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1、专项练习 句型转换,英语的句子类型,陈述句,肯定句,否定句,疑问句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,一.肯定句变否定句,1) I am a student. I am not a student. 2) They are blue . They arent blue. 3) He is Kangkang. He isnt Kangkang .,句子中如有be (am, is, are),在be后加not,注意缩略形式:isnt, arent,如果句子中没有be (am, is ,are),只有行为动词原形,在动词前加dont,1) I have a book . I dont have a book.

2、 2) They like Chinese . They dont like Chinese. 3) We come from China. We dont come from China.,如果行为动词是第三人称单数,在动词前加doesnt,行为动词恢复原形,1)She has a small mouth. She doesnt have a small mouth. 2)Maria likes China. Maria doesnt like China. 3)Jane comes from the U.S.A. Jane doesnt come from the U.S.A.,练习:将下

3、列句子变成否定句,1. I am a teacher. I a teacher. 2. We are students. We students. 3. Jane is a girl. Jane a girl. 4. They like English. They like English. 5. I come from China. I come from China. 6. He likes Chinese. He like Chinese. 7. Maria comes from Cuba. Maria come from Cuba. 8. We know Maria. We know

4、Maria.,am,not,arent,isnt,dont,dont,doesnt,doesnt,dont,1) I am a student. Are you a student ? 2) They are blue. Are they blue ? 3) He is playing football. Is he playing football ?,句子中如有be动词(am, is, are),把它们提到句首,注意:I 变 you, we 变 you; my 变 your, our 变 your,二、肯定句变为一般疑问句,如果主语后面只有动词原形,在句首加Do,1) I have a b

5、ook . Do you have a book? 2) They like Chinese . Do they like Chinese? 3) We come from China. Do you come from China?,注意:I 变 you, we 变 you; my 变 your, our 变 your,如果主语后面动词是第三人称单数 在句首加Does,后面动词恢复原形,1) She has a small mouth. Does she have a small mouth? 2) Maria likes China. Does Maria like China? 3) J

6、ane comes from the U.S.A. Does Jane come from the U.S.A? 4) She knows Maria. Does she know Maria?,练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句,1. I am a teacher. a teacher? 2. They are students. Students? 3. Jane is a girl. a girl? 4. They like English. they like English? 5. I come from China. you come from China? 6. He likes s

7、ports. he sports? 7. Millie comes from the USA. Millie from the USA? 8.We speak Chinese. you Chinese?,Are,you,Are,they,Is,Jane,Do,Do,Does,like,Does,come,Do,speak,三. 一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答,Are you Daniel ?,肯定回答: Yes , 主+ be/助动词.,否定回答: No, 主+be/助动词+not.,肯定回答:Yes , I am.,否定回答:No, Im not.,注意:问句和答语的助动词一定要保持一致 1)

8、Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, Im not. 2) Is he Kangkang? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. 3) Do they like Chinese? Yes, they do. No, they dont. 4) Does she have a small mouth? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,注意:问句和答语中的主语在保持一致 的前提下可以使用对应代词,1) Is Jane from the U.S.A? 2) Does Kangkang come from China?,Yes,

9、she is.,No, she isnt.,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt.,注意:问句和答语中的主语在保持一致 的前提下可以使用对应代词,3) Do Jane and Maria like China? 4) Is this a ruler?,Yes, they do.,No, they dont.,Yes, it is .,No, it isnt.,5) Is that a desk? 6) Are these books? 7) Are those pencils?,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,Yes,they are.,No,they aren

10、t.,Yes,they are.,No,they arent.,8) Are these erasers? 9) Is that an orange?,Yes, they are.,No,they arent.,Yes, it is .,No,it isnt.,练习:对下面的句子做肯定回答或否定回答,1.Are you a student? Yes, . No, . 2. Do they like English? Yes, . No, . 3.Is Jane a girl? Yes, . No, . 4. Does Maria like China? Yes, . No, .,I,am,Im

11、,they,not,they,do,dont,she,is,she,isnt,she,does,she,doesnt,he,5.Is Kangkang a student? Yes , . No , . 6.Is that a girl? Yes , . No , . 7.Are those books? Yes , . No , . 8.Does Tom know Jane? Yes , . No , . 9.Do they come from the U.S.A? Yes , . No , . 10.Is this an egg? Yes , . No , .,is,he,isnt,it,

12、is,it,isnt,they,are,they,arent,he,does,he,doesnt,they,do,they,dont,it,is,it,isnt,特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问),特殊疑问句其实就是用疑问词引导的疑问句 它的结构是:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ? 常用的疑问代词:what,who,whose, 常用的疑问副词:where,how,疑问词对号入座,what - 对事物,人名,职业,时间,电话号码提问 注意:What class/grade -对班级提问 What color -对颜色提问 What time -对时间提问 who - 对人名,与人的关系提问 whose

13、 - 对所属关系提问,where - 对地点、地方提问 how - 对身体状况,天气提问 注意:how old 对年龄提问 how much+不可数名词 how many +可数名词复数 how much 对价格提问,对数量提问,疑问词对号入座,一提-二改-三抄-四问号 1. Her name is Nancy.,What,is,her name,?,一提-找疑问词提问 二改-将原句改为一般疑问句 三抄-抄写剩余部分 四问号-在句尾加问号,一提-二改-三抄-四问号 2.Lucy is ten years old. 3.He is in Class One Grade Two.,he in,is

14、,Lucy,is,How,old,What,class,?,?,一提-二改-三抄-四问号 4.My name is Nancy. 5.I am from China. 6.I am fine . 7. Miss.Wang is our English teacher.,What,Where,are you,is,How,your,Who,is,your name,?,from,?,are you,?,English teacher,?,一提-二改-三抄-四问号 4.My name is Nancy. 5.I am from China. 6.I am fine . 7. Miss.Wang i

15、s our English teacher.,What,Where,are you,is,How,your,Who,is,your name,?,from,?,are you,?,English teacher,?,8.My telephone number is 5805000. 9.They are cars. 10.This is my cap. 11.My favorite singer is Jay. 12.It is yellow .,What,is,What,Whose cap,Who,What,color,your telephone number,?,are,they,?,i

16、s,this ?,is,your favorite singer ?,is,it ?,特殊的疑问句式,What does he/she/其他主语 +do? 对职业提问 What does he /she look like? 对人的外貌的提问 What can I do for you? 购物用语,对人的需要提问 What do you think of?=How do you like? 询问对人/物的看法,五、单数形式句子变复数形式 1、指示代词 this变these; that变those 2、人称代词 I 变we ; he/she/it变they 3、物主代词 my 变our ; hi

17、s/her/its 变their 4、be动词 am/is变are,4、名词的变化 book-books pen-pens 注意不规则变化 man - men; woman - women policeman - policemen child - children Chinese - Chinese Japanese -Japanese sheep - sheep,将下列句子变成复数 It is a box . boxes . This is a ruler. rulers. That is an eraser. erasers. He is a student. students. Thi

18、s is a bus. . That is a pen. .,They,are,These,are,Those,are,They,are,These,are,buses,Those,are,pens,将下列句子变成单数,1.They are pencils. a pencil. 2.These are erasers. an eraser. 3.They are boys. a boy. 4. They are girls . a girl. 5.Those are books. a book. 6.These are desks. a desk. 7.These are boxes. a .

19、 8.Those are cars. a .,It,is,This,is,He,is,She,is,That,is,This,is,This,is,box,That,is,car,六. 同义句转换.,1.Please give Jane the book. Please the book Jane. 2. Could you please tell me your name? Could you please your name me? 3. He has short hair. is short. 4. I have a big nose. is big. 5. You have a wid

20、e mouth. is wide.,give,to,tell,to,His,hair,My,nose,Your,mouth,6.My English teacher is old . My English teacher is not . 7. Betty is not short. Betty is . 8.This is my book. This is . 9.This jacket is not new. This jacket is . 10.My ruler is not long. My ruler is . 11.She looks like her mom. She and her mom look . 12.They come from China. They China.,young,tall,mine,old,short,the,same,are,from,


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