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1、浙江省2016年上半年信息技术应用能力提升工程 教学设计课题摘要学科英语学段高段年级5单元Unit 3教材版本PEP 课程名称Unit 3 Part B Lets learn & Story time一、学习内容分析1.教材分析 本课的教学材料选自PEP五年级上册Unit3 what would you like?主要学习食物和饮品的描述,与学生日常生活密切相关,学会询问他人最喜爱的食物以及介绍自己最喜爱的食物,并且注意合理饮食。2.学情分析学生已经学过一些常见食物和饮品,但是,相关的描述涉及还是比较少的,而且这些形容词比较抽象,因此,在教学中应适当的应用对比等方式。3.教学目标(含重难点)1

2、、知识目标: 能够听、说、读、写单词fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet。2、能力目标:能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述食物或饮品。 能够朗读并理解Story timetime。3、情感态度目标:树立正确的饮食观,保持健康的饮食习惯。教学重点: 听、说、读、写单词fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet并在语境中正确运用。教学难点:delicious和healthy的认读和拼写。四会单词意义的理解和在语境中的正确运用。二、教学环境选择简易多媒体教室 交互式电子白板 网络教室 移动学习环境三、教学过程设计教学环节活动设计信

3、息技术使用说明Step 1: Warming up Enjoy a song:What would you like to eat? Look and saySay you, say me.(pair work)Whats your favourite food ? 使用flash使用图片素材Step 2: Presentation & Practice At the Fruit gardenPresent ”sweet” T: So much delicious food. Many of them are from Zips farm. Lets go and see.CAI: T: Lo

4、ok, what are these? SS: pears. T: They are_. ( big, yellow, yummy)Ss: The pears are _sweet_.Practice : I love _. They are_.Read and spell sweet.Present “fresh”T: I love oranges. They are sweet. They are fresh, too.Read and spell fresh. Look, the pear is not good. Its not fresh.Present “healthy” T: L

5、ets eat fresh fruits. They are healthy. Theyre good for us. Read and spell healthy. At vegetables garden The vegetables are healthy, too.Practice: I love _ _. They are _. (healthy, fresh, )Present “hot” T: How about peppers? They are _.Practice: I love_. Its/ They are hot. I dont like _. Its/ They a

6、re too hot.Present “delicious” T: Someone loves hot food. Someone loves sweet food. They are all delicious. 组合de cious de Pair workA: I love_. Its /Theyre _ Whats your favourite fruit/food? B: I love_. Its/ Theyre_使用图片、音频素材Step 3: Consolidation1. Picture 1&2GuessWhat would Zoom like to eat? The vege

7、tables are_. watch and answerRead the story2. Picture3-6 Arrange the pictures watch the video and check Read the story3. Dinner at the farm is great.Vegetables: They are _Salad: It is _.Milk: It is _.T: Dinner at home is great, too.使用flashStep 4: Homework Read the words and copy them. Tell your friend what your favourite food is and why you love it.四、教学评价设计1.评价方式与工具课堂提问 书面练习 制作作品 测验 其它 2.评价量表内容(测试题、作业描述、评价表等)准确性打等级(A B C)和书写打等级()


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