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1、高二英语 必修8 Unit 1 A Land of diversity 精读导学案Period 1 Warming-up & reading编写人:徐微 审核人:高二年级组 时间:2014-4-10班级:_ 组别:_ 组名:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】1. To learn about the diversity of American cultures and California.2. To master the information of California by reading.3. To develop reading ability by scanning and skimming

2、, etc. 【重点难点】 1. Develop reading ability 2. describe the history, people, customs and culture of California. 【方法指导】 1. 通读课文,理解文章大意 2. 再次细读课文, 理解细节内容【知识链接】 A song -California dreamingAlltheleavesarebrown./ Andtheskyisgrey.Ivebeenforawalk./ Onawintersday. Idbesafeandwarm. / IfIwasinL.A.Californiadream

3、ing! / Onsuchawintersday! Stoppedintoachurch. /Ipassedalongtheway. WellIgotdownonmyknees./AndIpretendtopray. Ipretendtopray./Youknowthepreacherlikesthecold.HeknowsImgonnastay./IfIdidnttellher. / Icouldleavetoday.【学习过程】Step1. Warming up (课上交流,研讨提升)Look at the pictures , talk about them with your grou

4、p. What do you know about the people in California? How each picture is relevant to the history of California? Picture _ American Indian-one of the first people to live in California.Picture A _ _the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to

5、California. Picture A building in_, San FranciscoMany Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco.Conclusion: California has the largest _and it is also the most _ state in the USA.Step II. Reading ( California ) 1. Skimming(A级)Divide the passage into three

6、 parts according to the main idea of each part.Part1 ( ) Brief introduction to California.Part2 ( ) The history about people from different countries moved to California. Part3 ( ) The future of California. Main idea: The text is about the brief _ of California, which focuses on the settlement of th

7、e state. 2. Scanning (方法导引:跳读寻找问题细节地方,找到答案。)(Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can ,then answer the following questions)Q1:How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text? What are they?Answers:_; _; _; _;_; _3.Careful Reading(方法导引:仔细阅读整篇文章并试着做下列活动。)California:Introduction: The Ch

8、aracteristics of CaliforniaConclusion:California is the most _ state and the _ largest state with the _ population.California has _ people from nearly every country in the world.Native Americans1.Time: _2.Where did they come from? They came from _ to _ by means of a _3.What happened in the sixteenth

9、 century? were _by EuropeanNative Americans were _ into slavery _ from the disease _ the terrible timesThe Spanish Fill in the form:(note down the important events)16th century: Spanish soldiers _ 18th century: California was _by _ by Spain in 1821: California became _ in 1846: Mexico _California to

10、 _Influence:_Russians & Gold Miners:Translate the first sentenceIn the early 1800s, Russian hunters, who had originally gone to Alaska, began settling in California.译: _Do some T or F questions:1.In 1848, before the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. ( ) 2.A lot of adventures a

11、chieved their dream of becoming rich. ( ) 3.California became the thirty-first state of the United states of America in 1850. ( )Later arrivals & most recent arrivalsStagePeopleTimeEventLater arrivalsAfricans_Moved from _.Chinese_Built the _.Japanese_Farmed.Denmark_Established a town.Jewish_ industr

12、y.Italians_Fished and made wine.Africans 1942-1945Worked in _ industries.Most recent arrivals StagePeopleTimeEventRecent arrivalsIndians,Pakistanis_Worked in _ industryCambodiansKoreansVietnameseLaotians_ImmigratedFutureDifferent partsFutureImmigratedThe FutureWhat attracts people from different par

13、ts of the world to California?People from different parts of the world are attracted by the_ and _ of California. 5. Consolidation (summary) California is the_ largest state in the USA but it has the largest population. It is the most multicultural state in the USA. This is not surprising when you k

14、now the history of California _ has attracted people from nearly every country in the world. No one really knows when the first _ arrived in _ we now know as California. The scientists believe that the Native Americans reached Alaska _ means of a land bridge. In the 18th century, California was rule

15、d by Spain. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men. In1848, gold_ in California and the dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. In fact, few achieved their dreams, but most remained in California to make a _ for themselves. In recen

16、t decades, California _ home to people from Asia. _ is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be _ great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups.【当堂检测】 Interview(方法指导:仔细阅读全文,用自己的话陈述加州的历史。这是拔高题,你能做到,你就很棒了!)As we know, studying abroad is becoming popular. Suppose one is

17、a Chinese student(S) who is studying in California , the other is a Californian(C), now the student is interviewing him about the history of California.The sentences below may help you. Everyone can join in the interview. Other questions are welcomed, the more the better.S: Good afternoon! I am a st

18、udent from China. Nice to meet you!C: Nice to meet you, too!S: California is a good place to live, it is a state made up of various people from almost all parts of the world. why did it attract people from all over the world? C: S: .When did the first people arrive in California? What happened to Na

19、tive Americans?C: .S: Then other people? I want to know more about people in California.C:. . . .S: I know there is a gold rush period, can you tell me something about it?C:S: There are many Chinese in California, why did they come here?C:S:.Why is California such a multicultural community?C: The state of California is a multicultural community because _S:.Thank you very much.【归纳小结】我在这一课收获了:1. 基础知识学会了_2. 学习方法掌握了_-3. 获得_情感知识。自己预习中不明白的问题解决了_学习中还存在的问题_【课后反思】4


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