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1、PhraseExampleAacid rainAcid rainis very harmful to the environment.aerosol, sprayAerosol spraysare the worst cause of pollution in the home.to affectThis areawas affectedby the flood.to ailThe huge treeshad been ailingfor years before they were cut down.atmosphereThe Earthsatmosphereis a thin layer

2、of gases that surrounds the Earth.to be awareI think my neighbourisnt awareof polluting the environment.BbalanceNaturesbalancemight be disturbed.biodegradableAll our products arebiodegradable.biodiversityWhat about an evening stroll to look at thebiodiversityin our park?biosphereThebiosphereis the p

3、art of the earths atmosphere and surface in which animals and plants can live.CcarbonCarbonis a chemical substance contained in all plants and animals.carbon dioxideThe concentration ofcarbon dioxidein the atmosphere is low.carbon monoxideCarbon monoxideis emitted by cars.catalytic converterSince 19

4、93catalytic convertershave been compulsory in Britain.catastropheThe Florida HurricaneCatastropheFund (FHCF) was created in November 1993.to chop downPoor people oftenchop downtrees for firewood.climateThe Mediterraneanclimateis good for growing citrus fruits.coastal watersMany bays andcoastal water

5、shave been contaminated with heavy metals.cooling agentCooling agentsare expensive.to combatThere should be stricter laws tocombatair pollution.to contaminateThe soil has beencontaminated.creatureIs there a seacreatureor not?Ddeath of the forestsThedeath of the forestsis a big problem in Europe.to d

6、estroyThe house was completelydestroyedby fire.destructionThe use of renewable sources could stop thedestructionof the rainforests.detergentTry to usedetergentsthat are perfume free.to die outAnimalsare dying outfar more often than you might think.to diminishThe people try todiminishthe pollution of

7、 the water.dirtThedirthas been removed from the ground.to disappearMany speciesdisappearedin the last century.disasterThe recent earthquake in India is adisaster.disposalUnfortunately, less people know of thedisposalof hazardous waste.droughtDroughthad ruined the crops year after year.to dry up, to

8、parchDuring the long time of drought many rivershave dried up/parched.to dumpOld washing machines have beendumpednear the beach.dumping groundCity canals are often used asdumping grounds.dustDo not inhale thedust, its dangerous.EearthquakeOn April 18, 1906, shortly after 5:00 am, a greatearthquakest

9、ruck San Francisco.ecologyOil pollution could damage theecologyof the costs.ecosystemJordan appealed for assistance tohelp save theecosystemof the Dead Sea, whose water level is dropping.emissionThe organization calls for stricter controls onemissions.to emitSulphur gaseswere emittedby the spewing v

10、olcano.endangeredThe sea turtle is anendangeredspecies.energy conservationEnergy conservationis a process of saving energy.energy sourceSpace energy is one of theenergy sourcesof the future.energy-efficientEnergy-efficientwindows help to lower your heating costs.environmentWe must protect theenviron

11、ment.environmentalistEnvironmentalistsare people who love the natural world.to erodeIt took about 67,000 years toerodethe Grand Canyon.erosionWind and water are the main agents of soilerosion.evolutionThe introduction of cloned plants will effectevolution.exhaust fumesOver the past month officers ha

12、ve been stopping vehicles in Manchester to testexhaust fumes.to be exposed toYou risk skin cancer if youareoftenexposed tostrong sunlight.extinctHawaii is home to a great manyextinctspecies.Ffactory farmingIsfactory farminga way of animal abuse?famineThe IrishFamineof 1846-50 took as many as a milli

13、on lives from hunger and disease.fertileFertileland is land where things grow easily.fertilizerFertilizersare chemicals given to plants with the intention of promoting growth.FischdampferTrawlers, are not permitted on the lake.fumeWorkers are exposed tofumesfrom asphalt.fumesThe lava gives off cloud

14、s oftoxic fumesas it flows into the Pacific Ocean.GgeothermalThe firstgeothermalpower station was built in Landrella, Italy.global warmingThey started a campaign to slow down the process ofglobal warming.greenhouse effectThegreenhouse effectis the rise in temperature caused by gases in the atmospher

15、e.Hhardest hitOur town washardest hitby last years earthquake.to harmPollution canharmanimals and the environment.to be harmfulAir pollution isharmfulto everyone.heat waveSlow down and avoid strenuous activity if aheat waveis happening.heavy metalLessheavy metalhas been introduced by air into the Ba

16、ltic Sea since the 1990s.hydrocarbonVarioushydrocarbonshave been found in Jupiters atmosphere.Iindustrial wasteIndustrial wastecan contain small amounts of radioactive materials.insulationOften glass fibre is used as roofinsulation.Lto leakOilleakedoutof the tank.to loadThe owners of the local facto

17、riesare loadedwith new environmental laws.Mmarine lifeAround the islandsmarine lifeis seriously threatened by oil slick.to menaceHurricane Hugomenacedthe US coast for seven days.Nnatural gas61 percent of US households usednatural gasfor heating in 2002.Ooil slickLargeoil slickswere found near the co

18、ast.overfertilizationOverfertilizationis a common problem.oxygenThe cells needoxygento survive.ozone layerTheozone layer screens out the suns harmful ultraviolet radiation.PpermissionAskpermissionfor the privilege to cross private land.poisonThe cat was killed by ratpoison.poisonousShe has lots ofpo

19、isonousplants in her garden.the polar ice capsIfthe polar ice capsmelt, the ocean levels rise.to pollutePlease do notpollutethe air.pollutionAirpollutionis a problem for all of us.power stationPower stationsare only about 40 per cent efficient.precipitationRain, snow, hail and sleet are types ofprec

20、ipitation.preservationHe is interested in historicpreservation.preventionThepreventionof litter is very important.to protectRussia wants toprotectthe environment in the Baltic region.to purifyYou canpurifywater with two chemicals: chlorine bleach and iodine.RradiationRadiationis used for medical rea

21、sons.rainforestTropicalrainforestsare the Earths oldest living ecosystems.to recycleThis carton is made fromrecycledpaper.remedial actionThe Great LakesRemedialAction Plan Program was created in 1987.renewableArenewableenergy system converts the energy found in sunlight, wind, falling water, waves,

22、geothermal heat, or biomass.reusableThere are two kinds of plastic bottles:reusablebottles and single-service bottles.Sto screen fromYou shouldscreenyour eyesfromthe sun when hiking in the mountains.sea levelDeath Valley lies 86 metres (282 feet) belowsea level.sewageSewage, used water, comes from f

23、actories and households.sewage plantThe city needs to have asewage plant.sludgeSludgeis often used on agricultural land.soilSoilis the top layer of the earth in which trees, plant etc. grow.solventBenzene and turpentine aresolvents.starvationStarvationis the most severe form of malnutrition.stratosp

24、hereThe ozone layer is within thestratosphere.surfaceAbout 70% of the Earthssurfaceis covered with water.Tto threatenToxic chemical substancesthreatensea turtles.tideThetideis in/out.timberTimberis wood for building ships and houses.toxic wasteA ship withtoxic wastesank.toxic waste dumpThetoxic wast

25、e dumpwas built.trawlerTrawlers, are not permitted on the lake.UunleadedUnleadedpetrol is less harmful to the environment.untreatedCoastal cities often dump theiruntreatenedwastes into the sea.urbanizationTheurabanizationis a world-wide trend.Wwaste heatThe use ofwaste heatwill reduce electricity consumption.waste paperRecyclingwaste paperis a favourable method.waste separationDo you know how to dowaste separation?wind energyWind energyis widely used in South Africa for water pumping.windpark/windfarmOffshorewindfarmshave been built.


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