of principal is often on the marketIt will take place over a long period of time, so the business will then repay the principal and interestThe cash outflow is relatively small, so that the net cash flow of enterprises increases faster than that of the cash flowThe rate of increase in net profit.

27、On the other hand, in the period after the financing activities occurIn the interval, the cash outflow due to principal and interest payments is relatively large, while the new financing activitiesWhen there is little movement, the amount of cash outflow will be greater than the inflow of cash. And

28、because of interestThe cost is relatively small, so the decrease in corporate profit margins is slower, which will make the company more competitiveIndustry profits and cash flow are not synchronized, resulting in differences.From the above analysis, we can see that the companys net profit and cash

29、flow often come outThis is not the same, especially in the enterprise net profit is greater than the net cash flow from this differenceAt present, it will bring great risks to enterprise management, so how can we achieve net business?The simultaneous growth of profit and cash flow is particularly im

30、portant.Two, the effective coordination between net profit and cash flow1. Formulate a scientific and reasonable credit policy of accounts receivable, and strengthen the corresponding accounts receivableManagement. Whether the credit policy of accounts receivable is scientific and reasonable affects

31、 the enterprises directlyThe net profit and cash flow are only increased when some credit policy is adoptedThis letter is adopted and implemented when the cost of the credit policy is increasedIt is advantageous to use policy. Therefore, enterprises should be based on their actual situationScientifi

32、c, reasonable and feasible credit policy of accounts receivable, which is scientific and effectiveMethods to strengthen the management of accounts receivable (such as accounts receivable, in advance, in the matter, and in the matter)After the three levels of chain management, etc., so that enterpris

33、es in expanding sales and increase profits at the same time, PaulThe timely collection of the receivable accounts will increase the cash inflow of the enterprises simultaneously.2. Strengthen the analysis and management of inventory, speed up the flow of inventory. InventoryPressure will inevitably

34、increase the level of capital occupation of enterprises, resulting in poor circulation of funds orShortage of funds, therefore, to strengthen the analysis and management of inventory is very important.(1) regularly analyze the inventory structure and find out the key reason for the increase in inven

35、torySu. The enterprise shall periodically calculate the inventory structure for several successive stagesAnalysis, will be the largest proportion of inventory and increase in the proportion of the increase in the number of inventoriesLarge inventory items, as the focus of analysis and management, an

36、alysis of the inventory items quicklySpeed increase reasons, in order to adjust the relevant policies in a timely manner to reduce inventory. In timeThe backlog of inventories reduces the level of capital occupation and inventoryAt the same time, it helps to increase the enterprises net profit and a

37、ccelerates the turnover of capitalCash flow of enterprises.(2) maintain balance between purchase and sale and balance between production and marketing. Enterprises should establish a scientific marketForecasting and decision making mechanisms to develop a more accurate product sales plan, and on thi

38、s basisOn the basis of considering the inventory level at the beginning and end of the enterprise, the production of the product is reasonably determinedThat is, enterprises should be in on the basis of the development of enterprise production.Then, according to the raw material consumption of each

39、product and the plan of each productYield and take stock of raw materials at the beginning and end of the period, and determine the raw materials reasonablyThe procurement plan to determine the optimal economic order quantity of raw materials. By buying and sellingBalance, production and marketing b

40、alance,Make the quantity of inventory meet the needs of enterprise production and managementNot excessive use of funds, so that the companys net profit and cash flow synchronizationGrowth.3, according to the enterprise accounting system requirements, reasonable provision for impairment of assetsIn c

41、ase the loss of the assets of the enterprise is truly reflected, the enterprise shall only follow the accounting system of the enterpriseRequirements, periodically examine the value of each asset, andThe principle of prudence is to reasonably estimate the possible losses of the assets andAny loss th

42、at may occur may be reflected in the provision for impairment of assetsThe real value of the assets and the losses of the assets, and correctly calculate the profits and losses.At the same time, due to various kinds of assets, market change constantly, enterprise is difficult to objectivelyGrasp the

43、 exact amount of the loss of assets, which will also make the enterprise for its own benefitTherefore, enterprises should take scientific and effective measures as much as possibleMethods reasonable provision for impairment of assets.4. Reasonable arrangements for cash flows from operating activitie

44、s, cash flows from investment activities andThe proportion of cash flow and cash flow between three firms enables the cash flow of enterprises to reachTo optimize. As business activities are important economic activities of enterprises, they operateCash flows from activities first meet cash flows fr

45、om operating activitiesOut of quantity, that is to say, in general, only in the presence of business activitiesWhen the gold flow is net inflow, it is possible for enterprises to conduct investment activities. Therefore, enterprisesThe net cash flow of the business operation directly determines the

46、investment activities of the enterpriseHow much cash outflow?. For those enterprises expanding externally, as a result ofThe proportion of investment activities in enterprise activities is large, so the investment projects benefit wellBad, in turn, further determines investment activity, cash flow,

47、and cash throughout the enterpriseThe proportion of the flow; and for those enterprises that implement the internal development strategy,By tapping the potential of the interior and improving the technological content of the product, we can raise the prices of the enterprisesThe industrys ability to withstand risks, and therefore its cash flow, depends mainly on the availability of business activitiesAbility to withdraw cash. When the cash flow of operating activities is relatively insufficient, the enterprise mustIn the event of an investment activity,


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