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1、2016.04東海大學法學研究第四十八期就業年齡歧視法制之探討楊通軒國立中正大學勞工關係學系教授,德國邁因茲大學法學博士。投稿日期:104年10月1日;審查通過日期:105年4月7日。目 次壹、前言貳、禁止就業年齡歧視與平等權一、平等權與就業年齡二、禁止就業年齡歧視之法律現況三、廣義的年齡概念:包括所有族群參、就業年齡歧視的類型形式一、直接歧視二、間接歧視三、騷擾(霸凌)肆、就業年齡歧視的例外一、職業上具決定性的要求(真實職業資格)二、優惠性差別待遇的設計伍、就業年齡歧視之態樣一、僱用二、資遣與解僱陸、結論與建議一、結論二、建議中文關鍵詞:直接年齡歧視、間接年齡歧視、職業上具決定性的要求、優惠

2、性措施、高齡勞工僱用政策Key Words:Direct Age Discrimination, Indirect Age Discrimination, Decisive Occupational Requirement, Preferential Measures, The Elderly Labor Employment Policies中文摘要我國的勞工法規及社會法規中,勞工的權利有部分係以年齡作為標準者。惟似乎更多是以工作年資作為雇主給付責任及社會保險給付的計算基礎者。社會各界一般均未質疑該等規定涉及年齡的直接歧視,惟亦有少數認為工作年資的計算方式構成對於年輕勞工的間接歧視。實務上並


4、並且達到禁止歧視及促進就業的雙贏目的。如以目前勞基法與就服法的規定觀之,在個案處理上,甚且會發生規範價值衝突的問題。亦即:當退休(法有明定)與促進就業(法律政策鼓勵)發生衝突時,究竟應以何者為準?又,當禁止年齡歧視(就服法第5條第1項)與促進高齡勞工就業(就服法第24條第1項)發生衝突時,應以何者為先?為釐清此類基本價值間的先後關係,並且基於社會法治國原則及法律保留原則,立法者似有必要盡速訂定就業年齡歧視的類型形式、例外、態樣及高齡勞工的僱用規範,以收保護與促進僱用的實效。AbstractIn our country, some workers rights in labor regulati

5、ons and social regulations base on the workers age. But it seems to be more based on workers seniority as measure criterion of employers liability and social insurance benefits or payment. The workers seniority as measure criterion is generally from every side of people not regarded as direct age di

6、scrimination, nevertheless, a few people consider this measure criterion as indirect discrimination for younger workers. However, such disputes never happened in our practice. Although age discrimination is prohibited in Article 5 of Employment Service Act, but due to lack of regulation of substanti

7、al content and principles concerning age discrimination, it shall have negative influence on the effect of prohibition of discrimination against elderly workers or promote substantive equality between different generations. Even Article 24 of Employment Service Act seems difficult to achieve the goa

8、l of promoting employment of elderly workers. Due to lack of regulations, so that the central labor authorities and courts respectively in way of explanations and decisions to create fundamental principles of age discrimination in workplace, such as the types or forms of age discrimination in employ

9、ment, dismissal relief etc. Even theirs intentions and achievements can be confirmed, it still inevitable results in misgiving of legal uncertainty and stability, especially age discrimination in employment also relates to exceptions (decisive occupational requirement, preferential measures) and com

10、plex forms of age discrimination, and even problems relating to the employment policy of elderly workers etc., all those problems must be clearly defined in law in order to comply with the principle of legal reservation, in addition, to reach a win-win goal about the prohibition of discrimination on

11、 one hand, and the promotion of employment on the other hand. If we observe the provisions in Labor Standards Act and Employment Service Act, in some cases resolution, it even occurs normative values conflict. That is: When it emerges conflict between (law-regulated) retirement and (just from legal

12、policy sustained) promotion of employment, which one should have prevailed position? Also, if it take place conflict between the prohibition of age discrimination (Article 5 paragraph 1 of Employment Service Act paragraph 1) and the promotion of employment of elderly workers (Article 24 paragraph 1

13、of Employment Service Act,), which one should be adopted and enforced? In order to clarify the relationship between such basic values on one hand, and to retain the rule of law based on the principles of social and legal principles, it seems legislators should stipulate the types forms of age discri

14、mination in employment, its exceptions, employment norms of elderly workers as soon as possible, so that the effect of protection and promotion of employment come true.參考文獻一、中文部分林更盛,勞動法案例研究(二),五南,2009年3月。林更盛,終止契約,勞基法釋義施行二十年之回顧與展望,新學林,2010年10月,頁268-292。林更盛,何去何從的年齡間接歧視最高行政法院101年度判字第1036號判決評析,月旦裁判時報第28


16、楊通軒,個別勞工法理論與實務,五南,2013年10月。楊通軒,歐盟就業年齡歧視法制之探討:以年齡界限作為終止契約的標準,歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展長(上),臺灣大學出版中心,2015年5月,頁307-343。鄭津津,美國就業歧視法制之研究兼論我國相關法制應有之發展,臺大法學論叢第34卷第4期,2003年7月,頁135-205。鄭津津,就業上年齡歧視之探討,月旦法學雜誌第184期,2010年9月,頁177-206。廖元豪,美國種族優惠性差別待遇合憲性之研究,東吳大學法律學報第9卷2期,1996年8月,頁2-44。二、外文部分Di Fabio, Udo, Disskussionsbericht z

17、ur Europarechtlichen Symposion in 2012, RdA 2012, Mnchen 2012.Fuchs , Maximilian/Marhold, Franz, Europisches Arbeitsrecht, 2. Aufl., Wien New York 2006.Kuras, Gerhard, Verbot der Diskriminierung wegen des Alters-Herausforderung fr die Rechtsprechung und Motor fr ein europisches Arbeitsrecht? RdA 200

18、3, Mnchen 2003.Schiek, Dagmar, Europisches Arbeitsrecht, 2. Aufl., Baden-Baden 2004.Schlachter, Monika, Gemeinschaftsrechtliche Grenzen der Altersbefristung, RdA 2004, Mnchen 2004.Thsing, Gregor, Der Fortschritt des Diskriminierungsschutzes im Europischen Arbeitsrecht- Anm. zu den Richtlinien 2000/43/EG und 2000/78/EG, ZfA 2001, Mnchen 2001.Thsing, Gregor, Europisches Arbeitsrecht, 2. Aufl., Mnchen 2011.Wendeling- Schrder, Ulrike, Der Prfungsmastab bei Altersdiskriminierungen, NZA 2007, Mnchen 2007.三、網路文獻陳逢源,解僱保護法制下裁員解僱之實務運作-附論大量解僱勞工保護法,http:/.tw/04/25.pdf. 7


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