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1、Revision for the final exam,Unit 1 Body language,I. Vocabulary. remind keystarecollegeavoid difficulties impolite cheerfully unfriendly rapidly part-time gestures anxious outgoing reasonable regards greet hesitate repeat appreciate confused frequent relaxed outgoing ashamed firmly,adj./adv.,一定要提醒她早点

2、回来。 Be sure to remind her to come back early. 我向Tom提起他答应过的事。 I reminded Tom of his promise. 她提醒我还没有给母亲写信。 She reminded me that I hadnt written to Mother. 这张图片让他想起了他的家乡和在巴黎的家。 The picture reminded him of his home and family in Paris.,提醒(某人)做(某事),就提醒(某人),1. remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. of/about st

3、h. remind sb.+ that clause remind sb. of sth.,使(某人)想起,Something to remember,2. the key to sth. / the key to doing sth. 按时完成作业的关键是认真听老师讲课。 The key to finishing the homework on time is to listen to the teacher carefully. Listening to the teacher carefully is the key to finishing the homework on time.

4、3. avoid sth. / doing sth. 你要早点出发以避免堵车。 You should set off early to avoid the traffic jam. 我们应该尽力避免犯同样的错误。 We should try to avoid making the same mistakes.,II. Phrases. lookin the eye prefers readingto watching as a matter of fact go to for help is similar to be the same as be different from/to,= in

5、 fact,= ask sb. for help,Customers always prefer Debbie to me. AWhich do you prefer, rice or bread? BEither will do. prefer A to B 我更喜欢红色而不喜欢蓝色。 I prefer red to blue. prefer doing A to doing B 我喜欢滑雪胜于滑冰。 I prefer skiing to skating.,Something to remember,prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. =prefer

6、to do sth. instead of doing sth. He preferred to die rather than steal. =He preferred to die instead of stealing. I prefer not to go. I dont prefer to go.,宁愿、宁可,我宁愿不去。,我不乐意去。,描述肢体语言的相关短语 make eye contact with sb. stare at sb. look sb. in the eye push out ones chin sit up straight cross your fingers/

7、 arms nod/shake ones head rub ones hands together make a good impression on sb. give a good impression to sb.,shake hands scratch ones nose drop the shoulders dance on points,III. Sentences. prefersto as well asis without saying Staring atis spentpreparing heldup Although feel like eating at once,注意

8、主谓一致,就远原则,without为介词 + doing,动名词作主语,spend-spent-spent,hold-held-held,feel like doing / would like to do,= right now = right away,不能与but连用,More Sentences. Thats why As they say Make sure I mean Its the way How can that be? Whats up? notice sb. do sth. be considered + adj.,这就是为什么 据他们所说 确保 我指的是 这就是的方式

9、这怎么可能? 怎么了? 注意到某人做了某事 被认为,他竟然偷了同学的钱,这怎么可能? He stole money from his classmates. _ _ _ _? 你看起来脸色苍白。怎么了? You look pale. _ _? 当你离开的时候请确保窗户已经关好了。 Please _ _ the windows are closed when you leave. 这就是莉莉与别人相处的方式。 _ _ _ _ Lily gets on with others. 我注意到他每天都在操场上做运动。 I _ _ _ sports on the playground every day.

10、,这就是他不告诉我真相的原因。 _ _ _ he didnt tell me the truth. 我不明白你所说的。我是指,你讲得太快了。 I cant understand what you said. _ _ that you spoke too fast. 据他们所说,他们学校给学生提供多种多样的活动。 _ _ _, their school provides students with various kinds of activities. 我爸爸被认为是一个友好、有才华的人。 My father _ _ friendly and talented.,IV. Grammar - V

11、-ing. V-ing 作主语 听音乐使她放松。 Listening to music makes her relaxed. 注意:1. 主谓一致 2. 判断句子中是否存在谓语动词 介词 + V-ing 他擅长与别人交流。 He is good at communicating with others. 作非谓语动词 我必须每天练习弹钢琴。 I must practise playing the piano every day.,Unit 2Hair care,I. Vocabulary normal smooth appointment convenient assistants loose

12、ned unhealthy depends hairbrushes suits foolish purpose judge attractive recommend angle diet dirt lifestyle pressure entrance partner symbol treat claim mind recommend cancel oily soft unhealthy harmful extraordinary,II. Phrases. 1. How often 2. make money 3. First of all 4. worry about 5. prepare

13、for 6. depend on 7. care for take care of look after,= earn money by doing sth.,care for sb./sth. well,take good care of,look after well,1. invited, to have 2. is / was confirmed as 3. had the machine repaired / fixed have sth. done: ask sb. to do sth. for you 4. prevent / stop / keep, from 5. Lack

14、of 6. depend on / upon 7. It is wise for 8. looks, healthy,how often to write B. to write with; to write on C. write on; write with D. to write on; to write with,Unit 7 Plants,Vocabulary Revision,The Venus Flytrap,What does it look like?,sensitive leaves,work as,trap,hair(s),How does it work?,shut,i

15、mmediately,fly,escape from,cactus,How does it live?,unusual,desert,thirsty plant,collect up to 8 tonnes of water,during the brief periods of rain,sharp leaves,precious water,Acacia tree,How does it live with ants?,be defended by,fierce ants,attack,approach,special branches,give rewards to,Unit 7 Pla

16、nts,I. Vocabulary. shut survive unusual defend shadows imaginary excitement unfair gardener wooden exist demands private wooden bushes,II. Phrases. 1. date back to date back 2. change his mind 3. turns into 4. thought about 5. is filled with 6. fell in love with 7. was put in prison,+ 时间点(ago, Tang

17、Dynasty),+ 时间段,change ones mind(s),think about & think of,= is full of,1. will come true 2. Up to now 3. escape from 4. in reality 5. Its time to 6. in nature 7. fits in with 8. is in the air,= So far, 句子用现在完成时,与be suitable for区别,敏感的叶子 充当 两千吨 高达八吨的水 在时期内 保护它的珍贵的水 与发展紧密的关系 被保护 给回报 大量的食物,sensitive lea

18、ves work as two thousand tonnes up to 8 tonnes of water during brief period of protect its precious water develop close relationship with be defended by give rewards to plenty of food,The weird world of plants,1.像一样多 2.充满 3.虚构的故事 4.园艺比赛 5.在中间 6.投入监狱 7.事实上 8.尽最大努力 9.实现 10.放弃,be filled with,in the mid

19、dle of,put in prison,try ones best,come true,in reality,gardening competition,imaginary tale,as much / many as,The black tulip,give up,1. 被覆盖 _ 2. 少于_ 3. 做园艺工作_ 4. 摄氏度_ 5. 保持健康_ 6. 关心,照顾_ 7. 没什么经验的花匠_ 8. 好的质量_ 9.可以感觉到_ 10.与合得来;适应_,Lets grow a plant,be covered with,less than,do some gardening,degree

20、centigrade,stay healthy,care for,a gardener with little experience,good quality,something be in the air,fit in with,送给一份特别礼物 在小路上 改变的主意 花掉某人多长时间做某事最后 喜极而泣 家乡的气息,1. send sb. a special gift / send a special gift to sb. 2. on the path 3. change ones mind 4. It takes sb. + time to do sth. 5. cry with jo

21、y 6. the smells and sights of,The Hanging Gardens of Babylon,追溯到 一个公众景点 把变成 把发展成 去游玩 对惊讶 的数量 保护免受侵害 位于的一角 踩在,date back to a public attraction turn into developinto take a trip to be surprised at the number of protectfrom stand in a corner of set foot on,Kew Royal Gardens,III. Sentences. 1. which / t

22、hat 2. not big enough to 3. called 4. Its time to have 5. who / that e.g. 是时候该努力了学习了。 Its time to study hard. 晚饭时间到了。 Its time for dinner.,Its time to do sth. = Its time for sth.,sothat & enough to,他起得很早,能够赶上第一班公车。 He got up so early that he could catch the first bus. He got up early enough to catch

23、 the first bus. 他不够富有,买不起那套公寓。 He is not rich enough to afford the flat. He is so poor that he cant afford the flat. He is too poor to afford the flat.,III.2. More sentences. 没有其他人唱歌唱得比你好。 No other people sing better than you. 对你来说,买一台笔记本电脑是个好选择。 Its a good choice for you to buy a laptop. 李老师如此幽默以至于

24、学生都喜欢他。 Mr Li is so humourous that all the students like him. Mr. Li is such a humour teacher that all the students like him. 我们已经为期末考试准备好了。 We are ready for the final exam. We are ready to have the final exam. We have prepared for the final exam.,IV. Grammar-Relative clause. 用法:修饰名词或代词 结构:先行词+关系词+从

25、句 关系词:who / which / that (在从句中作主语) 注意: (1)关系词是从句的一部分,切忌出现句子成分重复; (2)只能用that的情况; (3)不能用that的情况: 非限制性定语从句中,即从句前有“,”; 关系词前有介词。,先行词为all, everything, anything, something, little, much, the one等表示物的不定代词时; 2.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时; 先行词有两个或以上,且既有人又有物时; 主句为who或which引导的疑问句时: e.g. Who is the man _ talked with you just now?,


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