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1、名校名 推荐牛津译林版八上 Unit6习题Integrated skillsI. 英 互 。1. 有超 2 平方公里土地 _2. 到 . 冬 _3. the second largest _4. 多植物和稀有 的家园_ _5.一副望 _ _6. get thirsty _7. had better_8. 写下 _II. 单项选择1. This song sounds so _.What about _ again?A. bad; listenB. badly; listeningC. nice; playingD. nicely; play2. We hope the number of th

2、e birds in Zhalong will be _ in the next few years.A. moreB. fewerC. largerD. less3.I m waiting my friend. _, Ionell. go shopping alA. If she comesB. If she will comeC. If she didn t comeD. If she doesn t come4. He is wearing his sunglasses to _ himself from the sun.A. preventB. stopC. keepD. protec

3、t5.He seemed _ at first, but now I ve got to know he s kind.A. unhappyB. dishonestC. unfriendlyD. happy6. There will be _ space for wildlife in the world.A. fewer and fewerB. less and lessC. little and littl eD. few and few7. They got up very early _ late.A. to beB. in ord er not to beC. in order to

4、 beD. not to8. Ann likes watching action movies, _ her sister likes comics.A. andB. orC. whileD. however9. Shanghai is _ in the world.A. one of the biggest cityB. one of the big city1名校名 推荐C. one of the biggest citiesD. one of biggest cities10.People in Beijing must plant more trees to prevent sands

5、torms(沙尘暴 )_.A. from happeningB. to happenC. from happenD. to happeningIII. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 鸟儿不但吃虫子还吃鱼和植物。The birds _ _ eat worms _ _ eat fish and plants .2. 盐城自然保护区是一个观鸟的绝佳地点。Yancheng Nature Reserve is a _ place _ _ _.3. 乔戈里峰是世界第二高峰。Qogir Feng is _ _ _ mountain peak in thed. worl4. 快要下雨了,你应该带上你的雨衣。

6、It is _ _ _, youd shoulyour umbrella _ you.5. 请把你看到的写下来。Please write d own _ _ _ .IV.听课本录音,补全下列内容。There are many _ in China. One of them is Yancheng National Rare Birds NatureReserve. It became _ in 2002. Yancheng Nature Reserveis in Jiangsu_ in _ China. It covers an area of _ squareometreskil. This

7、 area ishome to different kinds of plants and _. There aren- crowned cranest many redthe world, but there are some in Yancheng Nature Reserve. It s _red-crownedcranes inChina. About 300 to 1,000 red-crownedcranes _YanchengNatureReserveeveryyeartoIt . s a_.Peoplecelebratethe Worl dWetlandsDayoneach y

8、ear.Theyto tellpeople moreabout the wetlands. More and morepeople_ of the wetlands for wildlife.We should protectthe wetlands _because _manyplants,_, _ because they re _.2名校名 推荐V. 阅读理解。People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook This becomes aproblem, becausemost familieslove

9、 homecooking! Thefood tastes good and warm, andafamilymeal bringseveryone together In some families,meals are oftenthe onlytimeseveryone sees one another at the same timeAnother reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love Aparentwhomakes some cookies (小甜饼) is notjust s

10、atisfying (满足) a childsweettooth She or he is sending a message The message says,“ I care about you enough to spendan hour making cooking that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you ”There is also something about the smell of home cooking The smell of home cookingpleases people of all ages It ma

11、kes most of us feel good and loved- even if we are the onesdoing .Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and Pay attention to(关注) yourmood (心情)1.Why do fewer people cook now?A They have no time BMany peopl e are too busy CMany people d on t like cookingDThey d on t like family meals2.T

12、he writer thinks the smell of home cooking_A makes us happyB makes us be interested in cookingCmakes us pay attention to our moodDmakes us love others3. What s the main(主要的) idea of this passage?A Family meals are importantB How to make cookies CPeople are too busy to cook DHomemade cookies taste better3


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