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1、论证方式,举例论证法,BODY段落写作公式: 提出论点 举例论证 分析例子 得出结论 重述论点,方式一:分类举例法: 分类举例,将关键名词“具体化”,例证法之一:举一例+详细分析 Sample: Has technology made the world a better place to live?,例证法之一:举一例+详细分析 切入点:? technology,举一例:Microwave oven 利用点: 快捷 6. It is reported that,例证的常用表达,7. Take_ for an example, it is a very obvious case. 8. The

2、re is one impressive example I want to mention here. 9. To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive. 10. An instance that accompanies this reason is that_. 11. History presented many examples of_ 12. In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example.,Part 1: Topic sentenc

3、e : The advancement of technology does bring much convenience to our daily life.,Part 2: Further explanation: With its various functions, people fundamentally change their lifestyle and even their value toward their lives.,Part 3: Guidance: Let me take microwave oven, one of the most popular househo

4、ld appliances, as an illustration.,Part 4: Example there must have been a secret to his success that I dying to know. Perhaps it was just that he was such a hardworking man.,He was constantly working on inventions until his late 60s, when finally, he took a rest from inventions. Tomas Edison had a profound effect on all modern societies around the world. His inventions were a catalyst to modernization; in fact, the world would not be where it is today if it were not for this great man and his great mind. 124 Words,


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