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1、Unit 1 Good Friends 单元教学目标 技能目标Goals Talk about friends and friendship Practise talking about likes and dislikes Learn to make apologies Use Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Write an e-mail 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Talking about likes and dislikes: He / She likes / loves . He / She is fond of . He / She is qui

2、te interested in . I take interest in . My interests / hobbies are . I like . most. I care for . Id prefer . to . He / She doesnt enjoy . I hate . Im not into . I think . terrible / boring. Making apologies: Im very sorry. I didnt mean to.Thats all right. It wont happen again. No problem. Please for

3、give me. Forget it. I apologize for . Its no big deal. Its my fault. Its Ok. 词 汇 1. 四会词汇honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart, argue, classical, fond, match, mirror, fry, gun, hammer, saw, rope, movie, cast, deserted, hunt, share, sorrow, feeling, airplane, lie, speech, adventure, notebook2. 认

4、读词汇solution, Steve, Sarah, Joe, compass, Tom Hanks, Chuck Noland, survive, Wilson, parachute, scared, e-pal, South Carolina, formal 3. 词组hunt for, in order to, care about, such as, drop sb a line, even though, treat.as, keep. in mind4. 重点词汇share, honest, argue, fond, deserted, hunt, adventure, in or

5、der to, care about, such as 语法 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 1. Statements “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Mother said to me. Mother told me that a friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. Questions “Are you sure you didnt do anything to this?” He asked me. He asked me if I was sure I didnt

6、do anything to that. “What differences does it make?” Peter asked Jim. Peter asked Jim what differences it made. 重 点 句 子 1. I dont enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. 2. I hate hiking and Im not into classical music. 3. I surf the Internet all the time and I like playing computer games. 4. Chuck

7、 survives the crash and landed on a deserted island. 5. He realizes that he hasnt been a very good friend because he has always been thinking about himself. 6. Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, chuck becomes fond of him. 7. He talks to him and treats him as a friend. 8. Chuck learns that we n

8、eed friends to share happiness and sorrow, and it is important to have someone to care about. III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“朋友”,所谈论的话题涉及好朋友的涵义,对朋友的描述以及如何交友等。旨在通过单元教学,让学生学会使用有关描述朋友和友谊的词汇,就朋友和友谊这一话题表达自己的观点,并能就所谈论的话题写出合符规范的电子邮件。 1.1 WARMING UP 通过三个问题引导学生讨论自己心目中的好朋友应该具备什么样的品质,并就其中的一位进行描述。这一部分呈现了本单元的中

9、心话题,学生可以学习有关朋友的词汇和句型。 1.2LISTENING是有关朋友之间矛盾的三段对话。要求学生听完录音后能够弄清“发生的问题”并找出解决的办法。本部分有助于引导学生客观认识友情:好朋友之间建立友谊的同时也可能产生矛盾。 1.3SPEAKING部分是几个朋友在谈论各自的喜好。要求学生掌握有关兴趣、爱好的表达方法,并能在较为真实的情景中练习使用这些句型。这一部分既有助于学生进一步提高对“朋友”的认识,又训练其口头表达能力。 1.4 PRE-READING部分假设了一个情景,即“You are alone on an island.”让学生讨论在特定环境条件下如何生存的问题,培养学生的想

10、象力和创造力,为阅读部分的学习做好准备。 1.5 READING部分是有关美国电影荒岛余生的一段简介。在这一部分当中,学生除了要学习新的词汇、句型和训练阅读技巧外,也要对“如何对待朋友和他人”有更加深刻的认识。 1.6 POST-READING设计了四个问题。其中前两个是对READING部分文章内容的理解,后两个是开放式问题,学生可以各抒己见。 1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study 是根据语境在运用中掌握词汇。Grammar 是关于直接引语和间接引语的用法训练,包括单句的练习和情景语法练习。 1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS结合本单元

11、话题,引导学生通过写e-mail 来进行交友实践。TIPS部分给出了e-mail写作的注意事项,指导学生如何写e-mail。 2. 教材重组 2.1 听力: Warming up 与Listening及Workbook中的Listening三部分话题较为接近,都是在谈论朋友或如何解决朋友之间存在的矛盾,可以放在一节课中处理。 2.2 口语: Speaking和Workbook中的Talking涉及到本单元的两种功能句式,即Talking about likes and dislikes和Making apologies,可以整合在一起上一堂口语课。 2.3 精读:可将PRE-READING,

12、READING和POST-READING三部分整合在一起上一节阅读课。 2.4 泛读:处理Workbook中的Reading Many-Flavoured Friends。 2.5 语言学习:包括Word study和Grammar以及Workbook中的Practising。 2.6 综合技能: 包括第6页的Reading and Writing以及第90页的Writing。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st period: Warming up and Listening 2nd period: Speaking 3rd period: Reading (I) 4th period: Re

13、ading (II) 5th period: Language study 6th period: Integrating skills . 分课时教案 The First Period Warming up & Listening Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 词汇和短语: honest, loyal, smart, funny, in my opinion, calculator, upset b. 重点句子: Im not happy about this. Whats the big deal? What differen

14、ce does it make? I didnt know you were so upset about it. A common problem between friends is that they dont know how to talk to each other about difficult things. A simple apology is often enough and is a good starting point. The best way to make sure that a secret doesnt become a rumor is simply t

15、o keep it to yourself. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. Describing your friends in English.b. Figuring out the problems between friends through listening, and then find different ways to solve the problems. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 a. To encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendshi

16、p by using relevant vocabulary. b. To learn how to solve problems that may occur between friends. Teaching important points 教学重点 Using the given adjectives and sentence structures to describe one of your friends. b. Listening to the material about three different situations and complete the sentence

17、s. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 a. Working together with partners and describe one of the good friends. b. Discussing with partners and find out ways to solve the problems. Teaching methods 教学方法 1. Discussion; 2. Listening; 3. Cooperative learning. Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder. Teaching procedure

18、s & ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up As a first lesson, a teacher can arouse students interests by telling a story at the beginning of the class. T: Good morning, everybody. At the beginning of our lesson Im going to tell you a story. A young deer and a wise old crow lived together in the wood. Pam, t

19、he deer had little experience of the world. but Rob, the crow, knew all the ways of the other animals. One day, Pam saw Puk, a fox, come out from a tree towards her. “I need a friend,” said Puk hungrily. “Ill be your friend,” replied Pam. They went for a walk together in the field where Puk knew the

20、re was a trap. Pam was caught in it and could not move. Puk watched the farmer arrive with his knife to finish off Pam. Rob flew down to the field and said to Pam, “Lie down, and pretend you are dead.” Seeing Pam motionless, the farmer undid the trap. “Run!” shouted Rob and away Pam went. Back at ho

21、me, Rob said to Pam, “You know a true friend by his acts not his words.” After telling the story, the teacher encourage students to talk about their understanding about the story, and then tell their own stories about friendship. T: Thats my story. Now I have a few questions for you. What does the s

22、tory tell us? Do you know other stories about friendship? Ss: The story tells us that a friend in need is a friend indeed. (Tell the story about the bear and the hunter or other stories.) When students finish their stories, teacher can let them talk about their attitudes towards friendship and their

23、 standards of a good friend. T: Just now. gave us a very good story about friends. Do you think that friendship is important in our life? Why? Ss: I think friendship is very important in our life. When we feel bored we can talk to our friends; when we are in trouble, we can turn to our friends for h

24、elp. T: Thats right. Its important to have friends. What do you think a good friend should be like? Or what qualities do you think a good friend should have? For example, should he / she be kind, honest, smart, funny or anything else? Some adjectives to describe friends are listed in the textbook. S

25、tudents should be given some time to get familiar with these words. Then they are encouraged to think about more adjectives and should be able to describe their friends using these words. T: Now look at page 1. There are some words that can be used to describe a friend. Look through them quickly and

26、 think about which words you would like to choose to describe a 5-star friend. What other words can you think of to describe a person? Ss: Positive: patient, careful, modest, reliable, open, talkative, energetic, tolerant, generous, humorous, well-educated, self-respected, easy-going Negative: selfi

27、sh, rigid, dull, careless, proud, tricky, simple-minded T: OK. We have talked a lot about words to describe friends. Now lets do some pair work. Tell your partner your standards of good friends by using the following sentence patterns: I think a good friend should (not) be . In my opinion, a good fr

28、iend is someone who . Ss: I think a good friend should be patient, reliable and tolerant. In my opinion, a good friend is someone who is open, humorous and easy-going. In my opinion, a good friend should not be selfish, dull or proud. In this part, the teacher uses a game to consolidate what student

29、s have learnt in the previous step. Through the game, students learn to organize a short paragraph instead of just using some words or sentences. T: Just now you talked about 5-star friends in your eyes. Now lets play a game, “Looking for good friends”. Please take out a piece of paper and think out

30、 three words that you think can best describe your personality and three more words to depict what kind of person you want to make friends with. Write down your names and turn it in. Each of you will get a piece of paper with your classmates information on it. Decide whether you two can be good frie

31、nds or not and why. Tell the class your decision, using the following patterns: Im _, _ and _. He / She is _, _ and _. I think we can (not) be good friends, because _. Ss: Im talkative, energetic and easy-going. She is tolerant, generous and humorous. I think we can be good friends, because we can s

32、pend a lot time talking, telling each other jokes. If I make mistakes, she will forgive me. Step II Listening A teacher may tell students that sometimes problems might occur between friends and it is very important to know how to solve these problems. Students are encouraged to think about some comm

33、on problems between their friends and themselves and provide some possible solutions. T: You know, sometimes there are problems even between very good friends. It is important to know how to solve the problems in order to keep your friendship going. Can you tell me some of the common problems among

34、teenagers? What do you usually do to solve them? Ss: Some of the common problems include forgetting friends birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends secrets and so on. Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness. The students will hear three arguments b

35、etween friends and are asked to write down the problems and suggest possible solutions. The task can be divided into two parts. After the first listening, they just write down the problems. Then they can discuss with their partners to find out possible solutions. T: Yes, thats a good idea to solve p

36、roblems between friends. Look at page 2. We are going to listen to three arguments between friends. For the first time, just focus on the problem in each situation. Write down some key words as quickly as possible. Listen again and check the answers with the whole class. (Listen for the third time i

37、f necessary.) T: OK, we have already known the problems in these three situations. Next, please discuss with your partners and try to find out the solutions to each problem. Share your ideas on how to solve the problem with the whole class. Ss: Situation One: I think Peter should try to get there on

38、 time next time. Situation Two: I think Ann should ask for permission first if she wants to borrow something from others and she should return things in time. Situation Three: I think Adam can ask his uncle to mend it and he should be more careful with borrowed things. Step III Listening (Workbook P

39、85) The students will hear about problems between friends and what can be done to solve them. They are asked to write down the solutions mentioned on the tape. T: In the following part, we are going to listen to more problems friends may have and what can be done to solve them. This time, the proble

40、ms are given. Look through them quickly to get a general idea about the passage. Listen for the first time. Take some notes about the solutions mentioned in the passage. T: Listen again. Try writing down the solutions in whole sentences. And check your answers with your partners. Listen for the thir

41、d time. Check the answers with the whole class. Step IV Assignment T: Today we have learnt how to describe a friend and how to solve problems between friends. For the homework, you have two options: 1. Write a short introduction about one of your best friends. 2. Describe one of the problems between you and one of your friends and how it is solved。


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