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1、Unit 4 重点词组归纳 (七年级下)一、 高频词:1. 名词:branch树枝 disease疾病 example例子 furniture家具 gas气体 hole洞 oxygen氧气 pine松树 2. 动词:carry搬 dig挖 discuss讨论 fight与作斗争 imagine想象 produce产生 save拯救3. 形容词:convenient方便的 harmful有害的 major主要的4. 介词:against反对二、 重点词组:1. as a result 结果;因此 2. because of由于 3. come from来自 4. cut down砍倒(树木) 5

2、. fight against与作斗争 6. for example例如 7. (be) good for对有用,有好处 8. (be) in danger处在危险中 9. in fact(补充细节)确切地说;事实上10. look around 环顾四周 11. (be) made of由制成 12. millions of大量的;数以百万计的 13. take in 吸收 14. Tree Planting Day植树节三、重点句型:1.They are home to birds and animals.它们是鸟儿和动物们的家。2.All of the above.上面全部都是。3.Th

3、ey help us in many ways.它们在很多方面都对我们有帮助。4.They keep the air cool and clean.它们令空气冷却和保持空气清洁。5.We should stop doing this if we dont want a world without trees.如果我们不想要一个没有树的世界我们就要停止做这样的事。6.We must do our best to protect the Amazon rainforest.我们必须尽力去保护亚马孙雨林。四、语法知识: 现在进行时1 构成:be (am, is, are) +动词ing形式 意义:表

4、示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作或发生的事情。2 否定形式:be (am, is, are) + not + 动词ing形式。 3 一般疑问句形式:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + 动词ing形式+ 其他成分?4.特殊疑问句形式:疑问词 + be (am, is, are) + 主语 + 动词 ing形式 + 其他成分? 动词ing形式的构成:构成法例词一般加ingwork working study studying以辅音字母+不发音的e结尾的动词去e后加ing live living write writing 以 ie 结尾的重读开音节的词改 ie 为y, 再加ingdie

5、dying以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加ingrun running 以下动词一般不用于进行时态: believe hear like mean smell understand hate know love see taste want五、书面表达:请以“The importance of trees”为题,根据表格中的内容提示写一篇80词左右的短文,说明树木对人类的重要性。树木的用途1. 树木可以美化环境,使人心情舒畅;可以净化空气,对健康有好处;2. 树木可以用来建造很多东西,如:很多家具都是由木制成的;3. 树木给人类提供食物,如:各种水果等。保护措

6、施我们应该保护树木,严禁乱砍滥伐。The importance of treesTrees are really important to people. They are helpful to us in many different ways .First, trees can make the environment more beautiful. When we see all the green trees around us, we will be happier. Trees can also take in harmful gases and make the air fres

7、h. Fresh air is really good for our health. Second, we can use wood to make a lot of things. For example, some furniture in our houses is made of wood. Third, trees can give us different food. Do you know many kinds of fruits come from trees?Trees help us a lot, so it is important for us to protect them. If we cut down trees, we should plant more new ones.


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