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1、Unit Two My family第二课时一、教学时间: 2015 年 3 月 30 日 星期 一 二、教学课题:A、Lets learn A、Lets chant三、教材分析:(一)学习目标:1.能够听、说、认读单词:man, father, dad, woman, mother, mum.2.能够听、说、认读句型:Whos that woman? Shes my mother.并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。3.能够听音跟唱本课chant。4.培养学生懂礼貌的好习惯,学会感恩。(二)教学重点掌握三会单词和句子:man, father, dad, woman, mother, mum.以及W

2、hos that woman? Shes my mother.(三)教学难点能够理解和运用句型:Whos that woman? Shes my mother.四、学习指导:自主学习法,合作法五、教学设计:(一)教具使用:录音机、教学磁带、图片(二)教学程序及时间分配:Step 1:Warm-up1.Sing a song“Father and mother”2.Lets chant:Man, man, whos that man? Father, father, hes my father.Man, man, whos that man? Dad, Dad, hes my Dad.3.Fre

3、e talk根据学生爸爸的照片,四人小组活动:Group leader: Whos that man?S1: Hes my father.S2: Hes my father. Hes tall.S3: Hes my father. Hes a teacherStep 2:Presentation1.学习新知(1)呈现Mr. Jones,师生对话:T: Whos he? S1: Hes Mr. Jones.T: Is he a man? S2: Yes, he is.呈现Miss White,师生对话:T: Whos she? S1: Shes Miss White.T: Is she a ma

4、n, too? S2: No, she isnt.对比学习man和woman。(2)运用man和woman。如:Yao Ming is a man. Deng Yaping is a woman.教师呈现自己爸爸妈妈的照片,说My father is man. My mother is a woman. 对比学习father和mother。(3)自编歌谣:Man, man, my father is a man. Woman, woman, my mother is a woman.2.操练:用明星照片,让学生两人一组运用句型Whos that man?/ Whos that woman?3.

5、家庭照片介绍T: This is my family. Do you know who they are? 鼓励学生提问。教师作答Shes my mother./ Hes my father.向学生解释mum和dad更多地用于日常口语中。Step 3:Practice1. Lets chant.2.创设情景,展示对话。准备一些男女名人的照片(头饰),四人一组对话。如:S1: Whos that man?S2: Hes Yao Ming.S3: Hi, Yao Ming.S4: Hi!S3: Where are you from?S4: Im from China.板书设计:Unit Two My familyfather(dad) mother(mum)man womanWhos that woman?Shes my mother.Whos that man?Hes my father.六、习题设计:1、课堂练习:一. Think and matchwoman fathermother dadmum manhe she二. Read and matchWhos that man? Shes my mother.Whos that woman? Hes my father.2、作业布置:听音跟读本课单词和歌谣,并要求背诵。


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