2011小学英语毕业试卷 (2).doc

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1、2011年象山县小学英语毕业试卷一、 听力部分 ( 40% )、选出你所听到的内容(10%)1.A. Pp B. Gg C. Dd2.A. USA B.PRC C. PPT3.A. 10:30 B. 3:10 C.11:134. A. 114cm B. 140cm C.141cm5. A. body B. bed C. baby6. A. chicken B. kitchen C. children7. A. short B. horse C.orange8. A. nice B. rice C. nine9. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. baseball10. A.

2、go shopping B. go swimming C. go hiking. 听小对话,选择图片。在选中的图片下方的括号内打“”。( 10% ) .根据听到的顺序,给下列句子编序号(10%)( )Thery are having a good time. ( )The others are playing chess under a big tree. ( )Its a sunny day.The students are going on a field trip( )Some are watching insects.( )Look! Some are collecting leave

3、s.根据听到的问句,选择适当的答句(10%)1.A. I am five B. I am fine.2.ANice to meet you,too. B. Hello3. A. Its on the desk. B. I am from Xiangshan,Ningbo. 4.A. No,I dont.B. Yes,it is.5.A.He has big eyes and small ears. B. He likes music.6. A. Im going to visit my grandparents. B. I like sports7. A. She has a fever.B.

4、 She is a teacher. 8.A. We have Chinese ,English and math on Monday. B.Its Monday.9. A. Winter B. Because I can skate.10.A.I like collecting stamps B.I am a singer二、 笔试部分 ( 60% )、书写,注意书写的规范(14%)1. 将这些字母的邻居写在四线格上(8%) Gg Ii Mm Nn Dd SsWw 2.按正确的格式抄写下列句子(请注意其中一个大写单词为句首词)(10%) there is a mirror and a clo

5、sethow can I go to zhongshan park、增加标点,连词成句。(10%)1. many, horses, are, How, there (?) 2. birthday, is, My, June, in (.)3.warm, today, Its (.) 4. time, Its, class, for, Math (!)5.thinner, Im, than, shorter, and, you (.)、选出下列每行不同类的一个单词(10%)1.A. bus B. plane C. ship D. bridge2.A.bigger B. thinner C. lo

6、ng D. smaller3.A. apple B. orange C. fruit D. peach4. A. north B.mouth C. east D. west 5. A.father B. mother C. sister D. teacher 6. A.funny B. smart C. active D.jump7.A. yellow B.black C. purple D. pear8.A. salesperson B. accountant C. favorite D.actress9. A. first B.fifth C. fine D. fourth10.A.com

7、puter room B.bedroom C.music room D. classroom 、选择填空(10%)1. -_ is the bank? -Its in front of thr school.A. When B.Where2.Does Liu Yun go to school by subway? -_.A. No,she doesnt B. Yes, it is3.-What day is it today? -_.A.Its sunny B. Its Saturday 4.-What do you have for lunch? -I have _,tofu and fis

8、h. A.tomatoes B.tomatoA. ear B. ears5.Go at a _light. A.red B.green 6. -When is Teachers Day ? -_.A. Its in September B. Its in January7. - What _ he do on Sunday? -He usually visits his grandparents.A. do B. does8.Howmany people are there _your family? -Three.A. in B. on9. Grandpa _writing an e-mai

9、l in the study.A. is B. are10. I like watermelon very much, _theyre sweet.A.but B. because 、看图阅读,将句子补充完整(6%)greenbean fighting football tall summer apple 1.What do you do on the weekends? We often play _.2.What would you like for lunch? I have _. 3.The rabbit is _ than the mouse. 4.The tigers are _n

10、ow. 5.What season is it?-_. 6.-Whats your favorite fruit?-_. .阅读理解(10%)There are three smart cats in my house. They are father cat, mother cat and baby cat, Kitty. Kitty likes dancing. Father likes watching TV. Mother likes singing. One morning, they are very hungry. Kitty wants to have some food in

11、 my kitchen. Father has a good idea. He is running from my bedroom to my bathroom. Mother is running from my study to my bedroom. I want to catch them. So Im running from here to there. Oh! Im tired .Im sitting in the sofa. Then I see Kitty taking my food from the kitchen to their room. But I cant d

12、o anything. 根据短文内容, 选择正确的答案。( )1.How many cats are there in the story? A.Two B.Three ( ) 2.What does father cats hobby? A.He likes dancing B.He likes watching TV( )3.Mother cat is running from_ to _. A.the study.the bedroom B. the bedroomthe bathroom( )4.Who has a good idea? A.Mother cat B.Father cat( )5. Whichsentence (句子) is right? -_.A.The three cats are not very hungry B.The three cats are very smart.


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