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1、九年级第一次月考试卷英 语听力部分(30分)一、听对话选图。(每小题1分,共5分)听下面五则对话,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,找出能回答所提问题的图片,每段对话读两遍。二、对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面三则对话,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,找出相应问题的最佳答案。听第一段对话,回答第6至8小题。对话读两遍。( )6.What will the boy buy with the money?A、Some drinks and snacks.B、Some flowers and candles(蜡烛).C、Some chairs and cakes.( )7.When did t

2、he boy clean his room?A、Last Saturday.B、Last Thursday.C、This Monday.( )8.Who will come to help him?A、Dave.B、Dad.C、David.听第二段对话,回答第9至11小题。( )9.Why does the girl feel nervous before going to Switzerland?A、Because she doesnt know the language.B、Because she doesnt know the culture there.C、Because she ha

3、s never been abroad.( )10. What are famous in Switzerland?A、Time.B、Culture.C、Watches.( )11.What should the girl do if she goes to a party in Switzerland?A、She should take some flowers.B、She should buy a watch.C、She cant be late.听第三段对话,回答第12至15小题。( )12.How did the girl go to school this morning?A、By

4、bus.B、On foot.C、By bicycle.( )13.Why did she get wet?A、Because she liked being wet.B、Because of the heavy rain.C、Because she forgot her umbrella.( )14.Where did her class go?A、The bus stop.B、The museum.C、The library.( )15.What did she do in the afternoon?A、She went to the library.B、She had a math te

5、st.C、She went home.三、短文理解。短文读两遍(每小题2分,满分10分)( )16.Where did the story happen?A、In a fruit shop.B、In a clothes shop.C、In a book shop.( )17.How many apples did the boy want to buy?A、For one dollar.B、For five dollars.C、For four dollars.( )18.How did the boy feel when he counted(数) the apples?A、Relaxed.

6、B、Surprised.C、Pleased.( )19.Why didnt the shop assistant let the boy leave?A、Because the boys mother came to the shop.B、Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.C、Because the boy didnt give him enough money.( )20.What do you think of the boy from the story?A、He is kind.B、He is clever.C、He is si

7、lly.笔试部分(90分)一、单项选择(共16分)( )1.Its very late. Why dont you go to sleep? I wont sleep _ I finish my work.A、ifB、sinceC、unlessD、when( )2.He used to _ in the morning. But now he is used to _ at night.A、read; readB、reading; readC、reading; readingD、read; reading( )3.Your hair is too long, Julia. Im going t

8、o get it _ this afternoon.A、cutB、to cutC、cuttingD、be cut( )4.Do you know if he _ to the party next Sunday?No, I dont. But if he _, Ill give you a call.A、will come; will comeB、comes; will comeC、comes; comesD、will come; comes( ) 5. They said they _ home for about two months.A. are away from B. would b

9、e away from C .left D. would leave( ) 6.There will be a stamp show in the museum _ we visited last week.A、whoB、whenC、whichD、what( ) 7.Im really shy and I just dont enjoy parties. _ I dont know anyone there?A、How aboutB、What ifC、WhyD、If( )8.Lily _ her mother. They are both tall. Yes, and they both li

10、ke to help others.A、worries aboutB、looks afterC、takes afterD、cares about( )9.Hello. May I speak to Mr Grison?Im sorry he is on vacation now. I _ he will be back next week.A、suggestB、planC、refuseD、expect( )10.Why is the classroom so dirty? Sorry, sir. It _ yesterday. We forgot to do it.A、doesnt clean

11、B、didnt cleanC、isnt cleanedD、wasnt cleaned( ) 11. Not only I but also Tom and Jack _interested in English because it _useful.A. is; is B .is; are C .are; is D. are; are ( )12.Could you please provide me _ some suggestions _ vacation spots?No problem.A、with; onB、for; aboutC、for; withD、with; with( )13

12、.I hope youll have a great holiday in Hainan Island during the Spring Festival._.A、Yes, I haveB、Dont worryC、Thanks a lotD、Thats all right( )14.Why do you often listen to this piece of music?Because it reminds me _ some happy things.A、aboutB、forC、ofD、at( ) 15.I prefer _ basketball to _. What about yo

13、u?A、play; swimB、playing; swimC、to play; swimming D、playing; swimming( ) 16. I dont think ads are very useful, _?A. do I B. arent they C. are they D. do they二、完形填空(共14分)Everyone needs friends. We all like to _1_ close(亲近的) to someone. _2_ is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. S

14、ometimes we need to be alone, and we dont always want people _3_, but we would feel lonely if we _4_ had a friend.No two people are _5_. Friends dont _6_ get on well. That doesnt mean _7_ they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up(言归于好) and become _8_ again. Sometimes, friend

15、s move away. Then we feel very _9_. We miss them very much, but we can _10_ them and write to them. It could be that we would never see them again. And we can _11_ new friends. It is surprising to find _12_ we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have friends

16、. They live longer than people who dont. Why? It could be that they are _13_. Being happy helps you stay well or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you can take _14_ care of yourself.( )1.A、lookB、watchC、feelD、see( )2.A、ItB、HeC、ThereD、Someone( )3.A、aloneB、awayC、a

17、ll overD、around( )4.A、everB、neverC、justD、really( )5.A、friendlyB、kindC、just the sameD、quite different( )6.A、alwaysB、sometimesC、oftenD、usually( )7.A、thatB、whetherC、howD、why( )8.A、friendlyB、goodC、pleasedD、friends( )9.A、angryB、sadC、happyD、alone( )10.A、callB、askC、tellD、talk with( )11.A、look forB、findC、ma

18、keD、know( )12.A、how oftenB、how longC、how manyD、how much( )13.A、happierB、strongerC、kinderD、richer( )14.A、lessB、betterC、littleD、no三、阅读理解(28分)题号123456789答案ADear Donna,Help! Im a 15-year-old high school student in New York. In eight months, Im going to take an entrance exam(入学考试). To prepare, Im studyin

19、g six hours a day. I want to do well, but Im really stressed(焦虑不安的) these days. I cant sleep. What can I do?Yours,MaryDear Mary,Many students around the world have the same problem as you. Here is some advice to help you deal with the stress. Good luck!1.Make a study plan for yourself, but dont stud

20、y too much in one day. You can remember more by studying one hour each day for six days than six hours in one day. Also, dont study late at night.2.Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours. Go outside and walk. Doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress.3.Dont eat a lot of sugar or drink

21、 a lot of coffee. Eat foods high in Vitamin(维生素) B(for example, eggs, milk, green vegetables, and rice). These give you energy and help you think more clearly.4.A study partner(同伴) can help you practice for the test. When youre worried about the exam, you can talk to your partner. This can reduce st

22、ress, too.Yours,Donna( )1.What is Marys problem?A、She is so worried and cant sleep.B、She cant pass the exam.C、She cant communicate with others.D、She cant study English well.( )2.Donna thinks Marys problem is _.A、greatB、commonC、wonderfulD、serious( )3.The word“reduce”in the passage probably means _.A、

23、减少B、排除C、加强D、增加( )4.Donna thinks that _ can help Mary think more clearly.A、eating a lot of sugarB、studying six hours every dayC、drinking a lot of coffeeD、eating foods high in Vitamin B( )5.Which of the following is TRUE according to Donnas letter?A、The best time to study is from 10 pm to 1 am.B、Walki

24、ng outside can make you remember more.C、Its good to tell a study partner about your feeling.D、Its necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.B“Visitors to the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be able to go sightseeing in super cool cars with no drivers,”Shanghai city government speaker sa

25、id recently(最近).When the sixseat car was shown to the public, it interested many people.“The car will help visitors feel what high technology(技术) is and help them enjoy the tour of the World Expo site,”said a teacher from Tongji University. The car, 4.5 meters long, 1.7 meters wide(宽), and 1.6 meter

26、s tall, runs along a white line. The car costs around 300, 000 yuan to build and can reach a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour.According to the researchers, visitors will be able to driver the car anywhere in the World Expo site by pressing a button(按按钮). If they want to get off or stop the car, a

27、ll they need to do is just to press the button again.“People can rent one of these cars for a whole day or just take a ride in it from one place to another,”the teacher said. About 400 to 500 of these cars will be made for the Expo in 2010. the cars will have radar(雷达) to help them get around. They

28、will mainly use solar(太阳能) batteries. And they have no need of drivers and oil(汽油), these cars will help save energy and human work, and cause no pollution to the environment.( )6.The new type of car has _ seats.A、sevenB、sixC、five( )7.According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?A、The c

29、ar can reach a top speed of 50 kph.B、The car costs about 30, 000 yuan to build.C、The car is 4.5 meters long and 1.7 meters tall.( )8.Which of the following is not mentioned in this passage?A、People can buy this type of car and drive it in the World Expo site.B、This type of car can save energy and hu

30、man work, and cause no pollution.C、People can press the button themselves when they want to get off or stop the car.( )9.The title(标题) of the passage is probably“_”.A、Radar First Used in CarsB、Cool Cars with No DriverC、Tour the 2010 World ExpoCChildren are amazing! They pick up languages so naturall

31、y(自然地) and easily. Have you ever wondered why? Its not because they have great natural language abilities(能力). In fact, studies show that an adults potential(潜能) to learn languages is as good as a childs.So why do children still seem to acquire(学到) languages more quickly than the rest of us? Its bec

32、ause of the way they learn. Children learn by simply doing what comes naturallythey listen, copy and communicate. Lets take a closer look at how children acquire languages. Perhaps we call discover a better, more“natural”way to learn English.Children dont practice grammar drills, but use languages t

33、o talk about things that interest them. This helps them learn to express themselves. They dont worry about inadequate(不足的) vocabulary or poor grammar. They find ways to express themselves, and they do it successfully.Students should pay more attention to genuine(真实的) communication. Look for chances

34、to talk with people in English. If you cant find a foreigner to talk to. Talk to other students who learn English instead. Start an English discussion group and chat about music, movies or whatever interests you.Dont worry about making mistakes. The aim is to learn how to communicate easily and comf

35、ortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary.Trust your own natural ability to learn English. Youve got more potential than you probably realize!10.在文中找出处画线短语的同义词。_11.将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。_12.Do children worry about poor grammar when they learn to express themselves?

36、_13.将文中处画线句子改为被动语态。Genuine communication should _ _ more attention to by students.14.As a student, how should you learn languages by reading the passage?(从短文中摘写一句即可)_四、短文填词(10分)Bill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were on (1) h_. They wanted to sail around the Garibbean Sea in their boa

37、t for two weeks.During their trip, they saw many whales(鲸). Bill and Simon were very (2) e_ because they had wanted to see them very much. Unluckily, (3) w_ they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat.Suddenly, water started coming in, and they (4) r_ that they were in trou

38、ble. They jumped into the lifeboat(5)q_ before the boat sank(沉没), and watched it disappear under the sea.Luckily, they had enough food and water for about twenty (6) d_. They also had a fishing line and a machine which could change sea water into drinking water. These two things helped them to survi

39、ve(存活) during their terrible (7)e_.For the next fifty days they caught about ten fish a day and (8) a_ them. They saw about twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted when the ships were passing, (9) n_ saw them. They were becoming weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to (10)

40、l_ hope, a fishing boat saved them.(1) h _ (2)e_ (3)w_ (4) r _ (5)q_ (6)d_ (7) e _ (8)a_(9)n_ (10)l_五、补全对话(10分)(A policeman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident. P is for Policeman B is for Bob.)P:Excuse me, sir. Were you just right there when the accident happened?B:(1)_. I saw it all.P

41、:(2)_ ?B:Certainly. It was a big blue car. Im sure it wasnt a Japanese car.P:(3)_?B:He was a tall man with dark hair and sun glasses.P:(4)_ ?B:Yes, he was driving it fast. It ran into a truck when it turned around.P:(5)_?B:Sorry. I didnt know anything else about it.(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_六、书面表达(12分)假设让你代表今年的初中毕业生在毕业典礼上发言,请根据所给提示用英语写一篇发言稿。回顾美丽的校园,师生友好,生动有趣的课堂,三年来的收获感谢老师的培养(training),父母的支持(support),同学的帮助祝愿考生自拟注意:1、词数不少于80词。2、发言稿需包括所给提示内容,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。3、文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。_


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