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1、PEP 英语五年级下册Unit4What are you doing?Part C Story time教学设计学习目标1. 能够询问、描述他人正在做什么;能描述自己在做什么。2. 了解英语国家打电话时的习惯说法,并初步运用。教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Sing a song :What are you doing?( 齐唱本单元已学歌曲,既复习又热身)2. Look and say.(PPT 依次呈现 6 张图片: working on a computer,reading abook, watching TV,cooking dinner,drawing a picture

2、, answering the phone)T: What s he /she doing?Ss: He /She is.( 学生迅速用完整的句子回答, 既复习了本单元出现过的动词短语,又为下一步的输出做了铺垫)Step 2.Pre-reading1.( 承接上一复习环节的最后一张图片answering the phone)T: Shes answering the phone. We also can say: Shes calling.( 引出本课主题)T: Today, lets enjoy a story about“calling”.( 呈现故事的第一张图片:Zip 和 Zoom的爸

3、爸正在通电话)2. Look and sayT: Who are they? Look carefully!( 引导学生仔细观察图片 , 因为 Zoom和 Zoom的爸爸极为相似,有粗心的学生会看错)Ss :They are Zip and Zooms father.3. Listen and answerT: Please listen and answer- What is Zooms father doing? And what is Zip doing?(学生带着问题听录音)1(用 PPT呈现第一个问题及两个备选答案:What is Zooms father doing?A. Watc

4、hing TV.B. Working on a computer.)T: What is Zoom s father doing?Ss: He is working on a computer.T: What about Zip?Ss: She is watching TV.Step 3. While-reading1. Read and line the answer.T: Now, we know Zip is watching TV. What is she watching? Please read from Picture1 to Picture3, and line the ans

5、wer.(PPT 上面呈现问题 What is Zip watching?并出现 Leaning Tip进行阅读策略的指导: 当遇到不认识的单词时,可根据图片及上下文,猜测词义。Try !你一定很棒!)(学生自读、划出答案之后,举手回答问题)S1 :There is a great show on right now.(PPT 呈现答案,并重点圈出本句中的难点单词show)T : Do you know thisnew word “ show” ? Nowlook.(PPT 一一呈现图片“服装秀, 画展,儿童短剧表演,周立波脱口秀” ,用图片来解释新单词show)T :(一边呈现图片,一边引导

6、学生齐说)This is ClothesShow. This is ArtShow. This is Play Show. This is Talking Show.(多次复现 show,加深学生的印象,并了解show 的不同意义)2. T: There is a great show on the TV, so Zip says :“You should watchit. And your father would like it too.”T: Do you know this new word“ should ”?(用单词卡 would 引出新单词 should ,以旧带新,让学生自己得

7、出should 的发音)3. Look and say.(PPT 呈第三幅图和第四幅图)T: Look carefully, can you find the differences between the twopictures? (引导学生观察 Zip 在两幅图片上的不同表情,并用红线圈出: 图三上面 Zip 的眼睛是笑眯眯地,图四上面Zip 睁大了眼睛,很惊讶)T : Why are Zip s eyes so big? Think and say.S2: Zip thought it is Zoom answering the phone. But, it is Zoomsfather

8、. (学生用英语表达有困难时,可以用汉语)2T: So Zip is shocked.4. Listen and imitate.(PPT 呈 1-4幅 的文本)T :Please read after me. Try to imitate.(PPT出 温馨提示 :努力去模仿老 的 音和 , 忘了运用肢体 言哦! Try ! 老 在 程中指 学生 出 Zip 俏皮、 Zoom s father 沉 的 气)5. Read in roles.T: Read from Picture 1 to P1cture 4 with your partner in roles.( 学生先和搭档分角色朗 行准

9、 ,全班同学再和老 一起分角色 , 行展示)T: Im Zip, you re Zooms father. OK? (然后再交 角色 )6. Listen read and answer.T: Now, we all know it is Zoom s father answering the phone. Then, where is Zoom? What is Zoom doing?T: Listen, repeat and answer.( 播放最后两幅 片的文本 音,学生跟 并找出答案)S3 :Zoom is sleeping.T: Yes, its nine o clock.Its

10、late. So, Zoom is sleeping.Step 4. Post-reading1.Watch the flash of this story.(感知完整的故事)2.Read the story by themselves.(消化所学内容)3.Think and answer.T: Why did this misunderstanding happen?( 什么会 生 的 会?引 学生思索,并 出英 国家打 的 做法)S4:如果 Zip 先 Can I speak to Zoom?就不会出 的 会了。S5 :如果 Zoom s father先自我介 This is.就不会出 的

11、 会了。(PPT呈 小提示: 英 国家的人(特 是美国人)打 一开始就自 姓名或自己的 号 , 如: “Hello ( Goodmorning ,) 、This is 2856123 ” 喂,你好,我 儿的 号 是 2856123。或“ This is Mary speaking ” 我是 )老 板 英 国家打 的 用 支架:A: Hello /Hi!Can I speak to.?B: Hello ! This is.A: How are you?B: Fine.3A: What are you doing?B: I m .ing.Step 5. Extension1. Make a dia

12、logue with your partner. PPT 呈现任务要求:Task 1: It s weekend. Do you want to invite your friend to play together?First, you should go to know: Is he/she free? So, call him/ her please!周末啦,想邀请你的朋友一起玩吗?先打个电话了解一下他(她)在做什么吧!(温馨提示:别忘了打电话的常用语哦! )(老师提示学生参照板书的语言支架。在学生准备好之后,选取几对同学表演他们的自编对话)2. Call your English te

13、acher.(因为是借班上课,所以设计了该环节让学生和自己的英语老师现场通电话,以达到真实运用的目的)T: Do you want to call your English teacher now? PPT呈现任务说明:Task 2: Do you want to call your English teacher? What do you want tosay to her?Think!( 想和你的英语老师谢老师现场通电话吗?你想了解她现在正做什么吗?快想想如何表达吧! )(老师现场选取一名学生和场外的英语老师通电话)Step 6. AssignmentCall your good friend this evening to get to know:What is he/ she doing in the evening?(作者:季玫单位:山东滨州市滨城区授田英才学园)4


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