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1、 How to improve students English speaking abilityAt this stage of Chinas rapid economic development, expanding openness, international exchanges become more frequent, English as an international language, use of rapid expansion. English communication ability has received extensive attention, become

2、an important task of teaching English. High school English This program also proposes a “develop listening, speaking, reading and writing basic skills, improve the initial use of English communicative ability.” This is a major change in the concept of teaching, more emphasis on the use of language,

3、but also adapt to the inevitable choice. However, in everyday teaching, we often found that, although the majority of students learn English for many years, but still a “dumb English”, the students will write will not say, do not use the knowledge learned to communicate in a session, do not have the

4、 proper English communication skills, meet the requirements of social development. Thus, the teaching of oral English teaching in English is a weak link, the prevalence of many problems, mainly the following aspects of performance. 1 Motivation A survey shows that in our country, some students use E

5、nglish to learn English in order to understand this foreign language information tool, but more is to meet the test, further studies, in order to get the certificate, and rarely consider the needs and the practical application of communication capacity-building. This situation is detrimental to Chin

6、as current spoken English learning one of the factors. In addition, Chinas current system does not include oral entrance exam, college entrance examination this in the root under the influence of the baton, schools generally do not conduct oral examination examination Even if only as a test instead

7、of adding the total score, so a lot of people think that a waste of time to practice speaking, it is better to spend more time on cost-effective practice in writing, thus resulting in neglect of oral teaching. (2) psychological barriers Some students vanity serious, too much emphasis on their self-i

8、mage that does not speak English accurately, fluently will not blame the teachers and students have been ridicule and undermine the “face”, when talking about English lack the confidence and some speaking ability of students lower, in the classroom can not speak English, for fear of making mistakes.

9、 more afraid of making mistakes, the more we dare not speak English, oral practice opportunities to reduce, and raise the level of spoken English on slow, so the students have inferiority complex and some students do not intend to further education, learning English is equal to narrow that study and

10、 work abroad, and in domestic work and life is no access to English, so there is a waiver of psychology. above psychological barriers lead to high school students do not want to actively participate in classroom oral practice. 3 locales At present our students learning English relatively simple, the

11、 learning of English is generally 45 minutes a day in school English class, the students heard the training is difficult to get in extra-curricular extension of the language in school for less chance of communication. Most schools are basically the implementation of large classes, a class of 50 stud

12、ents, teachers, it is difficult for each student has the opportunity to practice English speaking and conversation the students spoken language training, both in time and space are a lot of constraints, such language environment has seriously affected the development of students listening and speaki

13、ng ability. 1. 4. Mother tongue influence Some students set thinking by the impact of native language, not thinking in English, only some simple conversation, do not use English to express their ideas, views and opinions, etc. due to the effects of traditional Chinese culture, students will often sa

14、y some Chinese-style English, language is not in line with the habit of English-speaking countries, the lack of cross-cultural communication awareness, sometimes will lead to lack of understanding or misunderstanding of the meaning, an obstacle to verbal communication. So, how to improve students or

15、al ability? The following combination of my 10 years of teaching experience to talk about my practice. 1. 1. Voice breaking off. Want to talk about a beautiful, fluent, idiomatic English, the first voice to break off. The fact that, if students find their voice, pure tone with authentic English far,

16、 the interest and confidence of his speech will be significantly weakened, which dare not speak English, so students learn well the voice, tone, special training is necessary. peacetime teaching words and texts, teacher and recording is a good demonstration. Students to imitate, and strive to pronun

17、ciation accuracy, at any time to correct their own say a good word, sentence and tone, note linking, the weak reading, lost blasting, not exactly bursting, Italian and other phonics skills groups and pause. But also students reading habits, reading can not only improve their language proficiency and

18、 fluency, but students can develop a sense of language. 2. Adhere to pre-class speech. Class three minutes, arrange proctor for speech. Speech before the proctor must be prepared, the basis of poor students can help other students prepare for this or whether it is exceedingly poor students have rece

19、ived the opportunity to practice speaking. Speech content by the students themselves to decide, you can read an essay, to tell a story, talk about their topics of interest, you can also talk about what happened and Shenbian own heart feel so. easy topic and atmosphere to encourage the students bold

20、speak any English, so students that the capacity has been fully exploited. students are very happy to have this opportunity to show both the exercise of the speaker, “said”, but also trained other students “listen”, can serve more was. Links to free download http:/3. 3. Make full use of teaching mat

21、erials for spoken language training Current high school textbooks (PEP includes warming up, speaking, reading and writing and other parts, each part of the training has focused on language skills, however, if the oral teaching which runs through the effect would be icing on the cake. Warming up and

22、speaking often combined together as a special oral training. Warming up is an import part of the unit, teachers can allow students to begin to imagine around the theme of the unit, free discussion, to stimulate students background knowledge. Speaking generally have a theme (such as express likes and

23、 dislikes, agree to encourage and so on and dialogue scenes, the teacher asked the students to practice as much as possible the use of the phrases and sentences, to cultivate students ability to use language to communicate. to reading, it may form a dialogue with students to discuss topics related t

24、o the introduction of reading Read, can be used to repeat, to discuss problems or compile the form of dialogue on the content of in-depth understanding of the text. repeat the text is particularly common, repeat a variety of ways, according to key words, diagrams, questions repeat, repeat, or genre

25、can be converted person, you can repeat the whole article, you can repeat a paragraph. repeat the text so that students can better grasp the essence of the text in the language, reducing Chinese English, improve their language skills, from learning to use, from imitation to the importance of self-ex

26、pression transition as writing, prior to guide students in writing an oral composition, in the condemned word sentences give appropriate assistance to students, and then through the oral composition writing, greatly reduces the difficulty of writing, fully mobilize the students writing enthusiasm. 4

27、. Organization of teaching in English. Persist in using the English language teaching organization, students accustomed to thinking in English. In fact the organization of teaching in English to provide students with the most direct, easiest and most precious real communicative situations, teachers

28、can use classroom language communication activities of various organizational behavior to increase the opportunity for real communication, sparking the interest of students. English language classes for students to use a certain level, so that they can understand, easy to understand, easy to imitate

29、, thereby enhancing the ability to listen, training, speaking skills. High school most of the learned knowledge of English language in the classroom can be the repeated use to get stronger. In addition, teachers skilled, fluent, native English speaking students a lot of demonstrations to facilitate

30、student verbal imitation, which will help to stimulate the desire of students to speak English to enhance interest in learning English. 5. Extra-curricular activities. Carry out a variety of various forms of extra-curricular activities in English to improve their English speaking ability is one of e

31、ffective ways. To organize students to read the game, story-telling contest, speech contest, teachers, teaching materials can be compiled into some simple script, and then by the students rehearsing, performing skits, or to determine the topic of conversation, organize the students to English Corner

32、 etc. extracurricular activities, students continue to express in English the opportunity to create constantly new stimulus to the students, can stimulate the interest of the students speak English, can help students review and consolidate what they have learned curricular knowledge, but also to dev

33、elop students creativity and practical ability to use English. 6. Read and hear more language sense Encourage students to listen to English radio, watching English programs and more original film, learn authentic English expression, to develop cross-cultural communication awareness, which is necessa

34、ry for learners of spoken English in addition, to expand the reading side, students should read more and their comparable or slightly higher in English and reading the background material, expanding vocabulary, consolidating grammar, enhance understanding, while the major English-speaking countries

35、to understand the customs, customs, etc. students a sense of language, but also to persist in thinking in English, to form good study habits. In short, students speaking ability in a day, each one of our English teachers need to practice down to earth, we must constantly improve classroom teaching methods, try to create conditions for students, provide opportunities for them to speak and more practice, continuous improvement in the application spoken. Links to free download http:/10


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