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1、名校名 推荐 考点强化练 15(必修 3Unit 5)考点强化练第29 页.阅读理解Thanks to this new hands free suitcase,carrying around heavy luggage may soon become a thing of thepast.Designed by Israeli company NUA Robotics,this“ smart ” suitcase can follow you everywhere you go.The carry-on suitcase,currently a prototype(雏形 ),connects

2、 to a smartphone app via bluetooth.It has a built-incamera sensor that can“ see ” you and follow you around on flat surfaces like airport.Itcomesfloorswith an anti-theftalarm to prevent someone carrying it away when you,andrenoti lookinghasabackup(备用 ) battery that you canuse to charge all your devi

3、ces.“ It can follow and carry things for people around while communicating with their smartphone,and avoidingobstacles,” explained Alex Libman,founder of NUA Robotics.“ We re combining sensor network,computer vision,androbotics.So if you download our app( 应用 ),press the follow me,thebuttonluggage re

4、cognizes its user and knows tofollow and c ommunicate. ”NUA is still testing the device and trying to improve features like speed and customization( 客户订制 ),but theyhope to make the suitcase available to customers in a year s time.If ,itheyproveswantsuccessfultousethe bluetoothpairing technology to a

5、utomate lots of other devices,like shopping carts at the supermarket.These devices areespecially meant to be useful to the physically disabled and elderly.“ Any object can,”Libmanbesmart and robotictold Mashable.“ We want to bring robots into everyday life.”The Israeli tech company made it clear tha

6、t the finished product will look just like a regular suitcase.Theyplanning to partner with a carry-on luggage maker,since the device that makes it“ smart ” weighs just 2.5 pounds andcan be fitted on old-fashion luggage.With NUA s smart suitcase,carrying around heavy luggage isn t a burden.But how th

7、eir invention will handletough obstacles like stairs?It will be interesting to wait.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种无须手提的智能旅行箱。1.According to the passage the“ smart ” suitcase.A.can go everywhereB.is on sale nowC.can make our hands free during travelingD.was designed by Alex Libman答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Thank

8、s to this new hands free suitcase,.the past 可知”,这种智能的行李箱能够让我们在旅行中无须拖着沉重的箱子。故选C 项。2.If you want to use this hands free suitcase,you must.A.download the appB.avoid obstaclesC.look at it all the timeD.carry a camera答案 A1名校名 推荐 解析 推理判断 。根据第二段第一句“The carry-on suitcase,currently a.app via bluetooth. 及下文可”

9、知 ,如果使用 款箱子 ,你必 下 手机 用程序,故 A 。3.What can we learn about NUA?A.It was founded by Mashable.B.It has improved the features of the device.C.It wants to bring more smart and robotic devices into everyday life.D.It will make the suitcase available to customers in a month.答案 C解析 推理判断 。根据第四段内容可推知 ,NUA 想将更多的

10、智能机器化 到日常生活中。故 C 。4.Where is the article probably from?A.A textbook.B.A poster.C.A biography.D.A website.答案 D解析 文章出 。根据文章内容推断,本文可能来自一个网站。故 D 。 .完形填空(2018 浙江 )I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class.It was really quite stuck.Thisyoung man s finger 1to get wh

11、iter and whiter right before my eyes.Remaining2,I suggested he carefully rotate (转动 ) the tube.It wouldnmove ta bit.He3soap and coldwater.Still stuck.Meanwhile4was breaking out in the class.Finally,I5the young man to our secretary,whowas a miracle (奇迹 ) worker6three kids of her own.With her in charg

12、e,I was7all would be OK.To get the students back in order,I8my own story of getting my9stuck between the rails of abalcony.Same kind of curiosity,I remembered10then how far I could thrust ( 塞 ) my knee between the rails.Inchby inch,I kept11and before I knew it,my knee was stuck and12before my eyes a

13、nd in front of lots of13at a popular Las Vegas hotel!Hearing my story,many students followed with their own14of heads,arms,fingers stuck in places theyshouldn t 15.A few minutes later,the young man came back,test tube unbroken and finger16to a lovelyshade of pink.I just couldn17t this kid.Heexcuse f

14、or me,however,was not19 s only twelve.I too got my knee unstuck,but not without great 18 .The but plain stupidity.I was 20 fifty years old when this happened.【 篇 】 本文是一篇 叙文,主要 述在科学 上,一学生手指被 管卡住,但最 利脱 ,与此同 ,作者也与学生分享了自己膝盖被阳台卡住的 。1.A.usedB.neededC.happenedD.continued答案 D解析 根据下文知 ,小男孩的手指一直卡在 管里,逐 慢慢 白了

15、,所以 continue 表示 “ ”。2.A.calmB.silentC.cheerfulD.active2名校名 推荐 答案 A解析 此处根据下文可知 ,面对这种情况 ,“我”还是很镇定 ,建议他慢慢转手指试试。3.A.lostB.fetchedC.triedD.accepted答案 C解析 根据上文 37 空知 ,他又试着使用肥皂和冷水,希望把手指拿出来,所以选 try。4.A.fireB.chaosC.violenceD.argument答案 B解析 此处 chaos表示 “混乱 ”,因为在科学课上 ,其他学生也看到了这种情况,慢慢地教室里就变得闹哄哄了。5.A.describedB.

16、carriedC.introducedD.sent答案 D解析 根据语境知 ,“我”应该是把小男孩送到了学校秘书处,选 send。6.A.raisingB.observingC.savingD.teaching答案 A解析 根据语境知 ,秘书很厉害 ,自己独自把3 个孩子养大 ,故选 raise。7.A.happyB.doubtfulC.surprisedD.confident答案 D解析 “我”十分相信秘书的能力,非常确信她能搞定这个“手指危机 ”。8.A.sharedB.wroteC.readD.heard答案 A解析 根据上下文知 ,为了让课堂安静下来,“我”与学生们分享了我曾经膝盖被卡

17、住的经历。9.A.headB.kneeC.armD.foot答案 B解析 下文多次有提示用knee(膝盖 )。10.A.calculatingB.explainingC.wonderingD.reporting答案 C解析 “我”当时很好奇 ,想要知道 “我”的膝盖到底能伸进栏杆里面多少。wonder 表示 “好奇 ,想要知道 ”。11.A.pushingB.climbingC.walkingD.kicking答案 A解析 “我”一点一点地把膝盖向外面伸。push表示 “推 ”。3名校名 推荐 12.A.shakingB.liftingC.restingD.swelling答案 D解析 此处根

18、据常识可知 ,膝盖卡在栏杆里了 ,所以是肿了起来 ,选 swell 。13.A.doctorsB.strangersC.managersD.students答案 B解析 根据常识知 ,因为是住在宾馆里 ,所以面对的都是陌生人,“我 ”卡在那里 ,引起了很多陌生人的围观。14.A.findingsB.conclusionsC.storiesD.news答案 C解析 根据上文知 ,听了 “我 ”的经历之后 ,很多学生也纷纷分享他们曾经被卡的故事。15.A.beB.existC.stayD.stop答案 A解析 根据语境和常识知 ,他们都被卡在了本不该被卡的地方。16.A.pointingB.ret

19、urningC.belongingD.growing答案 B解析 根据语境知 ,过了不久 ,那个男孩回来了 ,手指顺利脱险 ,又恢复了正常的颜色。17.A.get along withB.get rid ofC.get used toD.get mad at答案 D解析 get mad at sb.表示 “朝某人发火 ”,意为 “我没有朝那个男孩发火,毕竟他才 12 岁”。18.A.encouragementB.disappointmentC.embarrassmentD.achievement答案 C解析 “我”也曾经有类似经历,虽然并不是很尴尬。19.A.ambitionB.youthC.

20、braveryD.experiment答案 B解析 根据上下文知 ,小男孩毕竟还只有12 岁 ,属于青少年 ,所以选 youth。20.A.in the endB.in totalC.after allD.at any rate答案 C解析 毕竟在当时膝盖被卡的时候,“我 ”已经 50 岁了。.概要写作阅读下面短文 ,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。4名校名 推荐 (2018 浙江嘉兴四月模考 )Why do people like what they like?Scientists have taken on the task of solving this mystery (奥秘

21、) for ages.Inthe 1960s,psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted a series of experiments where he showed people nonsense words and random shapes.Afterward he asked his subjects which they preferred out of everything they had been shown.In study after study,people always chose the words and shapes they ha

22、d seen the most.Their preference was for familiarity.This discovery was one of the most important findings in modern psychology.But the preference for familiarity has clear limits.People get tired of even their favorite songs and movies.On the one hand,humans seek familiarity,because it makes them f

23、eel safe.On the other hand,people love the thrill of something new.This change between familiarity and discovery affects us all the time not just our preferences for pictures and songs,but also our preferences for ideas and even people.For that reason,the power of familiarity seems to be the stronge

24、st when a person isn t expecting it.The opposialso true:a surprise seems to work best when it contains some familiarity.Nobody knows this better than RaymondLoewy,who is considered to be the“ father of industrial design.” He had a theory that he said could help artists sellanything to anyone.He call

25、ed it MAYA Most Advanced Yet Acceptable.“ To sell something surprising,make itfamiliar;and to sell something familiar,make it surprising, ” he said.One of Loewy s final tasks was to add an element(要素 ) of familiarity to a truly new invention: NASA s firstspace station.Loewy s biggest contribution to

26、 the space station was that he insisted NASA install a window with aview of Earth.Today,tens of millions of people have seen this small detail in films about astronauts.It is hard to imagine a better example of MAYA:a window to a new world can also show you home.参考范文After years of research,psycholog

27、ist Robert discovered that familiarity accounted for people(要点s preference1).However,our preference is always affected by the change between familiarity and surprise.要(点 2) Loewy showed afull understanding of this and created MAYA,a theory helping increase sales.(要点 3) His design of NASA s firstspace station is considered a perfect example of the theory要.(点 4)5


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