野生鱼类 海鲜介绍(Introduction to wild fish seafood).doc

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1、野生鱼类 海鲜介绍(Introduction to wild fish seafood)Carp the nutritional value of 1. Carp protein content is high, not only and the quality is good, the body digestion and absorption rate can reach 96%, and can supply the human body essential amino acids, minerals, vitamin A and vitamin D.2. The fat of carp

2、 is mostly unsaturated fatty acids (such as EPA and DHA), which are essential fatty acids of the body, which have both important physiological effects.3. Carp have a high potassium content.The edible effect of carpIt is beneficial for all kinds of edema, swelling, abdominal distension, short urine,

3、jaundice and lactation.2. Improving eyesightCarps retinas contain A lot of vitamin A, so the eyes of carp are particularly good.3.The edible taboo of carp1. No persons suffering from malignant tumor, lymphatic tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, children mumps, thromboangiitis oblit

4、erans, ulcer healing sores, urticaria, eczema and other skin diseases of diet.At the same time the carp are the hair, the vegetarian and the abscess are careful to eat.The grass is sweet, warm, non - toxic, and has the effect of warm stomach and medium, guangdong folk is used to be with oil bar, egg

5、, pepper and steamed, can be beneficial eye. Its bile is bitter, cold and poisonous.Nutritional value1. Grass carp are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to blood circulation and are good for cardiovascular patients.2. Grass carp are rich in selenium, and they are often used to re

6、sist aging and beautifying, and also have some protective effects on tumors.For those who are thin and inappedable, the grass is tender but not greasy, which can be appetizing and nourishing.efficacyAnimal experiments showed that there were obvious depressurization of grass carp with expectoration a

7、nd mild antitussive effects.otherThe folk in jiangxi province were suffering from deafness and water fire. Although the bile can cure, but bile is poisonous, often caused by swallowing excessive grass carp. Mainly for the toxin poisoning process on the digestive, urinary tract, gastrointestinal symp

8、toms in the short term, liver, kidney failure, often with cardiovascular and nervous system lesions, cause cerebral edema, toxic shock, and even death, to swallow grass carp bile poisoning, there is no specific treatment, it is unfavorable to grass carp bile used to heal, if must be applied, also ne

9、ed to be careful.Turtle is rich in high quality protein, amino acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamin A, B1, B2, etc., with chicken, deer, cattle, pigs, fish five kinds of delicious meat, known as the food mixed meat.The pharmacodynamic effect of turtle turtle, turtle head, turtle meat, turtle

10、gall, turtle lipid, turtle gelatin, etc. All have medicinal value. Its main function is: nourishing Yin, to hepatitis and abnormal function hyperfunction have control effect; Nourishing, improving plasma protein content, promoting hematopoietic function, enhancing physical strength; Clear heat, redu

11、ce abnormal body temperature rise, can dissipate body mass and so on.Modern medical research shows that the meat of turtle meat contains a kind of important substance which is resistant to the aging of blood vessels in human body, and it can reduce blood cholesterol and benefit patients with hyperte

12、nsion and coronary heart disease. Eating the right amount of turtle is beneficial to the recovery of the body and improving the quality of breast milk. The Japanese scientists also confirmed that the turtle has certain anti-cancer effects and enhances the immune function of the body. It contains iro

13、n, folic acid, etc., can produce blood function, it can improve the athletes endurance and fatigue.Food turtle should pay attention to the record in Chinese medicine, eating turtle can not be equal to egg, rabbit, pig, chicken, duck and amaranth food, otherwise it is not good. Should also be noted t

14、hat eat turtle must kill to eat to live, cant eat dead, because the turtle contains more histamine acid in the body, after death is rotten, histamine acid can be decomposed to produce toxic substances histamine, after eating can lead to poisoning.Edible valueIn the early history of our country, ther

15、e was a shortage of turtle can be cured, strong Yang qi, great deficiency of Yin, since ancient times, people have been regarded as nourishing nutrition health products. The nutritive value of the turtle is recognized by the world as the treasure of aquatic products and the delicacies of high-end ba

16、nquet.It is a popular and favorite food, which not only tastes delicious, high protein, low fat, but also contains a variety of vitamins and trace elements. Because of the variety of the turtle and the living area, its nutrition components are not completely consistent. Fresh turtle meat, according

17、to the analysis of each hectogram including: water 73-83 grams, 15.3 17.3 grams of protein, fat, 0.1 to 3.5 grams, 1.6 1.49 grams carbohydrates, ash 0.9 1 g, mg 3.9 mg, 1-107 mg of calcium, iron, 1.4 to 4.3 mg, 0.54 430 mg phosphorus, vitamin A13-20 international unit, vitamin B10.02 mg, vitamin B20

18、.037-0.047 mg, 3.7 7 mg niacin, 0.62 mg thiamine, riboflavin 0.37 mg, joule heat 288-288. Turtle is given priority to with unsaturated fatty acids, fat 75.43%, including highly unsaturated fatty acids accounted for 32.4%, 6.54 times that of beef, 2.54 times that of tilapia, the microelement such as

19、iron is other food several times or even more.Medicinal value:The turtles head, plate, bone, meat, egg, gall and fat are all available. In the famous doctors book, it is claimed that the meat of the turtle has beneficial effects. According to compendium of materia medica records, turtle meat have zi

20、yin kidney, heat dissipation and sedimentation, the spleen and stomach, and other effect, can treat consumptive night sweats, Yin hand, the waist sour leg pain, diarrhea, long illness pediatric chronic ulcerated, women menopause, childbirth, etc. The use of the blood can cure facial nerve, but it ca

21、n be used to treat bone tuberculosis. Turtle blood contains animal glue, keratin, iodine and vitamin D, such as ingredients, can be nourishing latent suffered Yang, blood tonic, detumescence, flat, can treat liver cirrhosis and liver splenomegaly, treatment of amenorrhea, the leakage and pediatric f

22、oot epilepsy syndrome. A turtle can cure the hemorrhoids. The eggs can treat the dysentery. The end of the head of the turtle, the yellow wine, can cure the anus. The fat of the turtle can nourishing Yin and nourishing Yang, treat white hair. Modern science believes that turtles are rich in vitamin

23、A, vitamin E, collagen and various amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, can improve human immunity, promote metabolism, enhance the bodys resistance to disease, have raise colour beauty and anti-aging effect.The following population should not eat turtle:Due to gastric mucosal oedem

24、a, the intestinal villi in the patients with hepatitis decreased, the bile secretion disordered, the digestion and absorption function decreased greatly. The turtle is very rich in protein, after the patient eat not only difficult to absorb, it will burden of aggravating liver, serious when liver ce

25、lls will also be a lot of necrosis, increased serum bilirubin, plasma concentration increases, induce hepatic coma.People with weak gastrointestinal function and indigestion should be careful to eat. In particular, patients with gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis and other digestive dise

26、ases are unfit to eat.Insomnia, pregnant women and postpartum discharge are also unfit to eat.Sea cucumber nutritional valueSea cucumber, some call it sea ginseng , named after the deep tonic effect similar to ginseng. The sea cucumber has as many as dozens of the world, our country has more than 20

27、, including thelenota ananas and trepang as the worlds most expensive varieties. For ginseng tonic, multi-purpose trepang and light.Sea cucumbers high nutritional value, each hectogram water sea cucumber contains protein 14.9 grams, 0.9 grams fat, carbohydrates, 0.4 grams, 357 mg calcium, phosphorus

28、, 12 mg, 2.4 mg of iron, and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, etc. Sea cucumbers are very low in cholesterol and are typically high in protein, low in fat, and low in cholesterol. The meat is tender and easy to digest, so it is very suitable for the elderly, children and people with weak health.Sea c

29、ucumber, is the food of the banquet, is the treasure that nourishing the human body, its medicinal value also is high. The Chinese medicine believes that sea cucumber gan, salty, warm, invigorant kidney, zhuang Yang is impotence; The sea cucumber can nourishing Yin and nourishing blood, nourishing a

30、nd nourishing the body, regulating and nourishing the fetus. It can be seen that sea cucumbers have the effect of nourishing liver and kidney and strengthening the young. If there is a patient with a long time deficiency, a loss of blood, a disease of vertigo, a weak waist, a glib, and a urine frequ

31、ency, the sea cucumber can be used as a nourishing diet. In addition,Because sea cucumber is like kelp, kelp and other Marine products, contain a certain amount of iodine, it also has the effect that causes metabolism exuberant, blood is fluent. Therefore, it is very suitable for hypertensive patien

32、ts, and can treat impotence, impotence and other diseases. If treat high blood pressure, vascular sclerosis, coronary heart disease, can take a sea cucumber 30 grams, add water to the right amount, the stew is rotten, add a bit of the sugar to the right amount to stew for a while, wait for the ice s

33、ugar to dissolve, before breakfast empty abdomen take; For impotence, impotence, and urine frequency, the sea cucumber and dog meat can be served 30 grams, and then sliced into soup, seasoned with ginger and salt, and served with ginseng, meat and soupEfficacy of sea cucumber:Tonic and nourish the b

34、lood. The main treatment of kidney deficiency, impotence, urinates, weak waists, etc. Yin blood deficiency, body thin, hot hot cough, hemoptysis, thirst, constipation, etc.The role of sea cucumber:1, brain and puzzle, longevity - sea cucumber contains 18 kinds of amino acid, taurine, collagen protei

35、n, polysaccharide, chondroitin sulfate, saponins, polypeptide and a variety of vitamins and trace elements and other effective ingredients, is your life fresh forever.2. Blood raised blood and promote calcium absorption - the sea cucumber keratin has the function of promoting blood marrow hematopoie

36、sis, effectively improving the symptoms of anemia; Contains natural active calcium, its calcium supplement effect is other food incomparable.3, prevention of cardiovascular disease - sea cucumber fucoidin - fall hematic fat, inhibit blood clotting, medicine also believes in hypertension, hyperlipide

37、mia, coronary heart disease, hepatitis, and, the elderly, insist for a long time to eat sea cucumber, to alleviate symptoms and treatment effect is good.4. Strengthen the immunity of human body - selenium - antioxidants are anti - malignant influenza, prevent the aging of human body, and prevent the

38、 important elements of tumor. Sea cucumber saponin inhibits the tumor, improves the cellular immunity of the body, inhibits the growth and metastasis of certain tumors, and is obviously not easy to catch cold and disease after long-term consumption. It has been widely used in the treatment and treat

39、ment of patients with benign and malignant tumors.5, surgery patients the best supplements, high content of sea cucumber arginine, can promote the bodys cells regeneration and restoration of damaged body, has special effects to the bodys repair after injury, significantly shorten the recovery time.6

40、 - sea cucumber contains special active substances, Marine viagra, are the main ingredients are male sperm cells, have the effect that improve erectile strength, has the effect that inhibit ovulation and stimulating contractions, can improve the function of brain, gonad nerve conduction effect, the

41、gonads senescence, increase libido requirements etc, fatigue resistance, anti-aging, benefit kidney essence, an aphrodisiac effect and obvious.7. Maternal health - provide comprehensive nutrition guarantee for pregnant women, enhance physical fitness, and quickly and effectively restore energy and p

42、hysical strength; It can also provide rich brain and gold materials for the development of the babys brain and nervous system, so as to prevent the occurrence of congenital disease.8, beauty to raise colour, can in the sea cucumber collagen content with the traditional Chinese medicine of donkey-hid

43、e gelatin, tortoise plastron, antler glue, glue can not only gave birth to blood and blood, delay aging body, still can make skin filling, reduce wrinkles, reduce and eliminate facial spots to make skin look delicate and rich luster, and not to add fertilizer, but also fit for men and women.Nutritio

44、nal valueAbalone, called abalone, also known as the mirror fish, nine holes screw, improving eyesight, cap, as the single shell shellfish, Marine mollusks. The abalone is oval, and the flesh is purple and red, and the main types are variegated, half-grain, bowels, and earsabaloneThere are five types

45、 of bow-lined and round. Bao fish meat is tender and delicate and smooth, the taste is extremely delicious, not other seafood can be compared, has been known as the crown of the seafood, and has a mouthful of the fish, the price is expensive. Abalone is of rich nutritional value, contains 20 amino a

46、cids, each hectogram fresh abalone meat contain protein 23.4 grams, 3.4 grams fat, inorganic calcium 32 mg, 3.0 mg of iron, and quite amount of iodine, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins A, D, B1, etc.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that abalone has the effect of nourishing Yin and nourishing Yin a

47、nd nourishing it. It is a kind of replenishing and dry seafood, which has no side effects such as toothache and nosebleeds. In the book of the esophagus,The abalone enters the liver to pass the blood stasis, enters the intestine to scum, does not hurt the vigour. The shell of abalone, the traditiona

48、l Chinese medicine called shi zhiming, because it has the effect of the Ming, the ancient book also called a thousand miles of light. It also has the effect of qingling liver and nourishing Yin, which can be used to treat dizziness, high blood pressure and other kinds of diseases.Modern research has

49、 shown that the abalone meat can extract a kind of biological active substance, called BaoLingSu experiments show that it can improve immunity, and destroy the cancer cells metabolism, can improve inhibitory rate and does not damage the bodys normal cells, have the effect that protect the bodys immune system. Abalone can regulate blood pres


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