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1、打造简历十大技巧(英语文章)打造简历十大技巧(英语)By Whitson Gordon 贾庆文选注10. Start with a Big List, and Then Shorten ItWe know keeping your resum6 brief isirtriport.ant, but o.e of the best ways to make sure your resum6 is as good as possible is to start long. Make a plain text document of all the possible information you

2、might include, and then pare4 it down from there. Youre less like- ly to forget anything important, and it will also e in handy5 if you ever need to tweak6 it for different job opportunities.9. Know What Not to IncludeWhen it es time to narrow down your giant list of acplishments, youll want to make

3、 sure youre including the most important stuff. You definitely want to get rid of not-so-no- table acplishments, and anything outdated can probably go too. There are also a lot of phrases that are just wasting ink on the page, and you should get rid of those too.8. Avoid Overused PhrasesIf you want

4、to make your resume standout, youre going to want to avoid canned7phrases like “team player8”, “strong work ethic”,and “innovative”. Weve gone through lists oftired phrases on more than one occasion, somake sure you check out every list to cleanout the cliches.7. Quantify9 Your AcplishmentsInstead o

5、f filling your resume with theaforementionedlo canned phrases, pick some-thing quantifiable. Anything you can describewith numbers demonstrates something real andtangiblel that your potential employers cansee. Saying you “increased sales by 300 per-cent” (and mentioning how you did so) is muchbetter

6、 than saying you“exceeded expectations”.Always be on the lookout12 for ways you canput your acplishments into numbers.6, Find the Keywords Your Employeris Looking for and Use ThemNowadays, so many people are passing their resum6s around that sometimes they dont even get read. In&tead, HR13 folks are

7、 scan- rung.them for relevant keywords, like names oputer programs you know. Making sure these are somewhere on your resume increase its chances of getting seen and actually read.5. Strategically Tweak Your Dates ofEmploymentEmployers arent usually too fond of job- hoppers14, so if youve had a few r

8、ecent jobs instead of a steady one, you might want to try and pull attention away from that fact. One of the best ways to do that is strategically formatyour resume to highlight the jobs, not thedates15. Using only years to describe employ- ment terms, for exle, looks better than the more specific month-and-第 3 页 共 3 页


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