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1、Reading and Vocabulary 学案(一) -Module 2 My New Teachers一 教学目标1. 阅读文章猜测词义,牢记主要单词和词汇。2. 了解”My New Teachers”的话题,学习和提高阅读方法和技巧。二 重点和难点1. 泛读和精读阅读技能的培养与训练。2. 培养学生的总结概括能力,形成自己的观点并能用英语表达。三 知识的准备 -单词听写(1)adj 有趣的_精力充沛的_聪明的_紧张的_有组织的_耐心的_严肃的_害羞的_严格的_科学的_ (2)n 印象_文学_玩笑_总结_尊重_ (3) V避开_讨厌_感激_承认_挥手_ (4)Adv 不正确地_十分地_立

2、即_大声的_四.知识的形成与运用 Step 1.Leading in activities My new English teacher left a strong impression on me. when I was at Senior High school.She is like a torch on my way to success. When I first heard her fluent oral English in her first class,I was shocked,From then on,I began to admire her.Her method of

3、 teaching is wise and this can make every lesson of hers amusing,She explains grammar clearly so that everyone can understand it,She is capable and she is able to handle many difficult problems.Because of these,she is popular with us and our parents as well,All of us regard her as our frends.She oft

4、en provicles valuable methods of English learning to us.She thinks that method is the most poweful weapon.With her help,our levels of English improved faster and faster.As a good teacher,she has a kind of precious spirit.She works carefully because she loves education,she loves education because she

5、 loves childre-the future of the world,So she tries to help students strengehen their minds in order to lead them to create a better new world. Step2.Fast -reading .(快速阅读短文,回答问题)1. What subjects does each teacher teach?_2.Who is the most popular teacher ? Who is strict ?_3.Who is the kindest teacher

6、 ?Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? _4.Which teacher are students most afraid of ?Which teachers explain things clearly? _Step3.Carefulreading.(细读短文,回答问题)1. What are your first impressions of the three teachers? Name Your impressionYour partners impression Mrs.Li Mrs.Chen Mr.Wu 2

7、. Comparsion:Read the text and get more detailed informatio Name Mrs.li Mrs.chen Mr.wu Appearance and character Subject Teaching style My feeling Step4.完成句子并背诵1. She explains English grammar _clearly _even I can understend it.2. We _say a word _she asks us to.3. But I think that Ill _ the exam_Mrs.C

8、hen _me.4. Mr Wus only been _us for two weeks and hes already very _.5.Ive always _mistakes or pronouncing a world incorrectly when I speak English.Step5.重点短语1.对人忍耐_2.对某人要求严格_3.对某事要求严格_4.避免干某事_5.讨厌干某事_6.取得进步_7.结果_8.在某方面做得好_9.准时_ 10.入睡_11.讲笑话_ 12.尊重某人_13.承认干某事_14.感激干某事_Step6.巩固练习:课文的缩写:My New Teachers


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