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1、万能句子,希望你有个好心情,Yet little has been done to solve this problem worldwide. To make one final point, As we are all aware has long been an issue debated mainly in around the world. One example is that ,Conversely The final point that I would like to make is that Likewise, it is no longer required that no

2、r is it at all costs What is important to remember is that preservation and protection In this increasingly global world, ,写作中用同义词1,解决:solve, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, tackle 消除:get rid of, eradicate, eliminate 依赖:rely on, depend on, count on 十分:very much, immensely, hugely, largely, gr

3、eatly, enormously, tremendously,写作中用同义词2,损害:damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair 给予:give, offer, render, impart, provide 发展:develop, cultivate, foster 优势:advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength 缺陷:disadvantage, detect, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness,Homonym,同形异义词(同音异义词) 英语中形式(包括发音和拼

4、写)相同而意义毫不相同的词称为同形异义词(homonym),light(光)light(轻的); bark(吠) bark(树皮); flower(花) flour(面粉); vain(徒劳的)vein(静脉)vane(风向标); tear(眼泪)tear(撕); lead(率领)lead(铅),完全的同音异义词(perfect homonym),发音和拼写都相同,但意义不同的词 popp&p/n 流行歌曲 popp&pn爸爸 popp&pn砰的一声,lastl a:sta最后的 lastl a:stv持续 lastl a:stn鞋楦头 scaleskeiln鱼鳞 scaleskeiln天平

5、scaleskeiln标度 scaleskeilv攀登,meanm i:nv意指 meanm i:na卑鄙的 meanm i:na中间的 tensetensn时态 tensetensa拉紧的,同形异义词&多义词 不可混为一谈 同形异义词并不一定都是多义词 同形异义词的词源不同,而多义词的词源是相同的 多义词的意义之间有联系,而同形异义词的意义之间无联系,多义词即一个词具有多种意义、且意义之间密切相关。 如,hand的词义多达五个: He was walking with a book in his hand. (手) The hand of the clock goes around(指针);

6、He is a good hand at games.(有某种经验的人); He writes a good hand.(字迹,手迹); The sculpture of Lei Feng shows a master hand.(手艺,技能)。,同形异义词则是指那些拼写相同、但各词义却相差甚远、毫无关联的词。 以bear为例, She cannot bear children. 两种解释: 第一,She has no ability to give birth to children; 第二,She cannot tolerate children。,同形异义词 Homographs,在语法

7、形式上拼写和发音完全相同,而意义不同的词 boundbaundbind(捆,绑)的过去式和过去分词 boundbaundv跳动 adj准备 n界线,providedpr+vaididprovide(提供)的过去时和过去分词 providedpr+vaidconj如果,假如;以为条件 consideringkvsid+riR “consider(考虑)”的现在分词 consideringk+sid+riR prep关于,同形异义词不是发音相同 就是拼写相同, 有的甚至发音、拼写和词类都相同, 这样就很容易造成意义上的混淆,She put her bag on the boughbau 她把提包挂

8、在树枝上。 She put her bag on the bowbau 她把提包放在船头上。,He had already found the source. 他找到了调味汁。 He had already found the source 他找到了水源。 翻译时,请注意具体的语言环境,联系上下文来理解、辨别,在特定的语言环境中, 恰当地将同形异义词作为一种修辞手段运用,即构成“双关语(pun)”。 双关语的特点是用一个词或一句话表达两层不同的意思, 借以使语言活泼有趣,或者借题发挥,旁敲侧击,收到由此及彼的效果。 这种表达法深受人们的喜爱。,King: my cousin Hamlet,an

9、d my son,how is it that the clouds still hang on you? Hamlet:Not so,my lord,I am too much in the sun (Shakespeare:Hamlet),son(儿子)和sun(太阳)是同音词。 Hamlet对叔父称自己为儿子极为反感,但他又不能锋芒毕露, 回答“too much in the sun(son)”,既可以表示“阳光(sun)晒得足够”, 又可暗示“屈作儿子(son)太久”。 此处的双关语表现了他压抑已久的愤懑。,bat - piece of sports equipment OR an a

10、nimal 球拍或蝙蝠 bow - type of knot OR to incline 领结或鞠躬 fine - of good quality OR a levy 好的或罚款,minute - tiny OR unit of time 微小的,微细的或分钟, 如“minute particles (微粒)”; number - more numb OR numerical value “Numb (麻木的,无知觉的)之“比较级”或“数字”; sewer - drain OR person who sews 下水道或缝纫工,Translation Application 在肉店外贴的广告 Let me meat your needs. (meat其实是meet),


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