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1、PEP book 5 Unit 4 What can you do?A. Lets talk教学目标:能听懂、会说What can you do?以及回答I can.情感目标:在教学中,相信每一个人都能成为有用的人,乐于助人的人,让大家都能关爱他人。教学难点:What can you do for ? 以及根据实际情况回答。教学步骤:一 Warm-up1. Lets chant(回顾I can这个句型)2. Lets read(滚动复习一些学过的,或是已经有接触过的动词词组)二 Presentation1. Mike的自我介绍。T:Mike can do so many things. So,

2、 what is Mike like?S:He is helpful.2. 男女生PK赛T:Are you helpful? What can you do?(男女生的PK赛)3. Good news(1)Listen and choose听录音,选择词组。第一组,an English party和a English party的选择,复习开音节前的不定冠词用an第二组,测试听力,next Tuesday和this weekend。(2)解释next的意义。4. Lets tryT:What can you do for the party, Mike?解释for的意思为“为了”听录音,选择。

3、5. Lets talk(呈现文本)T:What can you do for the party, children? (1) Listen and answer.a. What can John do for the party?b. What can Zhang Peng do for the party?(2) Listen and repeat. (3) 呈现语调,模仿朗读。(4) Check your memories. 抹去部分句子,让学生回忆复读。三 Practice 1. Pair worka. Miss White:What can you do for the party

4、, Sarah?Sarah:Friends, I can do many things, but what can I do for the party?T:Lets help Sarah, now, youre Miss White, Im Sarah. (对话操练)b. Group workOne is Miss White, one is Sarah.2. Well have a party for the old people.a. Enjoy some pictures.T:They are helpful. They help the old people. Lets help t

5、hem, too. So we can prepare a party for the old people.Time: 2015-12-05(Next Saturday)Place: In our classroomBut, what can you do for the party?3. Pair workT: XXX, well have a party next Saturday.S: Really? T: Yes. What can you do for the party?S: I can . How about you?T: I can .S: Wow, youre so helpful!4. Enjoy some pictures of helpful.5. Everyone can be helpful. Lets be helpful everywhere.四. Homework一星:Read the dialogue.二星:Finish the survey on P39(用英语)两星:Finish the workbook.


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