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1、语言文学毕业论文柏拉图与陆机的“灵感论”比较 语言文学毕业论文-柏拉图与陆机的“灵感论”比较 摘 要 灵感作为文艺创作中1种心理现象,很早就为中西文艺理论家所关注并加以研究。灵感理论的发现与提出,对于文学创作,是大为有用的。本文将中国晋朝陆机的“灵感”论与西方著名文艺理论家柏拉图的“灵感”论置于同1平台进行跨文化比较研究。论文首先对柏拉图与陆机的“灵感”论进行分别论述,然后在此基础上分别找出他们的相同之处和不同之处。相同之处表现在2者都是文学创作语境中的1种客观现象,并且具有相同的内涵,即都是1种无意识的心里现象;不同之处表现在他们对灵感的解释不1样,柏拉图认为灵感是“神赐”的、不可知的,而陆

2、机则从唯物的立场来探求“灵感”之源;2者灵感论的外延也不相同。虽然2者的灵感论都是作为文艺理论提出来的,但柏拉图灵感论的外延要大得多。 关键词:柏拉图;陆机;灵感论;比较 ABSTRACT Inspiration as a psychological phenomenon of literary and artistic creation was concerned and studied for the China and the West theorist at a long time ago. The discovery and propose of inspiration theory

3、 for the literary creations are much useful. This article put the Chinese JinChao LuJis inspiration with western renowned literary arts theoretician Platos inspiration on the same platform for cross-cultural parative studies. First, the article Exposited Plato and LuJis inspiration theory respective

4、ly, and then on that basis to identify the points of convergence and divergence between them. The same point performances are in the literary creations speaking context an objective phenomenon, and have the same connotation that is a violation of the psychological phenomena; The differences in their

5、 theory was that their explain of the sources of inspiration are different, Plato believes that inspiration from God alone, unknown, but LuJi from the position to explore materialism inspiration sources; The two inspirations outreach are difference. Although both inspiration theory are presented as a literary and art theory, but the theory of Plato inspiration to be more extensive. Key words: Plato; LuJi; inspiration; Compare 模板,内容仅供参考


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